Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How to install Tally.ERP 9 Release 3.2 (Release 3.0 onwards) Multi User on Client Machine?

How to install Tally.ERP 9 Release 3.2 (Release 3.0 onwards) Multi User on Client Machine?

1. Double click the INSTALL.EXE icon available on the CD or click START from Windows, select RUN and TYPE :\INSTALL and then press ENTER.

 Follow the instructions displayed on your screen to proceed with the Installation of Tally.ERP 9.
The Tally.ERP 9 Setup Wizard is displayed as shown:

2. Click Next to continue with Installation.
The Tally.ERP 9 Setup screen is displayed as shown:

3. Select Multi User and then select Client Machine.
4. Click Next.
The Tally.ERP 9 Setup screen is displayed as shown.

5. In Tally.ERP 9 Configuration section accept the default Application, Data, Configuration Language directories and enter the server¡¦s Name/IP address and Port number.
  • Application Directory: Tally.ERP 9 program files reside in this directory.
  • Data Directory: Enter the Name/IP Address of the computer and the name of the shared data folder noted earlier.
  • Configuration Directory: Tally.ERP 9 configuration file reside in this directory.
  • Language Directory: Tally.ERP 9 Language files (.dct) reside in this directory.
  • Enter the Name/IP address of the computer where License Server is installed in Name / IP field and enter the port number, you had noted earlier, in the Port field.
6. Click Next

The Country/Language Selection screen is displayed as shown:

7.   Check Install Operating System Language Support to install Tally.ERP 9 with multi-lingual support.
8.   In Country Selection choose India/SAARC when you are residing in India or SAARC countries else choose Others.
 To use Tally.ERP 9 in English onlyuncheck Install Operating Systems Language Support ƒàƒn In Country Selection choose India/SAARC, if you are residing in India or SAARC countries, else choose Others
9. Click Install
10. The Tally.ERP 9 Installed Successfully screen appears as shown:

11. Click Finish

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