Sunday, June 16, 2013


I, _____________ S/o Sh.___________ r/o ____________________, transfers voluntarily, cash/cheques of value of which is Rs._____________ (Rupees_____________ only) to my SON/HUSBAND/SON IN LAW SRI.____________ S/o of Sh._________________ (hereinafter referred to as "the donee") To Hold the same to the donee absolutely forever. I further declare that the said gift has been made by me out of my natural love and affection for the donee and the same has been accepted by the donee.

And I am duly assessed to ITO______________ Ward No. ___________ with PAN No. _____________

I have executed this deed on  ________ day of __________.

(Signature of Donor)
Name and Address of Donor
PAN No. of Donor

(Signature of Donee)
Name & Address of Donee

PAN No. of Donee

I, SRI. ______________, the donee hereby accept the gift.

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