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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Change of Name after Marriage

The change of name after marriage is only an option and a well understanding between you and your spouse. Rules and regulations are not applied to such rights by the government, as you are married to someone new to you recently. It is not necessary to change the name put at the time of birth after your marriage. Therefore, decisions are yours.
According to wedding ceremony options couples have certain options in changing their names in India. It includes the marriage under the Indian act of special marriage in1954, national ceremony, as well as religious. A legal change in name after a new marriage has two methods to achieve, in which one costs much more than the other.
Directions to be followed in a costly method:
Documents needed:
• Copy of marriage certificate
• Form of a name change
• Camera proof
• A combined notarized sworn statement.
Firstly, you need to fill up a combined notarized sworn statement which should mention the name to be after marriage. The documents should be filled upon a stamp paper. Attach a photo of you with your husband in each affidavit you fill. Affidavit will be valid only after notarization by a magistrate or from a notary office. Change of last name in passport, records of banks and vehicle license can be done using this affidavit documents.
Directions to be followed in a low-cost method:
In an inexpensive method, we do need the same documents that were mentioned in the previous method. Fill up the form correctly, which can be downloaded from name changing forms from the site www.india.gov.in . There are 28 gazettes in government of state in India, where you live. Attach a marriage certificate and post it to gazette. You will receive four copies of the gazette within two weeks of a month at your home with the change of announcement of name. A state gazette of the change of name can be attached to record of banks and vehicle license.
There are families having their own surname that they wish to put as the bride’s last name, after the marriage. In such specific cases, you can add the surname to the girl’s name after the marriage following the conditions and rules of the required authority, leaving no doubts on the change of surname. The Indian constitution or law does not insist any one regarding the change of surname or change of name after the marriage until both groom and bride have a good understating between them about this problem.

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