Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Effect of group behaves like sub ledger under advance group creation

Advance group creation discussed earlier and now we want to know what is the effect of advance options in reports and data entry? Here we will understand the impact of Group behaves like a Sub ledger in tally. It’s as simple but many of us have not noticed its effect. It’s nothing big important but useful in viewing a report.
To understand this we can Alter ‘sundry debtors’ group
Go to Account Info>>Group>>Alter
Select Sundry Debtors
Type Yes to Group behaves like a Sub ledger

What is the effect enabling, Disabling Group behaves like a Sub-Ledger

Assume that you have set this option  ’NO ‘.and viewing a report in detailed mode, for Example Trail balance you will see all the sub ledger details just under  it .To view  trail balance in detailed mode
Display>>Trail balance
Now Press Alt+F1 or click on Detailed button on top of right button panel
Now you are in detailed report of Trail balance.
Below image will give you a clear idea of what will happen if you set NO to Groups behaves like a sub ledger
Group behave like sub ledger set to no
If it is set Yes You will see summery of Group only you cannot see any sub ledger details, see below image
groups behave like subledger yes
Hope the tutorial gives you a clear idea about the impact of this option.

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