Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Educational Institutions (School, College etc)

Educational Institutions (School, College etc):
Bus Management 
• Bus Master
• Stop Master
• Bus Charge Auto Calculation based on Km. and Stop
• Bus Stop wise Students report
• Bus Expense Allocation
• Tax, Insurance, etc, reminder dash board
• Students bus charge billing
• Students bus charge outstanding report
• Bus millage report
• Bus profit report
• Students Contact report bus wise (stop wise)
Library Management
• Book master (Book Title only)
• Book issue and return entry screen
• Delay fine Calculation based on days with Slab rate
• Delay fine entry
• Last issued book and total fine updated in students master
• Student Library book due and fine report
• Fine Collection receipt
Tally Integrated SMS
• Students General SMS
• Students Mark List SMS
• Students Fees Due SMS
• Students Frees receipt SMS
• General Single SMS
• 1,00,000 No. SMS credit
• Sender ID registration (8 character)
Students / Fee Management
• Students Master
• Fee Collection
• Fee Due
• Outstanding
• Fine
• Promotion
• MIS Reports
Store Management
• Books
• Lab Equipments
• Advances
• Dues
• Outstanding

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