Thursday, January 10, 2013

Process of Recording of Voucher in Multicurrency in tally 9

Recording of all foreign transaction in tally 9 is very easy but for recording you must apply extra procedure , so that you can easily pass the voucher entry in multicurrency.
I am giving the whole process of recording in muticurrency step by step. You have to use these steps for recording.
First step 

Open tally 9
2nd step

Click feature butten F11 which is in right side below coner.
3rd step

Go to the multicurrency and write it yes and then accept feature F11
4th step

After this you will see multicurrency new button in Account info
Click multicurrency by
Gateway of tally >> account info . >> multicurrency
5th step

Here create different currency by giving symbol and original name of currency it may dollar , pound and others . and accept it one by one.
6th step 

After it fix the rate of exchange
you have to go rate of exchange button and fix the date and rate
if dollar is Rs. 49.55 then it write and accept it
7th step

Now you are ready to pass any voucher entry of receipt or payment inmulticurrency , for doing this you must also create other party name ledger and bank ledger of respected party .
8th step

Now click voucher enteries
If you have to the payment to an usa person
Then first write account as bank in payment voucher
After this tally ask party name write the party of creditor
then write the payment suppose if you have to pay $ 400 write it after this tally 9 automatically change it in indian amount then write name and date of issue of cheque in narration and accept it.
Now this is end of procedure , I hope you will learn this procedure very deeply.
Also See

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