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Wednesday, January 9, 2013



Tally is the most popular financial accounting software in India and abroad. Tally Tutorial is all about Installation of tally on your computer, voucher entries, ledger creation, reports and troubleshooting of Tally. Because of it ease of use, simplicity, user friendly and reliability it has gained fame among the Chartered accountants, Auditors and other financial Institutions. Tally Tutor is your one stop companion for Tally software.

Version Histories.

The Initial Release of Tally was Tally 4.5 version. This is DOS (MS-DOS) based software released in the begining of 1990's. It had Basic Financial Accounting / Book Keeping Tools. Personal computers had gaining popularity in India those days. Peutronics ( The company that develops Tally) used this opportunity and put their Tally Version 4.5 on the market. Auditors and Accountants who used to maintain large volumes of hard-bound notebooks were amazed at the ability of Tally to calculate Balance sheets andProfit Loss accounts within seconds. All you need to do is just create Ledgers and enter vouchers. Tally will do the rest. It will create all the statements, Trial Balance and Balance Sheet For you.

The subsequent Tally releases are Tally 5.4, Tally 6.3, Tally 7.2, Tally 8.1 and Tally 9.0. These release Include support for Inventory used to stock maintenance of the company, Payroll which used to employee salary calculation and wages payments and Multi Lingual support in Many Indian languages Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarathi, Marathi and more.

Almost every company small business to big enterprise use Tally for their accounting purpose. They want employees Trained in Computer usage and Tally. Traditional Book keeping methods have been completely replaced in India. Some small companies use customized software like invoicing software Integrated with Accounting.

I have developed such a software using Microsoft .net platform. The software has Modules for Customer, Supplier, Products and Transaction Modules for Purchase Order, Purchase, Sales, Sales Return, invoicing & Billing. The bills get automatically posted to Accounting Module where you can generate statements and reports.

Ok. Come to Tally. I will give you all the help to Learn Tally Online. These Tutorials will cover from basic to Advanced Modules of Tally. Lessons are given in simple and easy to understand language.

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