Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to remove name from Ration Card

Usually there are two types of situations under which a person thinks of removing a name from a ration card. They are categorized below:
  • The thought of how to remove name from ration card can come if a person becomes separate from his or her family.
  • The other situation can be the death of a person in a family. The remaining family members may think of removing his or her name from the ration card.
In order to find this, it is very important to find out the jurisdiction under which the family ration card exists. It will be either District Food and Supplies Officer (DFSC) or Inspector of Food and Supplies (IFS) or Assistant Food and Supplies Officer (AFSO). Once found out the user can easily remove his/her name from the ration card.
To remove name from Ration Card user should follow the below mentioned steps:
  • Go to their office.
  • Collect the prescribed form No D-I.
  • In case of family subdivision normally no documents are required for deletion of name from the existing ration card. The only criteria is that the applicant has to sign in application form.

In case of death of a family member the procedures for change of name in Ration Card are little bit different.

  • In that case a person of the family has to take the responsibilities for removing the name of dead person from your family Ration Card.
  • The person has to dully fill the form No D-I in the name of the dead person.
  • Collect the death certificate from village chowkidar or from birth and death register.
  • Submit it with the application form.
  • A slip will be given after the submission in which the date on which the applicant needs to contact the concerned department for the collection of the deletion certificate will be clearly stated.
  • In case of death the Inspector /sub-Inspector of subsequent area will physically visit the residence of dead person and verify the truth.

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