Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Banking Configuration,PrintingConfiguration

Banking Configuration

This allows you to configure the BRS Report and alter the Reconciled Vouchers.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configuration Menu > Banking Configuration

Show all Unreconciled Transactions Till Date:

If this option is set to Yes, Tally.ERP 9 will display all the Unreconciled Transactions till the given date, irrespective of the From date set in the Bank Reconciliation Statement.
Note: This option is also available in the Configuration of Bank Reconciliation Statement.
Remove Bank Date on Altering Reconciled Vouchers:
By default, this option will be set to No. Set this option to Yes to remove the Bank Date (Reconciled Date) of a reconciled voucher on changing the Bank Ledger/Amount or Bank Transaction Amount.  Following message will be displayed before removing the Bank Date:


The printing option allows you to configure the printing parameters of a Voucher, Invoice and Statement layouts before final printing.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Printing

General Printing Configurations

The General Printing Configuration will help you to setup the print screens for various reports and transactions.
This Configuration is applicable to all the reports that are printed from Tally.ERP 9.
In Printing General Configuration, by default the following configurations are available

Print Date & Time of Report

Setting this option to YES, Tally.ERP 9 prints system date and time on Report printout. After enabling this option, (on all pages of report) sub-option gets displayed. This sub-option is used to decide whether to print system date and time in all pages or in first page only.

Print Date & Time of Voucher Printing

Setting this option to YES, Tally.ERP 9 prints system date and time on Voucher printing. After enabling this option, (on all pages of voucher) sub-option gets displayed. This sub-option is used to decide whether to print system date and time in all pages or in first page only.

Print State and PIN Code with Address

Setting this option to YES, Tally.ERP 9 prints state and pin code with address of company in Reports and vouchers printing.
Note: This option also effect in invoice Entry. During Invoice Entry, Party’s state and pincode is captured in supplementary details below the address line.

Stop printing Vertical Lines/Borders

Setting this option to YES, Tally.ERP 9 will not print the vertical lines for reports and voucher printing. This enables faster printing in dot matrix printers.

Standard Space on Top of pages (Inches):

This option is used to set Top margin for reports and voucher printing.

By default, this field is set to 0.5 inch. However, you can change it as per your requirement.

Settings for 'Quick Format'

Tally.ERP 9 prints in two formats – Neat and Quick. Neat printing takes advantage of fonts of the printer and is the default. It also compresses long data like long names and amounts and auto-fits them according to space.
Quick printing is suitable for Dot Matrix printers where speed is an issue. Hence, quick printing does not print fancy fonts. The auto-fit facility is, thus, not possible in quick printing.
Therefore, it will truncate data longer than the allotted space. To prevent this, Tally.ERP 9 provides two options:

Split Long Names into Multiple Lines

This option enables to split long names into multiple lines during printing.

Split Long amts/numbers into Multiple Lines

This option enables to split long amounts or numbers into multiple lines during printing.

Print Party Name and Address from left margin in invoice

This option enables you to print the Party Name and Address from left margin in invoice during printing

Purchase Transactions

The Purchase printing option allows you to configure the printing of Purchase Invoice, Purchase Orders and Receipt Note.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Printing > Purchase Transactions

Purchase Voucher / Invoice

This allows you to configure purchase invoices for printing, the Print Configuration settings shown below is applicable to purchase voucher type only.

Title of Document

By default, Title of Purchase Invoice will be displayed as INVOICE. However, you can change the Title as per your requirement.
Note: You can also set the Title for Optional Purchase Invoices.

Sub Title (if any)

By default, sub-title of purchase invoice is set as blank. However, you can set the sub title as per your requirement.

Voucher/ Invoice Print Page Setup

Page setup contains Height, width, Top margin and left margin. By default, Height is set as 10 inch, width is set as 7.50 inch, Top margin is set as 0.25 inch and Left margin is set as 0.50 inch.

Number of copies

By Default, number of copies is set as 1. However you can increase the number of copies as per your requirement.


By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints a purchase invoice in the Invoice format. However you can print the Purchase Invoice in two other formats: Simple format and Voucher format.

Print Cost Allocation in Voucher format

By default, this option is set to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints cost allocation details in purchase voucher format printing.

Print Voucher reference

By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the purchase voucher reference number in the purchase document.

Print Order Details

By default, this option is set to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the purchase order number and date in the purchase document.
Note: In purchase voucher, format printing, order details will not be printed.

Print Company’s Tax Regn. Numbers

By default, this option is set to Yes.  Tally.ERP 9 prints the company’s Tax registration number as mentioned in statutory features.

Print Supplier’s Tax Regn. Numbers

By default, this option is set to Yes.  Tally.ERP 9 prints the Supplier's Tax registration number as mentioned in the supplier’s Ledger master.

Print Supplier’s CST Regn. Numbers

By default, this option is set to Yes.  Tally.ERP 9 prints the Supplier's CST registration number as mentioned in the supplier’s Ledger master.

Print Complete Mailing details

By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the complete mailing details of the Supplier, namely, Contact Person, Telephone number, Fax and E-Mail which are provided in the supplier's ledger master.
Note: This option appears only if Accept Supplementary Details and Allow Separate Buyer and Consignee Names options are set No in Purchase Invoice Configuration.

Print Serial No.

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the serial number for each item in Purchase Invoice printing.

Print Part No.

By default, this option is set to No. Set this option to Yes, to print the Part Numbers of the Stock Item.

Print Quantity Column

By default, this option is set to Yes.  Tally.ERP 9 prints the  Item Billed quantity in the purchase document.

Print Alternate Quantity

By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the Alternate quantity in the purchase document.
Print as separate  Column: This is a sub-option of Print Alternate Quantity. This option is by default, set to NO. Enabling this option prints the alternate quantity in a separate column.

Print Actual Quantity Column

By default, this option is set to No. Tally.ERP 9 prints the  Item Shipped (Actual) quantity in the purchase Invoice when printed in the simple format.

Print Rate Column

By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the  Item Rate in purchase printing.

Print Batch Details

By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints Item Batch details including Batch number, manufacturing date and expiry date.

Print Rate of Duty with items

By default, this option is set to No. Tally.ERP 9 prints the Item Rate of duty in the purchase invoice format.

Print Sub-Totals for each line

By default, this option is set to No. Tally.ERP 9 prints lines for each sub-total in purchase invoice/simple format printing.

Print Narration

By default, this option is set to No. Tally.ERP 9 prints Narration details in the Remarks field in purchase Invoice / Simple format printing.

Print Narration for each entry

By default, this option is set to No. Tally.ERP 9 prints the Narration for each entry in purchase voucher format printing.

Print Base Currency Symbol for Total

By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the base currency symbol for the total in the purchase voucher/invoice.

Method to use stock item name

This list of options displays the different printing methods for displaying Stock Item Name in purchase Invoice/Simple printing.


By default, jurisdiction is set as blank. You can set the jurisdiction as per your requirement.  In the Invoice format, it prints in the bottom portion. In the simple format, it prints in the Top portion.
Note: Depending upon the Company Features, options get added in the Purchase Printing configuration. For instance, if you enable VAT option in F11 Statutory Features, Print VAT Analysis of Items, Print Vat% Column option gets added in Purchase Printing Configuration.

Receipt Note

This allows you to configure Receipt Note for printing, you can configure the dimensions and details of Receipt Notes.
This configuration is applicable to Receipt Note voucher type.
Note: The options of the above Receipt Note Printing Configuration are displaying the default settings.

Title of Document

By default, Title of Receipt Note will be displayed as Receipt Note. However, you can change the Title as per your requirement.
Note: You can also set the Title for Optional Receipt Note.

Sub Title (if any)

By default, sub-title of purchase invoice is set as blank. However, you can set the sub title as per your requirement.

Voucher/ Invoice Print Page Setup

Page setup contains Height, width, Top margin and left margin. By default, Height is set as 10 inch, width is set as 7.50 inch, Top margin is set as 0.25 inch and Left margin is set as 0.50 inch.
Some of the configurations have already been explained in the Purchase Voucher configuration.

Purchase Order

This allows you to configure Purchase Order for printing, you can configure the dimensions and details of Purchase Order.
This Print Configuration is applicable to Purchase Order voucher type.
Some of the printing configurations have already been explained under purchase printing Configuration

Print Company Logo

This option will be set to Yes in case it was already enabled in F11: Accounting Features.
Set this option to No if you do not want the Company Logo to be printed on the Purchase Order.
Note: The field Location of Logo is also displayed in Creation/Alteration mode of Purchase Order by pressing F12 Configure in the Voucher Printing screen. The logo path can be changed temporarily based on your requirement.

Print Terms of Payment and Delivery

By default, Tally.ERP prints the Terms of Payment and Delivery entered in the Supplementary details under Purchase Order Entry. If you set this to No, in supplementary details, Terms of Payment and Delivery will not appear in Purchase order Printing.

Print details of Despatch

By default, Tally.ERP prints Details of Despatch which includes Despatch through and Destination in purchase order printing. If you set this to No, in supplementary details, Despatch details option will not appear in Purchase order printing.

Print Delivery Date / Batch Details

By default, this option is set to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP prints Order due on Date and Item batch Details in purchase order printing.

Payment Voucher

This allows you to configure the dimensions and details of payment voucher, you can set the size, top margin of voucher, leave space on voucher for signature / verification purpose and decide the amount of information you wish to print.
This configuration is applicable to Payment voucher type.

Voucher Print Page Setup

Voucher Print Page setup contains HeightwidthTop margin and left margin. By default, Height is set as 7 inch, width is set as 5 inch, Top margin is set as 0.25 inch and Left margin is set as 0.75 inch.

Payment Mode on Top of Voucher

By default, this option is set to NO.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the  Cash / Bank Ledger name at the top of the Voucher.

Print Bill-wise Details

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints bill-wise details during payment voucher printing.
Print Bill Due Date also
This is a sub-option under the option Print Bill-wise Details. By default, this is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the bill due date along with bill-wise details in the payment voucher.

Print Inventory Details

By default, this option is set  to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the inventory item details during payment voucher printing.

Print Bank Transaction Details

By default, this option is set  to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the transaction type, instrument number and date in the payment voucher printing.

Print Cost Centre Details

By default, this option is set  to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the cost centre details in the payment voucher printing.

Space for Checked/Verified initials

By default, this option is set to NO.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints Checked  and  Verified  by at the bottom of the payment voucher.

Print Narration

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the narration during payment voucher printing..

Print Narration for each entry

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the narration for each entry during payment voucher printing.

Print Amount in Foreign Currency

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the Base Currency Symbol as prefix to the total amount in the payment voucher.

Print Base Currency Symbol for Total

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the Base Currency Symbol as prefix to the total amount in the payment voucher.

Sales Transactions

The Sales printing option allows you to configure the printing of Sales Invoice, POS Invoice, Delivery Note, Sales Order and Quotation.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Printing >Sales Transactions

Sales Invoice

This allows you to configure Sales Invoice for printing, you can configure the dimensions and details of Sales Invoice.
This configuration is applicable to Sales voucher type.
Some of the printing configurations have already explained under purchase printing Configuration.

Print Company Logo

This option will be set to Yes in case it was already enabled in F11: Accounting Features.
Set this option to No if you do not want the Company Logo to be printed in the Sales Invoice.
Note: The field Location of Logo is also displayed in Creation/Alteration mode of Sales Invoice by pressing F12 Configure in the Voucher Printing screen. The logo path can be changed temporarily based on your requirement.

Print Tax Analysis of Items

By default, this option is set to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints Tax analysis in the Invoice.
Print Buyer’s CST Regn. Number
By default, this option is set to Yes.  Tally.ERP 9 prints the Buyer CST registration number as mentioned in the buyer's Ledger master.

Print Declaration

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the declaration for Sales Invoice. You can set the declaration in the Sales voucher type.

Print Serial No.

By default, Tally prints the serial number for each item in Sales Invoice printing.
Print Part No.
By default, this option is set to No. Set this option to Yes, to print the Part Numbers of the Stock Item.
Note: Depending on the Company Features, options get added in Purchase Printing configuration. For instance, if you enable VAT option in F11: Statutory Features, then the option Print VAT Analysis of ItemsPrint VAT% Column gets added in Purchase Printing Configuration.

POS Invoice

This allows you to configure POS Invoice for printing, Title of the Document can be changed, you can print the Serial No., Batch Details, Card / Cheque No., Tax analysis of items, Narration and Default Name & Address of Party.
This configuration is applicable to Sales voucher type having the POS option enabled.

Title of Document

By default, Title of POS Invoice will be displayed as BILL. The default print title may also be set in the sales voucher type used for POS Invoice.

Method to use for stock item name

This list of options displays the different printing methods for displaying Stock Item Name in Sales Invoice.

Print Item Name in One Line

By default, Tally.ERP9 prints the stock item name in one line. If Set to Yes, long stock item name is splitted into multiple lines.

Print Serial No.

By default, Tally prints the serial number for each item in POS printing.

Print Part No.

By default, This option is set to No.
If set to Yes - Tally.ERP 9 prints the part number based on the Print method selected in the option Method to use for stock item name.

Print Rate Column

By default, this option is set to Yes.  Tally.ERP 9 prints the  Item Rate in POS printing.

Print Additional Description(s) for Item Name

By default, this option is set to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints additional description for each item in the POS bill.
Print Batch Details
By default, this option is set to Yes.  Tally.ERP 9 prints the Batch Name in POS printing.
Print Mfg Details
This option is a sub option of Batch Details. By default, this option is set to Yes.  Tally.ERP 9 prints the Manufacturing Date in POS printing.
Print Expiry Details
This option is a sub option of Batch Details. By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the Expiry Date in POS printing.

Print Card / Cheque No.

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the last four digits of  the Card number in the POS Bill.
Print whole Card number
This option is a sub option of Print Card / Cheque No. By default, this option is set to No.
If it is Set to Yes, Tally.ERP 9 prints the whole card number.

Print Tax Analysis of Items

By default, this option is set to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the tax analysis of the items separately.
Print Narration  
By default, this option is set to No.
If set to Yes, Tally.ERP 9 prints Narration.

Print Default Name & Address of Party  

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints Party’s Name and Address (if selected in POS Entry) in the POS Bill.  

Print Base Currency Symbol for Total

By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the base currency symbol for the total in the POS Invoice.

Print User Name

By default, this option is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the User name in the POS Invoice.
Set this option to No, if you do not want the User Name to be printed.

Delivery Note

This allows you to configure Delivery Note for printing, you can configure the dimensions and details of Delivery Notes.
This configuration is applicable to Delivery Note voucher type.
Some of the configurations have already explained in the Purchase Voucher configuration.
Note: The field Location of Logo is also displayed in Creation/Alteration mode of Delivery Note by pressing F12 Configure in the Voucher Printing screen. The logo path can be changed temporarily based on your requirement.

Sales Order/Quotation

This allows you to configure Sales Order for printing, you can configure the dimensions and details of Sales Order.
This Print Configuration is applicable to Sales Order voucher type.
The above configuration is similar to the purchase Order printing configuration.
Note: The field Location of Logo is also displayed in Creation/Alteration mode of Sales Order by pressing F12 Configure in the Voucher Printing screen. The logo path can be changed temporarily based on your requirement.

Receipt Voucher

This allows you to configure the dimensions and details of receipt voucher, you can set the size, top margin of voucher, leave space on voucher for signature / verification purpose and decide the amount of information you wish to print.
This configuration is applicable to Receipt voucher type.

Print Company Logo

This option will be set to Yes in case it was already enabled in F11: Accounting Features.
Set this option to No if you do not want the Company Logo to be printed on the Receipt Voucher.
Note: The field Location of Logo is also displayed in Creation/Alteration mode of Receipt Voucher by pressing F12 Configure in the Voucher Printing screen. The logo path can be changed temporarily based on your requirement.
The remaining options of Receipt printing configuration are similar to payment voucher printing Configuration.
You can also set the Formal Receipt Printing Configuration in the above configuration setup.


This allows you to configure the dimensions and details of journal voucher, you can set the size, top margin of voucher, leave space on voucher for signature / verification purpose and decide the amount of information you wish to print.
This configuration is applicable to Journal and Contra voucher type.
Journal / Contra Printing Configuration has already been explained in the Payment Voucher Printing Configuration.

Debit/Credit Note

This allows you to configure the dimensions and details of Debit / Credit Note, you can set the size, top margin of voucher, leave space on voucher for signature / verification purpose, you can print the full ledger details like inventory details, bill-wise details, cost centre details and narrations.
This configuration is applicable to Debit / Credit note voucher type.
Debit / Credit Note printing configuration has already been explained in the Payment Voucher printing Configuration.

Print Company Logo

This option will be set to Yes in case it was already enabled in F11: Accounting Features.
Set this option to No if you do not want the Company Logo to be printed in the Debit/Credit Note.

Print full Ledger Details

By default, this option is set  to No.
If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 print Ledger Details and along with Inventory detailsNarrationsBill-wise details and Cost centre details of Ledgers once respective sub option is set to Yes.

Reminder Letters

The Reminder Letters feature in Tally.ERP 9 is used to send the outstanding Aging report to a customer in the form of Letter. You can also configure the letter in the Reminder Letter Configuration settings.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12 Configuration > Printing > Reminder Letters

Print Company Logo

This option will be set to Yes in case it was already enabled in F11: Accounting Features.
Set this option to No if you do not want the Company Logo to be printed in the Reminder Letter.
Note: The field Location of Logo is also displayed in Printing Ledger Outstanding screen while opting to print Reminder Letters. The logo path can be changed temporarily based on your requirement.
Space to leave at the top (default 0.5 inch) and Space to leave on the left (default 0.5 inch) : by default these fields are set to 0.5 inch. However, you can change it as per your requirement.
Information in First Paragraph and Information in Second Paragraph: The information provided in these two fields can be edited as per your requirement.

Printing Reminder Letters

Reminder letters in Tally.ERP 9 can be configured to modify the text of the letter according to the preference of the user. The title of the subject, the first and the second paragraph of the letter and the sign-off style can be changed. This is one of the time saving utility of utilities available in Tally.ERP 9.
It is to be noted, that for this purpose, you have to activate the printing voucher configuration using the F12:Configuration in the Gateway of Tally screen.
Select Reminder Letters option from the Printing menu.
To print Reminder Letters, follow the steps given below,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts > Outstandings > Ledger or Group
  • Select the required party Account and press Enter
  • Press Alt+P from the Ledger Oustandings screen
  • Set Print Reminder Letter to Yes
  • Press Enter and In the company Ageing alteration screen specify the Ageing period
  • Press Enter to accept the screen.
A sample of the printed reminder letter is displayed as shown.

Mass Mailing

Mass mailing feature allows the user to email a single report to multiple E-Mail IDs i.e., the user can send e-mails to more than one email id from a single screen, while retaining the existing email configurations.
For instance, using this feature you can send individual payslip to each employee or mail Outstanding Statements, Reminder letters and Confirmation of Accounts to the respective party or customers.
Mass mailing is provided for the following report
  • Outstanding Statements
  • Reminder Letters
  • Confirmation of Accounts
  • Pay Slips
Note: It is essential to set up the E-Mail Configuration before sending mass mailers.

Mass Mailing Outstanding Statements

For mass mailing Outstanding Statement to Parties, follows the steps given below:
Go to Multi Account Printing > Outstanding Statements > Ledger > Group of Accounts >  Select a Group
  1. Press Alt + M
  2. Select All Ledgers in To Email Address
Note :
1. The Email of Outstanding Statement, will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.
2. To specify / view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > Email Id > Press F5 : All Items

Mass Mailing Reminder Letters

For mass mailing Reminder Letters to Parties, follows the steps given below:
Go to Multi Account Printing > Outstanding Statements > Ledger > Group of Accounts >  Select a Group
  1. Press Alt + M
  2. Select All Ledgers in To Email Address
  3. Enable the option Email Reminder Letter to Yes
Note :
1. The Email of Reminder Letters, will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.  
2. To specify / view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > Email Id > Press F5 : All Items

Mass Mailing Confirmation of Accounts

For mass mailing Confirmation of Accounts to Parties, follows the steps given below:
Go to Multi account printing > Accounts Books > Ledger > Group of Accounts > Select Group
  1. Press Alt + M
  2. Select All Ledgers in To Email Address
  3. Select Confirmation of A/cs as Style of Reports
Note :
1. The Email of Confirmation of Accounts, will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.  
2. To specify / view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > Email Id > Press F5 : All Items

To set-up the E-Mail facility from Tally.ERP 9 refer the topic E-Mail Configuration

Mass Mailing Pay Slips

For more details on mass mailing pay slips please refer the topic - Mass Mailing Pay Slips

Confirmation Statements

Confirmation Statements is used to send confirmation of account balance to customers, suppliers, lenders and borrowers.
You can configure the Confirmation Statement as per your requirement.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12 Configuration > Printing > Confirmation Statements

Print Company Logo

This option will be set to Yes in case it was already enabled in F11: Accounting Features.
Set this option to No if you do not want the Company Logo to be printed in the Confirmation of Accounts.
Note: The field Location of Logo is also displayed in Printing Ledger screen while opting to print Confirmation of A/cs. The logo path can be changed temporarily based on your requirement.
Space to leave on top (default 0.5 inch): By default this field is set to 0.5 inch. However, you can change it as per your requirement.
Titling for ‘Subject’ in Letter: The default text is Confirmation of Accounts. You have the option of changing it as per your requirement.
Information in First Paragraph and Information in Second Paragraph: The information provided in these two fields can be edited as per your requirement.
Sign-off used for the Letter: The default text can be changed in this field also.

Printing Confirmation Statements

Confirmation Statements is used to send confirmation of account balance to customers, suppliers, lenders and borrowers.
You can configure the Confirmation Statement as per your requirement.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12 Configuration > Printing > Confirmation Statements
Space to leave on top (default 0.5 inch): By default this field is set to 0.5 inch. However, you can change it as per your requirement.
Titling for ‘Subject’ in Letter: The default text is Confirmation of Accounts. You have the option of changing it as per your requirement.
Information in First Paragraph and Information in Second Paragraph: The information provided in these two fields can be edited as per your requirement.
Sign-off used for the Letter: The default text can be changed in this field also.
To print Confirmation Statements, follow the steps given below,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Account Book > Ledger or Group
  • Select the required party Account and press Enter.
  • Press Alt+P from the Ledger Vouchers screen.
  • Press Backspace and select Confirmation of A/cs as the Style of Report.
  • Enter the other details.
A sample of the printed Confirmation statement is displayed as shown :

Mass Mailing

Mass mailing feature allows the user to email a single report to multiple E-Mail IDs i.e., the user can send e-mails to more than one email id from a single screen, while retaining the existing email configurations.
For instance, using this feature you can send individual payslip to each employee or mail Outstanding Statements, Reminder letters and Confirmation of Accounts to the respective party or customers.
Mass mailing is provided for the following report
  • Outstanding Statements
  • Reminder Letters
  • Confirmation of Accounts
  • Pay Slips
Note: It is essential to set up the E-Mail Configuration before sending mass mailers.

Mass Mailing Outstanding Statements

For mass mailing Outstanding Statement to Parties, follows the steps given below:
Go to Multi Account Printing > Outstanding Statements > Ledger > Group of Accounts >  Select a Group
  1. Press Alt + M
  2. Select All Ledgers in To Email Address
Note :
1. The Email of Outstanding Statement, will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.
2. To specify / view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > Email Id > Press F5 : All Items

Mass Mailing Reminder Letters

For mass mailing Reminder Letters to Parties, follows the steps given below:
Go to Multi Account Printing > Outstanding Statements > Ledger > Group of Accounts >  Select a Group
  1. Press Alt + M
  2. Select All Ledgers in To Email Address
  3. Enable the option Email Reminder Letter to Yes
Note :
1. The Email of Reminder Letters, will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.  
2. To specify / view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > Email Id > Press F5 : All Items

Mass Mailing Confirmation of Accounts

For mass mailing Confirmation of Accounts to Parties, follows the steps given below:
Go to Multi account printing > Accounts Books > Ledger > Group of Accounts > Select Group
  1. Press Alt + M
  2. Select All Ledgers in To Email Address
  3. Select Confirmation of A/cs as Style of Reports
Note :
1. The Email of Confirmation of Accounts, will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.  
2. To specify / view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you can go to exceptional Report > Email Id > Press F5 : All Items

E-Mail Configuration

A one time configuration allows the user to set-up the E-Mail facility from Tally.ERP 9.  While configuring the E-Mail you have the option to select some of the commonly used E-Mail service provider. Based on the E-Mail service selected some of the fields are pre-filled with Server Address, Port Number and Authentication details. Thus making it easy and simple to configure. In case you are using any other service provider to send and receive email from Tally.ERP 9, the respective details need to provided while configuring the email facility.
On successfully configuring the email, you can send Legders, Payslips, Outstanding Statements, Confirmation of Accounts and reminder letters to the respective individuals, parties or customers without using an external email application.
To setup the E-Mail configuration follow the steps shown:
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > F12Configure > E-Mailing
The Configuration screen appears as shown:
  1. Select the required E-Mail Server from the list of Common Mail Server displayed.
In case you are not using any of the email services listed, you can select User Defined and provide the other details as required.
  1. On selecting the required Common Mail Server the server address and port number are prefilled in Server Address field.
  2. Based on the E-Mail Server selected Use SSL is set to Yes. This option is used to correspond over a secured network or send mails using secured mail servers. E-Mail Service providers such as Gmail,Hotmail and Yahoo Mail use a secured network/servers to communicate.
Email Service providers user port 465 to communicate over a secured network
  1. Based on the E-Mail Server selected Use SSL on Standard Port is enabled . Some of the service providers use the default port (port 25) to communicate over a secured network.
  2. In the E-Mail Server enter the name of your SMTP server followed by the port number (E.g., smtp.gmail.com:465 or smtp.yahoo.com:455). (Contact the service provider or network administrator for further details).
  3. By default the From field displays the name of the company that was entered during Company Creation and stored in the company masters.
  4. The From E-mail Address field displays the e-mail address entered while creating the company. Enter your email address, if you have not done so or if you want to change the email id. This will not be updated to the company master or retained for future use.
  5. In case the mail server requires authentication, enter the user name and password in Authentication User Name and Password fields respectively. (Please contact the System Administrator for further details)
  6. By default, Use SSL is set to No. Set this option to Yes to correspond over a secured network or send mails using secured mail servers. E,g., gmail and yahoo use secured servers for communication. (For further details contact the System Administrator)  
  7. Select the required format from the list of Formats displayed. The attachment in the selected format is mailed to the recipient. The format available and their respective parameters are listed below, click on the corresponding link to know more about each format.
  8. ASCII (Comma Delimited)
  1. Excel (Spreadsheet)
  • To format the contents of the file select Yes in Excel (Spreadsheet) formatting.
  • Set With Colour to Yes in order to retain the background colour in the exported file.
  • To accept the default Output Sheet Name press Enter or provide the sheet name of your choice.
  1. HTML (Web publishing)
  • Select the required resolution from the list of Resolutions displayed. You may opt for higher resolution in order to get quality output. This option will appear when the user has selected HTML (Web Publishing) format only.
  1. JPEG (Image)
  • Select the required page size from the list of Paper Sizes displayed.
  • The Page WidthHeight (in mms) is pre-filled for the standard paper sizes. The user needs to enter the paper dimensions in millimeters on selecting the User Defined from the list of Paper Sizesdsiplayed.
  • Select the required page orientation from the list of Page Orientations displayed
  1. PDF (Portable Data Format)
  2. Select the required page size from the list of Paper Sizes displayed.
  3. The Page WidthHeight (in mms) is pre-filled for the standard paper sizes. The user needs to enter the paper dimensions in millimeters on selecting the User Defined from the list of Paper Sizesdsiplayed.
  4. Select the required page orientation from the list of Page Orientations displayed
  5. XML (Data Interchange)
The completed E-Mail Configuration screen appears as shown:
Tally.ERP 9 is configured to send emails. You can now email the listed reports without using any third party applications.

E-Mailing Multi Pay Slips

Tally.ERP 9 also provides the option to print or email the Pay Slips for all the Employees on click of a button.
To print or email Multi Pay Slips,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports > Statements of Payroll > Pay Slip
  • Select Multi Pay Slip and press Enter
  • Select the required Employee Category and Employee Group
  • Press Enter
The Multi Pay Slip screen displays the Employee NamesAccount No.Bank Name & BranchAmount and E-Mail ID for the Employees.
The user can press Enter on the Employee Names to view the Single Pay Slip for the selected Employee.

Button options in the Multi Pay Slip screen

F2: Period

Click on F2: Period or press F2 to change the selected Period.

F5: Employee Wise

Click on F5: Employee Wise or press F5 to view the report without the details of the Payroll Category and Employee Groups.


Ctrl+F7: Employee Filter

Click on Ctrl+ F7: Employee Filter or press Ctrl+F7 to view the report for the selected Payroll Category and Employee Groups.

F12: Configure

Click on F12: Configure or press F12 to change default view for the Multi Pay Slip report.
  • Remove Zero Entries: Set this option to Yes to remove the Employees with Zero pay value from the Multi Pay Slip.
  • Include Employee Groups & Categories: Set this option to Yes to display rows showing Category and Groups. Set this to No to list only employee information.
  • Show Category/Group Total: Set this option to Yes to display Category and Group wise Totals.
  • Show Grand Total: Set this option to Yes to display Grand total at the bottom of the report.
  • Show Employee Number: Set this option to Yes to display employee number along with the Name.
  • Show Employee Bank Details: Set this option to Yes to display the Name of Bank and Branch for each Employee.
  • Appearance of Name: The appropriate appearance of names can be selected from the Display Name Style list.
  • Sorting Method: The appropriate sorting method can be selected from the list.

Printing Multiple Pay Slips

To print the Pay Slips for all Employees,
  • Click on P: Print or press Alt+P from the above report
  • Set the above options as required and press Enter to print the Pay Slips for all Employees.
For more information on the Print Configuration options, refer to printing Single Pay Slips.

E-Mail Multiple Pay Slips

To E-Mail Pay Slips for all the Employees at one go,
  • Click on M: E-Mail or press Alt+M from the Multi Pay Slip report
  • Set the above options as required and press Enter to E-Mail the Pay Slips for all Employees.
For the details on the E-Mail options and Configuration options refer Single Pay Slip report.

Payment Advice Configuration

Payment Advice slip is sent along with the payment voucher containing the payment details and requesting an acknowledgement for the remittance made.
You can configure the Payment Advice as per your requirement.
Go to Gateway of Tally > F12 Configuration > Printing > Payment Advice Configuration
Payment Advice Salute: The information provided in this field can be edited as per your requirement.
Payment Advice Acknowledgement: The default text can be changed in this field also.

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