Saturday, July 6, 2013


A patent protects inventions that are novel and inventive. It grants an exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, selling, offering for sale or importing an invention in the country in which the patent is applied for. For example, if a patent is applied for in India the applicant will have the exclusive right to make, use, sell, offer for sale and import the invention in India.
A patent can be understood as a contract between an inventor and the government where the government grants the exclusive rights to the inventor in exchange of a detailed explanation and disclosure of the invention. This serves a two fold purpose, viz. firstly, the exclusive rights ensure that people are motivated to come up with more and more inventions, and secondly, public good is achieved as the people can enjoy the benefits of the latest technology.
The documents required for patent filing include-
• Application for Grant of Patent;
• Provisional/Complete Specification;
• Statement and Undertaking Regarding Foreign Applications;
• Declaration as to Inventorship; and
• Form For Authorization of a Patent Agent in case a patent agent is representing an applicant

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