Thursday, January 17, 2013




  • ·         Member grouping
  • ·         Member Info
  • ·         Members..Family Members info

  • ·         Credit Limit against each category of the members A/c

  • ·         Liquor Item Master
  • ·         Liquor Selling Location Master (Counter)
  • ·         Liquor Purchase (Stores)
  • ·         Liquor Issue to Counters on Periodic Basis
  • ·         BOT Generation - Validation applies for Credit Limit, if enough credit is not available in A/c , it prompts
  • ·         Billing
  • ·         Stock Management

  • ·         Kitchen Master
  • ·         Purchase of Provisions
  • ·         Purchase of other items to kitchen Consumables
  • ·         KOT Generation - Validation applies for Credit Limit, if enough credit is not available in A/c , it prompts
  • ·         Billing
  • ·         Kitchen Consumption report based on the period Daily/Weekly/Monthly
  • ·         Costing method for each Item prepared in Kitchen-Norms can be defined against each item consumption of Provisions and other consumables
  • ·         Single Bill for BOT/KOT can be generated on check out
  • ·         Incase of Kitchen is managed by third Party (Contractor) when a bill is generated in their company , it gets posted in Club Company as Dr Member and Cr to Contractors A/c as payable
  • ·         1
  • ·         Room  Master
  • ·         Rate Defined against each Room Type
  • ·         Reservation Calendar
  • ·         Room Available Status Chart
  • ·         Check In Details
  • ·         Check Out Details and Billing (Direct or to Member A/c)
  • ·         On Check out Direct Receipt to Guest
  • ·         On Check out , Bill to member and Receipt to Member A/c

  • ·         Cards Section

  •  Table Master
  •  Cards Stock Details
  •  Kitty Collection Details against each Table
  •  Issue of new cards based on certain amount accrued in Kitty A/c
  •  Used Cards Sales

  • ·         Sports Activities
    • §  Tennis
    • §  Swimming Pool
    • §  Billiards
    • §  Other Receipts at Counter

  • ·         Covering Charges
    • §  Based on the By-Law of the Club, It can be defined in various methods like
      • ·         Minimum Charges fixed on Monthly Basis
        • o   If a Member does not do business with Club to the extent of fixed amount , than his/her account is debited with certain amount on monthly basis
        • o   If Few Clubs, it is mandatory that fixed charges are charged to member account on monthly basis weather he/she does business or not,
        • ·         Minimum Charges fixed on Annual Charges
          • o   In few Clubs it is calculated on annual basis and if the business done with club is less than the prescribed, balance amount would charged to member A/c

  • ·         REPORTS
    • §  Member Information
    • §  Filtration to view category wise
    • §  Member Account Statements
    • §  Auto Email of Statements on periodic basis (With ref to each group or all members
    • §  Auto Email Facility of all bills when generated (Optional)
    • §  Member Charges Details
    • §  Above 6 Months Due List
    • §  Generation of Statements and Print of the same
    • §  Notice 1st, 2nd , 3rd
  • ·         Incase of more reports are required based on specific need can be considered , With reference to the above scope of flow
  • ·         KOT/BOT/ Bill Formats will be configured as the club requires

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