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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How To Apply For Duplicate Vehicle Registration

As per the rules and regulations of the Indian government, it is mandatory for every vehicle owners to have an authentic Vehicle Registration for their vehicles. So as such when anyone losses their Vehicle Registration they need too apply for a duplicate one.
Steps for obtaining a duplicate Vehicle Registration
In the event when your Vehicle Registration gets stolen, loss, on mutilation, you can always apply for a duplicate Vehicle Registration fro the concerned department. The documents that are required for obtaining a duplicate Vehicle Registration are as followed:
  • First Information Record (FIR) regarding the lost of the license.
  • An authentic Challan clearance report from RTA Office
  • An application in Form LLD.
After the submission of the above mentioned documents the details and the information of the documents are verified and accessed by the issuing authority from their records. After the proper verification the concerned issuing authority will issue a duplicate Vehicle Registration to the applicant. This duplicate Vehicle Registration will have the same validity period that was in the original Vehicle Registration of the applicant.
Important things to remember
There are certain important things to remember while applying for a duplicate Vehicle Registration. The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that the details of the documents that are furnishing for the purpose needs to be correct and clear. If the details of the documents are not correct and complete then that will lead to lot of unnecessary confusions and complication.
Secondly, it is always advisable for you to keep a photocopy of original license and also the details of the license with you. This will assist the issuing authority to locate the details of your Vehicle Registration from their system.

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