Friday, June 28, 2013


Corporate/Business Formulas

  • Asset to Sales Ratio
  • Asset Turnover Ratio
  • Avg Collection Period
  • Contribution Margin
  • Current Ratio
  • Days in Inventory
  • Debt Coverage Ratio
  • Debt Ratio
  • Debt to Equity Ratio
  • Discounted Payback Period
  • Equivalent Annual Annuity
  • Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE)
  • Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF)
  • Interest Coverage Ratio
  • Inventory Turnover Ratio
  • Net Present Value
  • Net Profit Margin
  • Net Working Capital
  • Payback Period
  • Quick Ratio
  • Receivables Turnover Ratio
  • Retention Ratio
  • Return on Assets (ROA)
  • Return on Equity (ROE)
  • Return on Investment

Stocks/Bonds Formulas

  • Bid Ask Spread
  • Bond Equivalent Yield
  • Book Value per Share
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Capital Gains Yield
  • Current Yield
  • Diluted Earnings Per Share
  • Dividend Payout Ratio
  • Dividend Yield - Stock
  • Dividends Per Share
  • Earnings Per Share
  • Equity Multiplier
  • Estimated Earnings
  • Geometric Mean Return
  • Holding Period Return
  • Net Asset Value
  • Preferred Stock
  • Price to Book Value
  • Price to Earnings (P/E Ratio)
  • Price to Sales (P/S Ratio)
  • Risk Premium
  • Stock - PV with Constant Growth
  • Stock - PV with Zero Growth
  • Tax Equivalent Yield
  • Total Stock Return
  • Yield to Maturity
  • Zero Coupon Bond Value
  • Zero Coupon Bond Yield

Financial Markets Formulas

  • Rate of Inflation
  • Real Rate of Return

General Finance Formulas

  • Annuity - Future Value
  • Annuity - Future Value w/ Continuous Compounding
  • Annuity - (FV) Solve for n
  • Annuity - Payment (PV)
  • Annuity - Payment (FV)
  • Annuity - (PV) Solve for n
  • Annuity - Present Value
  • Avg Collection Period
  • Annuity - PV Factor
  • Annuity Due - Present Value
  • Annuity Due - Future Value
  • Annuity Due Payment (PV)
  • Annuity Due Payment (FV)
  • Doubling Time
  • Doubling Time - Cont. Compounding
  • Doubling Time - Simple Interest
  • Future Value
  • FV - Continuous Compounding
  • Future Value Factor
  • Growing Annuity - Future Value
  • Growing Annuity - Payment (PV)
  • Growing Annuity - Payment (FV)
  • Growing Annuity - Present Value
  • Growing Perpetuity - Present Value
  • Number of Periods - PV & FV
  • Perpetuity
  • Present Value
  • PV - Continuous Compounding
  • Present Value Factor
  • Rule of 72
  • Weighted Average

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