Sunday, January 20, 2013

Creating stock Category II

Displaying a Stock Category

You can display a Stock category in Single and Multiple mode.

Displaying a Single Stock Category

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Stock Categories > Display (under Single Stock Category)
Select the Category for which you want to view the display details from the List of Categories.
The Stock Category Display screen shows the details entered in Stock Category Master.
stock categery4
Buttons specific to stock Category Display mode:
ButtonsShort Cut KeysDescription & Use
G: GroupCTRL+GAllows you to Display a Stock Group.
I: ItemCTRL+IAllows you to Display a Stock Item.
U: UnitsCTRL+UAllows you to Display a Unit of Measure.
O: GodownCTRL+OAllows you to Display a Godown.
V: Vch TypesCTRL+VAllows you to Display a Voucher Types
Note: Godown buttons are visible only if you have opted for the same in F11: Features.

Displaying Multiple Stock Categories

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Stock Categories > Display (under Multiple Stock Categories)
Select the Stock Category from the List of Categories.
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If you select All Items from the List of Groups, all the categories and sub categories are displayed.
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If you select Monitor from the List of Categories, all the sub categories related to Monitor will be displayed.
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Buttons specific to stock group Display mode:
ButtonsShort Cut KeysDescription & Use
F4: ParentCTRL+F4Allows you to Display a Stock Group.
G: GroupsCTRL+GAllows you to Display a Stock Item.
I: ItemsCTRL+IAllows you to Display a Unit of Measure.
O: GodownCTRL+OAllows you to Display a Godown.
Note: Buttons are visible only if you have opted for the same in F11: Features.

Altering a Stock Category

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Stock Categories > Alter (under Single Stock Category)
Select the Stock Category from the List of Categories.
The Stock Category Alteration screen is displayed as shown.
stk ctgy8
Make the necessary changes and click Yes to accept or press CTRL+A to Save.
Deletion is possible only in the alteration mode,. For deleting the Stock Category, Press ALT+D.
You cannot delete a stock Category, if it is used by any sub Category or stock items. In order to delete the Stock Category, first delete the relevant sub Category and Stock items.
Buttons specific to stock group Alter mode:
ButtonsShort Cut KeysDescription & Use
G: GroupsCTRL+GAllows you to Alter a Stock Group.
I: ItemsCTRL+IAllows you to Alter a Stock Item.
U: UnitsCTRL+UAllows you to Alter a Unit of Measure.
O: GodownCTRL+OAllows you to Alter a Godown.
V: Vch TypesCTRL+VAllows you to Alter a Voucher Types
Note: Godown buttons are visible only if you have opted for the same in F11: Features.

Altering Multiple Stock Categories

Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Stock Categories > Alter (under Multiple Stock Categories)
Select the Stock Category from the List of Stock Categories. The Multi Stock Group Alteration screen is displayed as shown.
stk ctgy9
Make the necessary changes and click Yes to accept or Press CTRL+A to save.
Note: You cannot delete a Stock Category in multiple mode.
Buttons specific to Multi stock Category Alter mode:
ButtonsShort Cut KeysDescription & Use
F4:ParentF4Allows you select Stock Category from Under Category Field for changing the parent of sub Category.
F4: ParentCTRL+F4Allows you to select parent [Stock Category] from List of Category. You can able to alter the sub Category of selected Stock Category.
F6: Skip NamesF6Cursor will not go to Column Name of Stock Category. If you want to alter only the details of Under Column then you can skip names.
F7: Skip ParentF7Cursor will not go to column Under. If you do not want to alter parent then you can skip parent.
G: GroupsCTRL+GAllows you to Alter a selected stock Group in Multi-stock Group screen.
I: ItemsCTRL+IAllows you to Alter a selected Item in Multi Stock Item screen.
O: GodownCTRL+OAllows you to Alter a selected Godown in Multi Godown screen.
Note: Godown buttons are visible only if you have opted for the same in F11: Features.

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