Thursday, April 4, 2013

Creating and Altering a Group Company

Creating a Group Company

Group Company can be created only for companies that have already been loaded. Hence, you must first load the companies whose accounts are to be grouped. Select the companies using F1:Select Cmp button.
Tally.ERP 9 now displays two company names in the Gateway of Tally.

Note: The Company which is in bold, is the active company. Here, Company A is the active company.

Use Alt+F3 to get the company info Menu in which there is an additional option Create Group Company (this is available only when two or more companies are loaded)
Press  Enter on Create Group Company.  The Group Company Creation screen is displayed.
All the loaded companies are displayed under List of companies. Select the member companies from the List of companies and accept to Create the Group Company.
Note: If your business uses Tally.Server 9 to maintain data, follow the steps given for Creating a Company on Tally.Server 9.
You can Create a Group Company on Tally.Server 9/local directory, consisting of member companies from local directories as well as Tally.Server 9.
At the Gateway of Tally, Tally.ERP 9 displays  AB Group company and the member companies. You can close the member companies by pressing Alt+F1, so that only the Group Company is displayed in the  Gateway of Tally.
1. Entering a Transaction is not possible in Group Company, that is, in AB Group company. [You have to enter the transaction in a member company only, that is, Company A or Company B]
2. The Group company will give the summary (report) level consolidation and NOT transaction (voucher) level consolidation (that is, NO Merging of vouchers)
3. The member companies of a Group Company should have the same Base Currency Symbol and Formal Name (you cannot group a company with $ as symbol with another company having Rs. as the currency symbol)

Altering a Group Company

You can alter a Group company by editing the details or adding or removing the member companies.
Load the Group Company and from Gateway of Tally > Press Alt+F3 > Select Alter > Press Enter
Select Group Company [Group companies are marked with an asterisk]
The Group Company Alteration screen is displayed as shown:
Any modifications made will come into effect only on shutting the group company and then reloading it.

Points to remember:

  • The Group Company must contain at least two members.
  • It is possible to combine accounts of different companies.
  • Create as many Group companies as you need.
  • A constituent company can be a member of more than one group.
  • A group company can also be a constituent of another group company.
• It is advisable not to delete the member company, which belongs to Group Company.
• If the member company has a password then without entering the password the Group Company cannot be opened.

• Where the member companies have the same Name of User and Password, user is required to provide the login details only once. This will automatically open all the member companies. Where only select member companies have the same login details, but they are notlisted one after the other, Name of User and Password will have to be provided individually.

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