Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What are the documents required for Commercial Fire Insurance Claim?

Making the necessary claim for the Commercial Fire Insurance from the Bharati AXA General Insurance is quite an easy and simple procedure. All you need to do is to submit certain important documents for the purpose.
Necessary documents
  • A claim form that is duly filled and also properly signed by the insurance holder.
  • Photographs of the damaged insured property.
  • Proper record of Labor involved in the activities associated with the claim where in house facilities were utilized.
  • A copy of original Repair or Replacement Bills with receipt to arrive at the indemnity both for the insurance policies that were issued on Reinstatement value or on market value clause basis.
  • A detailed Laboratory test report along with the provided mandate, especially in cases where stocks food items or cotton or edible oil etc. are involved.
  • In the event of any specified Acts of God perils, important documents such as photographs, newspaper cuttings and meteorological reports needs to be furnished. When the concerned loss is not is not published by the media or not covered by the Meteorological Department, the concerned surveyor of the company needs get the required information regarding the incident from local government or the statutory authorities.
Other important documents
In case when there is any doubt or any confusions regarding the occurrence and extend of the loss as a result of fire and related perils. Then the following documents needs to be furnished
  • External or internal or both Fire Brigade Report, depending upon the situation.
  • F.I.R (First Information Report) if filed. In the event where any damage or loss which is resulted due to RSMD or due to any third party’s fault a F.I.R will be considered mandatory.

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