Sunday, January 13, 2013

PDF Shortcuts

F1                                                                            Use to give the help of any windows panel
F3                                                                            Use to Find next search result
F5                                                                            Apply to select the document list panel
F6                                                                            Use to open/close the document list panel
F8                                                                            use to view/close main tools bar list
F9                                                                            use to view/close main menu bar
F10                                                                          Use to select the main menu bar 
Ctrl+F4                                                                    Use to close the current file
Ctrl+F6                                                                    Move through next open document 
Ctrl+Shift+F6                                                          Move back to open document
Shift+F3                                                                   Use to Find previous search result
Shift+F6                                                                   Select the previous open page
Shift+F8                                                                   Use to select main tools bar list
Shift+F10                                                                 Press keys to open context menu
Up Arrow Button                                                     Scroll up the active document                          
Down Arrow button                                                Scroll down the active document
Ctrl+Hyphen                                                            Use to Zoom out the active page
Ctrl+equal sign (=)                                                 Use to Zoom in the active page
Alt+Right Arrow button                                           Use to Next view
Alt+Left Arrow button                                              Use to previous view
Right Arrow button                                                  Move to next page in active document
Left Arrow button                                                     Move to back page in active document
Page Up                                                                   Move to the previous screen
Page Down                                                              Move to the next screen
Ctrl+Shift+W                                                             Apply to close all open windows
Ctrl+Spacebar+click on active page                    Zoom the active page for temporarily
Ctrl+Home                                                                Go to home page of document
Ctrl+End                                                                    Go to last page of document
Ctrl+A                                                                         Use to select the all pages
Ctrl+Shift+A                                                               Use to deselect the all pages
Enter                                                                           Scroll down the pages
Ctrl+0                                                                          Use to adjust the document
Ctrl+1                                                                          Use to view actual document size
Ctrl+Q                                                                         Quit the active document
Ctrl+L                                                                          To view the document in full view
Ctrl+Shift++                                                                Move the page clockwise
Ctrl+Shift+-                                                                 Move the page counter clockwise
Ctrl + Shift + V                                                            Read this page only          
Ctrl + Shift + B                                                           Read to end of document.

Ctrl + Shift + C                                                          Pause or Resume reading.

Ctrl + Shift + E                                                          Stop reading.        

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