Friday, January 18, 2013

Bill wise Details for export-import clients

If you are engaged in the business of imports-exports then you have to record purchase-sales in a foreign currency other like USD $ other then the base currency.
But before you start recording your forex transaction, be care full and enter the base currency while creating a suppliers/ customer’s  ledger account as INR rupee or your local currency and Don’t set your base currency a foreign currency.This is necessary to get the bill wise details for your exports-imports transactions.
In tally.erp 9 if we maintain suppliers/customers account in foreign currency then it is not possible to manage bill wise details for sundry creditors/sundry debtors. I have raised the query with tally solutions and they suggested me to maintain suppliers/customer account in base currency and then to enter sales/purchase in a foreign currency. in that case we will also be able to view forex transaction as well as INR amount along with bill wise details.
Trust that the information will help users a lot.

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