Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Company Info. Menu

The Company Info.(Information) menu appears as shown.
The menu options in the Company Info. are as follows
Select Company
Allows you to Select or load a company.
Connect Company
Allows you to Connect Company on Tally.NET
Disconnect Company
Allows you to Disconnect Company from Tally.NET
Shut Company
Allows you to shut a company.
Create Company
Allows you to create a Company.
Allows you to alter a company.
Security Control
Allows you to create Security Levels and users & passwords.
Change TallyVault
Allows you to secure the data by providing a TallyVault password.
Split Company Data
Allows you to split company data across multiple period
Allows you to take a backup of the company data.
Allows you to restore a data backup.

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