Monday, July 21, 2014

Checklist for Appoint / Reappoint of Auditor


[Statutory u/s (139)/ Cost u/s (148) /  Secretarial  u/s (204)] Rule13 of the Companies 

(Audit & Auditors) Rules, 2014, There are three type

a)  Incase of new company,
b) Incase of reappointment
c) Incase of change in auditors of company.

1.     Hold the Board Meeting within 30 days of Incorporation and appoint the auditors Section 139(6)
2.     Consent of Auditors has to be obtained and declaration that they are eligible for appointment and there appointment is within the ceiling
3.     Appointment letter has to be given to the Auditors within 15 days.
4.     File Form ADT1 as annexure to Form GNL2 within 15 days of the date of appointment
5.     a.    In case Board does not appoint auditors within 30 days a GM will be called in 90 days for appointment of Auditors
b.    File MGT14 within 30 days of passing SR

c.    File ADT1 as annexure to Form GNL2 within 15 days from the date of appointment

1.     With effect from 1st Apr’14 an Auditor will be re-appointed for a period of 5 years U/s139(1) of CA, 2013 however at every AGM held within 5 years the matter will be placed for ratification by members
2.     Consent of Auditors has to be obtained and declaration that they are eligible for appointment and there appointment is within the ceiling
3.     Appointment letter has to be given to the Auditors within 15 days.

1.     The Company is informed of resignation of Auditors or their disability to act as Auditor
2.     Hold the Board Meeting to accept resignation and select new Auditors
3.     NOC has to be obtained from old auditors
4.     Consent of Auditors has to be obtained and declaration that they are eligible for appointment and there appointment is within the ceiling
5.     GM will be called within 21 clear days for appointment of Auditors
6.     Appointment letter has to be given to the Auditors within 15 days.
7.     File MGT14 within 30 days of passing SR
8.     File ADT1 as annexure to Form GNL2 within 15 days from the date of appointment

ESIC (Employee's State Insurance Corporation) Registration Procedure for Employer


Registration of a factory/establishment with the Employees' State Insurance Corporation is a statutory responsibility of the employer under Section 2-A of the Act read with Regulation 10-B. The employer, in respect of a factory/establishment to which the Act applies for the first time, is liable to furnish Declaration of Registration in Form 01 (Employers' Registration Form) to the concerned Regional / Sub Regional Office  within 15 days after the Act becomes applicable.
This is obligatory on the part of the Employer. In addition to this, the employer will have to indicate, in a separate sheet, the name and address of the factory/establishment, number of employees, nature of duty and name, designation and address of the Manager, controlling such persons in respect of any other office(s) situated outside the premises of the Factory/ Establishment.

Procedure for Registration of Factories
Step 1 :
Ascertain whether your factory / establishment is situated within the area of implementation by ESIC (Implemented area). Regional Office, Sub Regional Office, Branch Offices, and Inspectorates Office of ESIC will guide you, on this matter, if contacted.
Step 2.
It is statutory responsibility of the employer to get his factory registered under the ESI as per Section 2A of the Act, read with Regulation 10 B within 15 days of establishing or 15 days after the Act becomes applicable to the area in which the factory is situated. A declaration of registration in Form 01 (Employer’s Registration form) is to be submitted to the appropriate office (Regional Office, ESI Corporation,Chennai in your case) for the purpose.
Step 3.
The Sub Regional Office will allot a specific code number in Form C-11, after examining the aspect of coverage. This number so allotted is very specific for the employer and the same has to be used in all correspondence with ESIC. The area Branch Office to which the particular employer attached is the “Appropriate Office” for “Registration of Employees”. List of Branch Offices and Dispensaries under the Coimbatore Sub Region is furnished in a separate Booklet.
Sub Code Number
There may be a case where the employer is having the main factory / establishment at one station and sub-unit, branch office, sales office or registered office at another station, either within the State or outside the State; In all such cases, on request of the employer to the Regional Office / Sub Regional Office concerned, Sub-Code number is allotted to each sub-unit, branch office, sales office and registered office.

ESIC Registration Procedure for Employee's

For registration of employees coverable under the Scheme, the Employer shall submit Employees Declaration Form (Form 1) in respect of every individual employee separately . 

Procedure for Registering Employees
Step 1. 
The monthly wage limit for coverage would be such as prescribed by the Central Govt. vide Rule 50 of ESI (Central) Rules 1950. The existing wage ceiling is Rs.10000/- p.m. (with effect from 1.10.2006). All those persons employed for wages drawing an amount within the wage ceiling employed in clerical, manual, skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled without distinguishing casual, temporary, technical & non-technical are to be covered. In respect of each of such employees a declaration (Form 1), duly filled in & signed by the employee concerned and duly countersigned by the authorized signatory of the employer is to be forwarded to the appropriate Branch Office within 10 days of employment along with two copies of family photo.

Step 2. 
Appropriate Branch Office shall allot Insurance Numbers, which are specific in favour of the individual employee, (Male & Female employees will get separate series of Insurance Numbers) and forward to the employer, along with the Identity Card / Temporary Identity Card, Return of declaration forms etc. At the same time the office will also forward the Medical Record envelops of such Insured Persons to the respective dispensaries.

Step 3. 
Distribute the Identity cards to individual, employees under due acknowledgement. It should be ensured that each employee signs on the card in the presence of the employer before issue of the card. Educate the employee on the benefits available under the Act & how to claim the Medical Benefits and cash benefits whenever required.

Partnership Deed for CA (Chartered Accountant)


THIS INDENTURE made at PLACE on this DATE day of MONTH, in the year …….;

1. NAME OF THE PARTNER, aged about …… years, son of FATHER’S NAME, holding Certificate of Practice issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India residing at ADDRESS, hereinafter referred to as the “Party of the First Part”,
2.  NAME OF THE PARTNER, aged about …… years, son of FATHER’S NAME, holding Certificate of Practice issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India residing at ADDRESS hereinafter referred to as the “Party of the Second Part”,
THAT ALL the parties hereto being the parties of the First Part and Second Part have agreed to practice as Chartered Accountants in Partnership with each other on the terms and conditions contained herein, and the parties hereto have desired to put in writing the terms and conditions of their said partnership.
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH and it is hereby covenanted and finalised by and between the parties as follows:
1. The Partnership shall come into effect from DATE and shall be for an indefinite period unless it is determined.
2. The Partnership profession shall be carried on under the name and style of NAME OF THE FIRM presently from ADDRESS as the Head Office of the Firm and/or at any other place/s as will be decided mutually by the parties hereto and/or to open its branches at any other place or places and/or form associateship with any other Chartered Accountant/s or other firm of Chartered Accountants subject to the approval of the Council of ICAI.
3. The profession of Partnership shall be all those activities that can be carried on by a Chartered Accountant within the meaning of The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
4. The Net Profit or Loss of the Partnership profession as arrived at after adjustment of salary, bonus, commission and interest to the partners, shall be divided between the parties as follows:
5. The partners shall be entitled to increase or reduce the above profit sharing ratio and may agree to pay remuneration to the partner or partners.  The parties hereto may also agree to revise the mode of calculating the remuneration and decide to pay salary and grant the benefit of house rent allowance, medical expenses, accident and/or Life Insurance Policy Premium, Provident fund, gratuity, bonus, commission and/or other benefits to the above and/or the other partner or partners either on monthly or yearly basis as they may mutually agree upon.
6. The partners shall be entitled to modify the above terms relating to remuneration, interest etc., payable to the partners by executing a supplementary deed, and any such deed when executed shall have effect, unless otherwise provided, from the first day of the accounting period in which such supplementary deed is executed and the same shall form part of this deed of partnership.
7. The accounting year of the Partnership shall be the year ending on the last day of March every year. The Final Accounts as will be drawn up at the close of the year shall be countersigned by all the parties hereto as a token of acceptance.
8. Bank Account or Accounts shall be opened in the name of the Partnership Firm. All account/s shall be operated upon by either of the parties. All moneys or negotiable instruments received from and on behalf and/or on account of the Partnership profession shall be paid/deposited into such banking account or accounts in the name of the Partnership Firm.
9. Proper books of accounts shall be maintained by the Parties hereto in which all the transactions relating to the partnership business shall be entered into and recorded and such books together with all documents, letters, vouchers of and belonging to the partnership shall be kept at the place of business of the partnership or at such other place or places as the parties hereto may from time to time mutually decide in writing. Each partner shall have full and free right and liberty to inspect such books of accounts, documents, letters, vouchers and of making extracts or copies therefrom. 
10. The partners may contribute capital as and when considered necessary and expedient for the purpose of carrying on the business/profession and the same shall carry interest at 12% (Twelve Percent) per annum or such other rate as may mutually be agreed upon by the parties hereto from time to time. The partners hereto shall be entitled to draw out in advance, against their drawing accounts of such sums from time to time as may be mutually agreed upon and on taking account for the year, the excess, if any, drawn by any partner over his share of the profits shall be refunded to the firm within a period of three months or be treated as loan to him which shall carry interest at 12% (Twelve Percent) per annum or any other rate mutually agreed upon.

11. That all the parties hereof shall be the working partners and take active part in the day-to-day conduct of the business of the firm. 
12. Party of the First Part shall be entitled to a salary of Rs. ……/- per month and the party of the Second Part shall be entitled to a salary of Rs. ……/- per month. The parties hereof shall also be entitled to bonus and commission at a rate as will be mutually determined and fixed by the parties hereof at the close of the year. Besides, the parties hereof will be entitled also to draw interest on capital at a percentage not exceeding 12% per annum. That in no case the aggregate salary, bonus and commission per year shall exceed the limit as fixed by the Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended from time to time. That the quantum of salary can be increased or reduced to a sum as will mutually be decided by the parties hereof. Any drawings by the parties hereof as salary, bonus or commission in excess of the permissible limit as fixed by the Income Tax Act, 1961, from time to time, such amount/s shall be refunded to and/adjusted in the accounts at the close of the year and will be debited to their respective capital account/s as will be mutually be agreed by the partners, the parties hereof.
14. IF ANY partner is desirous of retiring from the said Partnership he shall be entitled to do so by giving Three months’ notice in writing to the other Partners of his intention to retire and on expiration of one month from the date of such notice, he shall cease to be a partner and his interest in the Partnership shall cease on and from that date. Immediately on receipt of the aforesaid notice his accounts including Goodwill shall be drawn upon and settled forthwith.
15. The retiring partner will handover the property of the Partnership under his possession and/or any other books/documents etc. belonging to the Partnership or any of its clients to the remaining Partners upon due receipt forthwith and the Partnership Firm shall also issue to the retiring Partner a “no claim receipt” to this effect. On retirement, a retiring Partner shall not in any way interfere with the business of the Partnership.
16. The death, insolvency or lunacy of any partner shall automatically dissolve the Partnership.
17. Each partner shall be entitled to draw against his share of profit the amount agreed to between the partners.
18. The parties hereto may admit a new partner or partners only with the consent of all the existing partners in writing and on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon subject to the approval of the Council of ICAI.
19. No partner or the Partnership firm shall be liable and/or responsible for the personal debt and/or liabilities of any other partner or partners.
20. Each Partner shall :
20.1 Punctually pay his personal and separate debts and indemnify the other partners and the assets of the partnership against the same and pay all expenses on account thereof;
20.2 Forthwith pay all moneys, cheques, negotiable instruments received by him on account of the Partnership into the Partnership Bank Account or Accounts;
20.3 Be just and faithful to others and at all times give to each other full information and truthful explanations of all transactions relating to the Partnership business;
20.4 At all times give to the others a just and faithful account of the same and also upon every reasonable request furnish a full and correct explanation thereof;
20.5 Afford every assistance and co-operation in his power and to use his best skill and endeavour in the conduct, promotion and execution of the Partnership profession for their mutual advantage and benefit; and,
20.6 No partner shall divulge any information of the partnership or of its clients to any outsiders.
21. In respect of matters not specifically provided herein, the Partnership shall be governed by the provisions of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. 
22. No partner shall, without the previous consent of all the existing Partners in writing, become a partner of any other firm of Chartered Accountants and/or any other firm and/or person or persons carrying on a similar and/or competitive business/profession.
23. Any dispute or difference arising between the parties hereto in relation to the affairs of the Partnership Firm or in regard to construction of any clause hereof in relation to the rights, duties and obligations of the parties hereto shall be referred to the arbitration to an arbitrator who shall enter upon the reference and decide the matter and award given by such arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties hereto subject to the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996.
24. It is hereby declared that all the partners are fully engaged in the practice of profession of Chartered Accountancy and engaged in no other occupation/salaried employment.
IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF the parties to the above presents have hereunto set and subscribed their respective signatures and seals on the day, month and year first hereinabove written.

within named Party of the First Part

Sign …………………………………                          PHOTO

within named Party of the Second Part

Sign …………………………………                                 PHOTO

In the presence of: (WITNESS)



How to Register New Company in India ~ Important Steps

Do you want to start an Indian Company?
Apply for the name of the company to be registered by filing Form INC-1 for the same. After that depending upon the proposed company type file required incorporation forms listed below.
Form INC-7 or Form INC-2 : Form INC-7 for Application for incorporation of a company (Other than OPC) or Form INC-2 for Application for Incorporation of OPC.
Form INC-22 : Notice of situation or change of situation of registered office based on the option chosen in Form INC-7.
Form INC-22 is to be filed within 30 days from the date of Incorporation of OPC (If the registered address is different from the address given in Form INC-22) or other than OPC (if not filed earlier).
Form DIR-12: Particulars of appointment of directors and the key managerial personnel and the changes among them. This form is to be filed by OPC in case promoter is not the sole director or there are more than one director in an OPC.

Do you want to register a Part I Company?
In order to register Part I Company, applicant is required to file Form INC-1 for name availability. After approval of the same, applicant is required to file Form No. URC-1 along with filing e forms INC-7, INC-22 and DIR-12 or e-forms INC-7 and DIR-12 as the case may be

Do you want to register a Section 8 Company?
To register a section 8 company, applicant is required to file Form INC-1 for name availability. Once the name is approved/made available, there is a further requirement of obtaining a license for a Section 8 Company, for which Form RD-1 is to be filed in order to obtain a license for such company. After obtaining license number, applicant can proceed further to incorporate a company by filing e forms INC-7, INC-22 and DIR-12 or e-forms INC-7 and DIR-12 as the case may be.

Do you want to start a Foreign Company?
Any foreign company can establish its place of business in India by filling Form FC-1 (Documents delivered for registration by a foreign company). The e Form has to be digitally signed by authorized representative of the foreign company.
There is no need to apply and obtain DIN for Directors of a foreign company but the DSC of the authorized representative is mandatory, which again is not required to be registered on MCA Application.

Statutory Compliance To Do Chart for Financial Year 2014-15

Compliance of Statutory work is most important job in every organisation,  every month some specific statutory work must be done on or before due date.
Statutory compliance such as - file pay service tax and file service tax return, Tds payment- quarter return, Payment of advance tax, complete tax audit report and upload it , file income tax return of company etc.
ere is important statutory compliance to do chart 

April25thFile Service Tax Return for October, 2013 to March, 2014
30thPay Tax Deducted in March, 2014
May5thPay Service Tax for April, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in April, 2014
15thFile TDS Return for Quarter January to March, 2014
30th"Issue Form 16A for Tax Deducted in the Quarter
January to March, 2014(other than Salary)"
31stIssue Form 16 for Tax Deducted for the year 2013-14(Salary)
June5thPay Service Tax for May, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in May, 2014
15thPay Advance Income Tax for F.Y. 2014-15, if applicable.
July5thPay Service Tax for June, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in June, 2014
15thFile TDS Return for Quarter April to June, 2014
30th"Issue Form 16A for Tax Deducted in the Quarter
April to June, 2014(other than Salary)"
31stFile Income Tax Return for Individuals for F.Y. 2013-14
August5thPay Service Tax for July, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in July, 2014
September5thPay Service Tax for August, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in August, 2014
15thPay Advance Income Tax for F.Y. 2014-15, if applicable.
30thComplete Tax Audit Report and make sure its uploaded in site
30thFile Income Tax Returns for Company for F.Y. 2013-14
October5thPay Service Tax for September, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in September, 2014
15thFile TDS Return for Quarter July to September, 2014
25thFile Service Tax Return for April, 2014 to September, 2014
30th"Issue Form 16A for Tax Deducted in the Quarter
July to September, 2014(other than Salary)"
31st"File all the returns are filed with
Registrar of Companies for F.Y. 2013-14"
November5thPay Service Tax for October, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in October, 2014
December5thPay Service Tax for November, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in November, 2014
15thPay Advance Income Tax for F.Y. 2014-15, if applicable.
January5thPay Service Tax for December, 2014
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in December, 2014
15thFile TDS Return for Quarter October to December, 2014
30th"Issue Form 16A for Tax Deducted in the Quarter
October to December, 2014(other than Salary)"
February5thPay Service Tax for January, 2015
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in January, 2015
March5thPay Service Tax for February, 2015
7thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in February, 2015
15thPay Advance Income Tax for F.Y. 2014-15, if applicable.
31stPay Service Tax for March, 2015
April30thPay TDS for Tax Deducted in March, 2015

Important Financial Dates chart for the year 2014-15

Compliance of Statutory activities is most important part of every organization. To do such activities remembering financial dates is also tough job for every accountant. 

Here is important  financial dates chart for year 2014-15
S. No.Particular NameParticular Occurance Date
1Form 15G/15H submission7-Apr-14
2ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Apr-14
3ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Apr-14
4MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Apr-14
5Professional Tax Payment10-Apr-14
6ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Apr-14
7PF Payment15-Apr-14
8Excise Dealer Return15-Apr-14
9Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Apr-14
10EDLIS Payment15-Apr-14
11EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Apr-14
12EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Apr-14
13ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Apr-14
14ESIC Payment21-Apr-14
15Service Tax Return25-Apr-14
16PF Return25-Apr-14
17TDS Payment30-Apr-14
18ER-5 Information relating to Principal Inputs Statement30-Apr-14
19ER-7 Annual Installed Capacity Statement30-Apr-14
20MP VAT/CST/ET Return30-Apr-14
21Professional Tax Return30-Apr-14
22Member's Annual Contribution Card30-Apr-14
23Consolidated Annual Contribution Statement30-Apr-14
24Contribution Card for members for the year (EDLIS)30-Apr-14
25Consolidated Annual Contribution Statement (EDLIS)30-Apr-14
26Excise Payment06-May-14
27Service Tax Payment06-May-14
28TDS Payment07-May-14
29ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-May-14
30ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-May-14
31MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-May-14
32Professional Tax Payment10-May-14
33ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-May-14
34ESIC Return11-May-14
35TDS Return15-May-14
36PF Payment15-May-14
37Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-May-14
38EDLIS Payment15-May-14
39EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-May-14
40EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-May-14
41Excise Payment (SSI)16-May-14
42ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-May-14
43ESIC Payment21-May-14
44PF Return25-May-14
45Excise Payment06-Jun-14
46Service Tax Payment06-Jun-14
47TDS Payment07-Jun-14
48ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Jun-14
49ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Jun-14
50MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Jun-14
51Professional Tax Payment10-Jun-14
52ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Jun-14
53Advance Tax15-Jun-14
54PF Payment15-Jun-14
55Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Jun-14
56EDLIS Payment15-Jun-14
57EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Jun-14
58EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Jun-14
59Excise Payment (SSI)16-Jun-14
60ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Jun-14
61ESIC Payment21-Jun-14
52PF Return25-Jun-14
63Return of non-deduction of TDS by a banking company from interest on time deposit between January to March30-Jun-14
64Excise Payment06-Jul-14
65Service Tax Payment06-Jul-14
66TDS Payment07-Jul-14
67ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Jul-14
68ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Jul-14
69MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Jul-14
70Professional Tax Payment10-Jul-14
71ER-2 Excise Return10-Jul-14
72TDS Return15-Jul-14
73PF Payment15-Jul-14
74Excise Dealer Return15-Jul-14
75Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Jul-14
76EDLIS Payment15-Jul-14
77EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Jul-14
78EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Jul-14
79Excise Payment (SSI)16-Jul-14
80ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Jul-14
81ESIC Payment21-Jul-14
82PF Return25-Jul-14
83MP VAT/CST/ET Return30-Jul-14
84Professional Tax Return30-Jul-14
85Quarterly Results31-Jul-2014
86Income tax/ Wealth tax Return31-Jul-14
87Belated Payment of TDS31-Jul-14
88Return of non-deduction of TDS by a banking company from interest on time deposit between April to June31-Jul-14
89Excise Payment06-Aug-14
90Service Tax Payment06-Aug-14
91TDS Payment07-Aug-14
92ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Aug-14
93ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Aug-14
94MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Aug-14
95Professional Tax Payment10-Aug-14
96ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Aug-14
97PF Payment15-Aug-14
98Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Aug-14
99EDLIS Payment15-Aug-14
100EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Aug-14
101EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Aug-14
102Excise Payment (SSI)16-Aug-14
103ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Aug-14
104ESIC Payment21-Aug-14
105PF Return25-Aug-14
106Excise Payment06-Sep-14
107Service Tax Payment06-Sep-14
108TDS Payment07-Sep-14
109ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Sep-14
110ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Sep-14
111MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Sep-14
112Professional Tax Payment10-Sep-14
113ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Sep-14
114Advance Tax15-Sep-14
115PF Payment15-Sep-14
116Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Sep-14
117EDLIS Payment15-Sep-14
118EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Sep-14
119EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Sep-14
120Excise Payment (SSI)16-Sep-14
121ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Sep-14
122ESIC Payment21-Sep-14
123PF Return25-Sep-14
124Income tax/ Wealth tax Return30-Sep-14
125Belated Payment of TDS30-Sep-14
126Excise Payment06-Oct-14
127Service Tax Payment06-Oct-14
128TDS Payment07-Oct-14
129ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Oct-14
130ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Oct-14
131MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Oct-14
132Professional Tax Payment10-Oct-14
133ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Oct-14
134TDS Return15-Oct-14
135PF Payment15-Oct-14
136Excise Dealer Return15-Oct-14
137Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Oct-14
138EDLIS Payment15-Oct-14
139EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Oct-14
140EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Oct-14
141Excise Payment (SSI)16-Oct-14
142ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Oct-14
143ESIC Payment21-Oct-14
144Service Tax Return25-Oct-14
145PF Return25-Oct-14
146MP VAT/CST/ET Return30-Oct-14
147Professional Tax Return30-Oct-14
148Quarterly Results31-Oct-2014
149Return of non-deduction of TDS by a banking company from interest on time deposit between July to September31-Oct-14
150Excise Payment06-Nov-14
151Service Tax Payment06-Nov-14
152TDS Payment07-Nov-14
153ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Nov-14
154ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Nov-14
155MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Nov-14
156Professional Tax Payment10-Nov-14
157ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Nov-14
158ESIC Return11-Nov-14
159PF Payment15-Nov-14
160Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Nov-14
161EDLIS Payment15-Nov-14
162EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Nov-14
163EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Nov-14
164Excise Payment (SSI)16-Nov-14
165ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Nov-14
166ESIC Payment21-Nov-14
167PF Return25-Nov-14
168ER-4 Annual Financial Information (A F I)30-Nov-14
169Income tax/ Wealth tax Return30-Nov-14
170Audit Report u/s 92E30-Nov-14
171Belated Payment of TDS30-Nov-14
172Excise Payment06-Dec-14
173Service Tax Payment06-Dec-14
174TDS Payment07-Dec-14
175ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Dec-14
176ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Dec-14
177MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Dec-14
178Professional Tax Payment10-Dec-14
179ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Dec-14
180Advance Tax15-Dec-14
181PF Payment15-Dec-14
182Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Dec-14
183EDLIS Payment15-Dec-14
184EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Dec-14
185EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Dec-14
186Excise Payment (SSI)16-Dec-14
187ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Dec-14
188ESIC Payment21-Dec-14
189PF Return25-Dec-14
190Excise Payment06-Jan-15
191Service Tax Payment06-Jan-15
192TDS Payment07-Jan-15
193ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Jan-15
194ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Jan-15
195MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Jan-15
196Professional Tax Payment10-Jan-15
197ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Jan-15
198TDS Return15-Jan-15
199PF Payment15-Jan-15
200Excise Dealer Return15-Jan-15
201Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Jan-15
202EDLIS Payment15-Jan-15
203EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Jan-15
204EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Jan-15
205Excise Payment (SSI)16-Jan-15
206ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Jan-15
207ESIC Payment21-Jan-15
208PF Return25-Jan-15
209MP VAT/CST/ET Return30-Jan-15
210Professional Tax Return30-Jan-15
211Quarterly Results31-Jan-2015
212Return of non-deduction of TDS by a banking company from interest on time deposit between October to December31-Jan-15
213ESIC Annual Information Statement31-Jan-15
214Excise Payment06-Feb-15
215Service Tax Payment06-Feb-15
216TDS Payment07-Feb-15
217ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Feb-15
218ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Feb-15
219MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Feb-15
220Professional Tax Payment10-Feb-15
221ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Feb-15
222PF Payment15-Feb-15
223Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Feb-15
224EDLIS Payment15-Feb-15
225EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Feb-15
226EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Feb-15
227Excise Payment (SSI)16-Feb-15
228ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Feb-15
229ESIC Payment21-Feb-15
230PF Return25-Feb-15
231Excise Payment06-Mar-15
232Service Tax Payment06-Mar-15
233TDS Payment07-Mar-15
234ER-1 Excise Return (Non SSI)10-Mar-15
235ER-6 Monthly Input and Output10-Mar-15
236MP VAT/CST/ET Payment10-Mar-15
237Professional Tax Payment10-Mar-15
238ER-2 Excise Return (EOUs)10-Mar-15
239Advance Tax15-Mar-15
240PF Payment15-Mar-15
241Return of Employees Qualifying for Membership to EPF for the first time15-Mar-15
242EDLIS Payment15-Mar-15
243EDLIS Return of Members Joining during the Month15-Mar-15
244EDLIS Return of Members Leaving during the Month15-Mar-15
245Excise Payment (SSI)16-Mar-15
246ER-3 Excise Return (SSI)20-Mar-15
247ESIC Payment21-Mar-15
248PF Return25-Mar-15
249Excise Payment31-Mar-15
250Service Tax Payment31-Mar-15
251Filing of Belated Return (AY 2014-15)31-Mar-15
252Last Opportunity to file Belated Return (AY 2013-14)31-Mar-15
253Advance Tax31-Mar-15