Monday, July 1, 2013

Financial Functions and Formulas in Excel

Financial Formulas - by Category

For convenience, I've listed all of the Excel Financial functions, with a * next those that are only available after installing the Analysis ToolPak (To install, go to Tools > Add-ins > and select Analysis ToolPak).

Depreciation Formulas

  • DB - Fixed-Declining Balance
  • DDB - Double-Declining Balance
  • SLN - Straight-Line Depreciation
  • SYD - Sum-of-Years' Digits
  • VDB - Variable Declining Balance
  • AMORLINC - (for the French accounting system) Depreciation for each accounting period
  • AMORDEGRC - (for the French accounting system) Uses a depreciation coefficient

Formulas for Interest, Cash Flow, Investments, Annuities

  • CUMIPMT - Cumulative Interest Payment
  • CUMPRINC - Cumulative Principal
  • EFFECT - Effective annual interest rate
  • FV - Future Value of an investment
  • FVSCHEDULE - Future Value with a variable rate
  • IPMT - Interest Payment for an investment or loan
  • IRR - Internal Rate of Return
  • ISPMT - Interest Payment during a Specific period (for compatibility with Lotus)
  • MIRR - Modified Internal Rate of Return
  • NPER - Number of Periods for an investment or loan
  • NPV - Net Present Value formula
  • PMT - Periodic Payment for an annuity
  • PPMT - Payment on the Principal for an annuity or loan
  • PV - Present Value of an investment
  • RATE - Interest rate per period
  • XIRR - Internal Rate of Return (not necessarily periodic)
  • XNPV - Net Present Value (not necessarily periodic)

Functions for Coupons

  • COUPDAYBS - Days from the Beginning of the Coupon period to the Settlement date
  • COUPDAYS - Days in the coupon period that contains the Settlement date
  • COUPDAYSNC - Days from the Settlement date to the Next Coupon date
  • COUPNCD - Next Coupon Date after the settlement date
  • COUPPCD - Previous Coupon Date before the settlement date
  • COUPNUM - Number of coupons between the settlement and maturity date

Finance Formulas for Securities

  • ACCRINT - Accrued Interest
  • ACCRINTM - Accrued Interest at Maturity
  • DISC - Discount rate
  • DURATION - Annual Duration
  • INTRATE - Interest rate for a fully invested security
  • MDURATION - Macauley modified duration (with an assumed par value of $100)
  • NOMINAL - Annual nominal interest rate
  • ODDFPRICE - Price per $100 face value with an Odd First period
  • ODDFYIELD - Yield with an Odd First period
  • ODDLPRICE - Price per $100 face value with an Odd Last period
  • ODDLYIELD - Yield with an Odd Last period
  • PRICE - Price per $100 face value
  • PRICEDISC - Price per $100 face value of a Discounted security
  • PRICEMAT - Price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at Maturity
  • RECEIVED - Amount received at maturity for a fully invested security
  • YIELD - Yield on a security that pays periodic interest
  • YIELDDISC - Annual yield for a discounted security (Treasury bill)
  • YIELDMAT - Annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity

Formulas for Dollar Price Conversions

  • DOLLARDE - Converts a dollar price from a Fraction to a Decimal number
  • DOLLARFR - Converts a dollar price from a Decimal number to a Fraction

Treasury Bill Functions

  • TBILLEQ - Bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury Bill
  • TBILLPRICE - Price per $100 face value for a Treasury Bill
  • TBILLYIELD - Yield for a Treasury Bill

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