Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Common Function Keys Across the Folders in Recruitment & Test Paper Management

F1: Detailed

By default, the List of Candidates of any selected folder of a published job is displayed only in condensed mode. The user may view the candidate list in detail, such as their Key Skills, Highest Qualification, Current & Expected Salary, Contact details, etc.
To view in detail
From the List of Candidates of any selected folder of any published Job
  • Click F1: Detailed or press Alt + F1
The detailed List of Candidates screen appears as shown:
Note: This button toggles between Condensed/Detailed.

N: Add Single

In addition to the applications received from the candidates for the required job, the business may receive applications from job seeking candidates who had walked in or a friend/business associate would have referred a friend or a known person.
To Add a New Candidate from other media or walk in candidates:
  • Click N: Add Single or press Alt + N
The Add Candidate from Other Media screen appears as shown:
  • Enter the required candidates details as shown:
  • Accept to save the candidate details.
The new candidate gets added to the appropriate folder.
Note: The New Candidates added from Applied folder is added to Applied folder.
The New Candidates added from ConsideredTest Scheduled and Test Completed folders is added to Considered folder.
The New Candidates added from Rejected folder is added to Rejected folder.
The New Candidates added from User defined folders will be added to the respective folders.

Ctrl+X: Add Multiple

In addition to the applications received from the candidates for the required job, the business may receive applications from job seeking candidates who had walked in or a friend/business associate would have referred a friend or a known person.
To Add Multiple Candidates from other media,
  • Click X: Add Multiple or press Ctrl + X
The Add New Candidates screen will appear as shown:
  • Enter the basic details of the candidates as shown:
  • Accept to save the candidates' details.

M: Move Candidate

To move a selected candidate to a different folder
  • Select the required candidate.
  • Click M: Move Candidate or press Alt + M.
  • Move Response screen appears
Note: The folder options listed in the Parent Folder will vary depending on the folder from where the Move to is executed.
  • In Move to folder field select the required folder from the Parent Folder list.
  • Enter the comments, if any, in the Comments field.
  • The completed Move Response screen appears as shown:
  • Press Enter to Accept.
The selected candidate gets moved to the appropriate folder.

Ctrl + R: Reject

To reject a required candidate from the selected folder:
  • Select the required candidate.
  • Click Ctrl+R: Reject or press Ctrl + R.
  • The selected candidate gets moved instantly to the Rejected folder.

T: Assign New Test

To assign a test to the selected candidate follow the steps shown:
From the relevant folder list, select the required candidate:
  • Click T: Assign New Test or press Alt + T
The Assign New Test screen appears as shown
  • You can choose your own topics, by selecting Select Topic. Where you can also select the Difficulty Level.
  • Or you can select the required test paper from the Test paper list displayed.
The completed screen appears as shown:
  • Accept to save the test paper and topics for the respective candidate.
Note: the unique Test ID assigned as it has to be provided before taking the test.
On successfully creating the test paper, a unique test id is assigned for each test created and the message appears as shown:
Note: The candidates profile is moved to the Test Scheduled folder with Last Test Status set to Assigned.

C: Add Comments

This button allows the employer to add comments to the required candidates at any state of recruitment.
To add comments:
From the List of Candidates of a selected folder
  • Select the required candidate
  • Click C: Add Comments or press Alt + C
The Add Comments screen appears as shown:
  • Enter the required comments in the Comments field.
The completed Add Comments screen appears as shown:
  • Accept to save the comment.

V: View All Activities

This button allows the employer to view all the activities of a selected candidate right from the application process to test completion.
To view all the activities:
From the List of Candidates of a selected folder
  • Select the required candidate.
  • Click V: View All Activities or press Alt + V.
The List of Activities screen appears displaying all the activities along with date and time in an order as shown:
  • Click F1: Detailed or press Alt + F1 to view in details. The detailed report displays the comments entered at each level/activity, if any.
    Test paper management enables you to device a test on the selected topic. The test created needs to be assigned to the candidate who is scheduled to take the test. Based on the test topic selected the question paper is drawn which has to be answered by the candidate from the web.
    To manage test papers follow the steps shown:
    In the Control Centre screen
    • Select J: Jobs & Recruitments or press Alt + J.
    • Select T: Test Paper Management or press Alt + T.
    The Test Papers screen appears as shown:
    • Click C: Create or press Alt + C
    The Test Paper Creation screen appears as shown:
    • Enter the required name of the test paper that you want to create in the Name field.
    • In Select topic field select the required topic from the Test paper topics displayed, as shown:
    • Press Enter to select the topic.
    • Similarly, select other required topics from Test paper topics and press Enter.
    • Select End of List to end selection.
    • In Difficulty Level field, you can set the difficulty of the test paper as EasyMedium or Difficult.
    • If you want to assign the same test paper for more than one candidate, set Yes to Same Test Paper field.
    • Press Y to Accept Yes or No.
    The Test Papers screen after creating a test paper appears as shown:
    Similarly, create test papers based on the requirement.

    F1: Detailed

    To view the test paper in detail
    From the Test Papers screen:
    • Press click F1: Detailed or press Alt+ F1
    The Test Papers detailed view appears as shown:
    Note: This button toggles between Detailed/Condensed.

    C: Create

    To create a test paper.
    From the Test Papers screen:
    • Click C: Create or press Alt + C.
    • The test paper creation screen appears
    • Select the required topic from Test Paper Topics

    D: Delete

    To delete a test paper.
    From the Test Papers screen:
    • Select the Test Paper which required to be deleted.
    • Click D: Delete or press Alt + D.

    Shift + Enter: Quick view of Test Paper Details

    For a quick view of a Test Paper’s details, press Shift + Enter. Following information appears:
    • Total Questions
    • Total Marks
    • Test Duration
    • Same Test Paper
    • Test Paper Topics
    • Test Paper Description

    F12: Configure

    Using the F12: Configure option the employer can search for candidates based on a predefined criteria and sort them in the ascending or descending order.
    In the List of Candidates screen
    • Click F12: Configure or press F12
    In the Configuration screen
    • Select the required sorting method in Sorting Methods screen
    • Enter the name of the candidate or enter the first few alphabets of the candidate's name in Candidate name starts with field.
    • Select the required test status from the list of Last Test Status displayed
    • Aborted: List all candidates who has aborted or left the test incomplete
    • Any: Lists all candidates irrespective of the test status
    • Assigned: Lists all candidates to whom the test is assigned
    • Cancelled: Lists all candidates whose test was cancelled
    • Completed: Lists all candidates whose test was completed.

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