Monday, January 14, 2013

Steps for closing the accounts of old firm at the time of amalgamation of firms

When two firm amalgamate with each other , at this time we treat following accounting in the books of old firms so that all doubt solves .

Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities
All entries same as at the time of admission and retirement 

Transferring reserve to old partners capital account into their old ratio

treatment of Goodwill
We evaluate the goodwill according to the condition of agreement and then goodwill will open with agreed value int the books

Treatment of Assets and liabilities not taken by new firm
If assets and liabilities are not taken by new firm , then these item will transfer to the capital accounts of partners of old firm and we close these accounts

A -Treatment of assets and liabilities taken by new firm (In the books of old partners)

a) For closing the account of assets
New Firms Account Debit
Assets Account Credit ( at revalued value)
b) For closing the accounts of liabilities
Liabilities Account Debit
New Firm Account Credit

Closing the accounts of partners capital
Partner's capital account Debit
New Firms Account Credit

B - In the books of new firm

Assets Account Debit
Liabilities Account Credit
Partner's capital Account Credit

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