Thursday, January 17, 2013


How to break password for Tally ?

Some want to know how to unlock the passward of tally 4.5 , tally 5.4 , tally 6.3 , tally 7.2 , tally 8.1 and now tally 9 . Because of there are two reason for not giving you profect solution of this problem

1st Reason

Because of increasing the numbers of hackers , If we tells full detail of how to unlock the passward of any company account from tally , it will surely dangerous for company point of view . Because any unauthorised person can misuse this education for the purpose his personal benefit.

2nd Reason

It is not written on any face that he is speaking truth that he is really lost his passward of tally . He can lie to any expert in tally software and can commit any fraud .

But with seeing above reason we should not give this type of education , but it is also true that

If 1% out of 100% can speak truth and he can really in trouble , so it is our duty to help that 1% needy and leave all other happening of 99 % liers

So let us start for getting the education of breaking password for tally

1st point of Education

Always keep your tally passward in any file so that for you never need to get that type of education

2nd point of Education

Direct request sends to the company from where you have purchased the license of tally

3rd Point of Education

  • Breaking the passward of tally 4.5

Tally 4.5, Account Security Breaker

Date of release : Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Type : Patch software download from
Security : To break password of any account for Tally 4.5
Developer : Ankit
Website :

Instructions to break password :

1-> Open Tally 4.5 program
2-> Locate the Account in Select Company Menu
3-> Note the Account Number (located after the Company name
in the list), Say it is "004".
4-> Exit from Tally.
5-> Open the patch program ("PatchAccount.exe").
6-> Enter the path of file having name COMPANY.004 (inside Data directory of Tally) in
"Target File" text field. (Here 004 is the number of company) You can also use Browse button on the right side of "Target File" text field.
7-> Make sure that "Make a backup is selected", because the backed-up copy can be used (in case) the Account is damaged.
8-> Click on "Start".
9-> Open Tally and select that company And it's DONE. :)

  • Breaking the password of Tally 5.4, Tally 6.3, Tally 7.2, Tally 8.1, and Tally 9

HDRC Presents Crack It ( Tally 5.4, Tally 6.3, Tally 7.2, Tally 8.1, and Tally 9Password Recovery Software) used to recover the password from Tally version 5.4 to latest versions of Tally 9. In most business process data and information are used to store in computer hard drive using the software like 'Tally'. In Tally Data are stored in encrypted form using password or authenticated form. Sometime forgetting password or keys may arise some inconvenience in business development. HDRC launch its 'Crack It' software to recover the password of Tally version of all. You can and use it. Full version is also available to us. Online help will be provided from HDRC directly.

Download trial version from ( tally password recovery software )

Product home page: 

In last it will be costly for getting your password so always remember your password . This is the best treatment of breaking your password not only tally software but any software in this world .

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