Monday, March 11, 2013



Paint Shop Pro has several painting tools: the Paint Brush, the Clone Brush, the Color Replacer, the Retouch tool, the Eraser, the Picture Tube, the Airbrush, and the Flood Fill tool. You use these tools to apply, change, or remove colors in your image. The following tool settings are available:
Painting Tool Settings
ShapeDetermines the shape of the tip of thebrush. The following shapes are available: square, round, left slash, right slash, horizontal, and vertical.
SizeDetermines the width and height of the brush in pixels.
OpacityDetermines transparency of the paint. A setting of 1 makes the paint almost completely transparent. A setting of100 makes the paint opaque.
DensityThe concentration of the paint when the brush hits the canvas. A density of100 produces a high concentration of paint. A density of 1 produces speckles of paint.
HardnessControls the sharpness of the brush's edge. A setting of 100 produces a very sharp edge. A setting of 1 produces an extremely blurred edge.
StepControls when paint hits the canvas as you drag the brush across the canvas.
Paper TextureWith Paint Shop Pro, you can paint using a variety of paper textures. Use paper texture to change the look or motif of the color you apply.
Built-up BrushIf selected, more paint is applied each time you apply the brush to the canvas. If not selected, a single coat is applied and subsequent swipes of the brush have no effect.
AlignedWhen using the Clone Brush, causes each succeeding click of the mouse to paint an additional portion of the original image.
Non-AlignedWhen using the Clone Brush, causes each succeeding click of the mouse to repeat the area of the image captured when the source was selected.
Match ModeWhen using a Blend mode, determines the basis on which pixels will be covered: RGB Value, Hue, Brightness, or None. Selecting Nonecauses all values to be covered.
ToleranceSpecifies how close a match must be. A tolerance of zero requires an exact match. A tolerance of 200 provides the maximum leeway in determining whether there is a match.
ScaleWhen using a Picture Tube, increases or decreases the size of the image from 10% to 250% of the size of the original image.
Placement ModeWhen using a Picture Tube, determines if the space between each image is randomly set (Random) or if it is a constant amount (Continuous).
Pattern FillUsed to flood-fill an image with a pattern. A pattern can be any image or selected part of an image. Can be applied only to 24-bit and grayscale images.
Gradient FillUsed to flood-fill an image with blends of color. Can be applied only to 24-bit and grayscale images.

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