Monday, September 16, 2013

(FORM-C)Government of Andhra Pradesh Commercial Taxes Department

Government of Andhra Pradesh
Commercial Taxes Department

Office of the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
Andhra Pradesh:: Hyderabad.
  C.C. NO.10

CCT’s Ref. No.IST/D1/ OUT/ 31/2012                                            Dt:  10 -05-2012.

Sri. Suresh Chanda, IAS, Commissioner of Commercial Taxes.

Sub:   CST Act 1956 – Acceptance of  ‘C’ and ‘F’ forms covering more than one quarter or more than one month respectively- clarifications sought by the trade– Clarifications issued u/s. 77 of APVAT Act, 2005 read with Sec. 9 (2) of CST Act, 1956- Reg.

          Ref: 1. Representation from M/s. Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, dated 12th March,2012.
                 2. CCT’s Ref. Enft- IST/D1/OUT/31/2012 Dated:30-3-2012
                 3. Govt, Memo No. 18838/CT-II.1/2012 -1, Rev.(CT.II) Dept., Dt: 4-5-12


It is brought to the notice that other states are issuing ‘C’ and/ or ‘F’ Forms based on Quarter/ calendar month of receipt i.e.  one  ‘C’/ ‘F’  Form for all the goods received in a quarter/ calendar month irrespective of fact of dispatch date of such goods. Because of this, one quarter/ or calendar month ‘C’/ ‘F’ Form may contain deliveries of sales made in that quarter and also previous month; or stock transfers made in same month and also previous months respectively. As  ‘C’ forms/ ‘F’ forms contains deliveries relating to more than one quarter/ stock transfer of more than one month respectively, assessing authorities are rejecting such ‘C’ forms/ ‘F’ Forms and levying VAT as if it is a sale not covered by valid statutory forms.

In this regard the relevant Rules under CST Act with regard to ‘C’ and ‘F’ forms are reiterated as under:

Regarding ‘C’ Form

 Under Rule 12(1)  of CST (R& T) Rules, the declaration and certificate referred to in Sub-Section (4) of Section 8 shall be in Form ‘C”” and two provisions under this are extracted and read as under:

                 “Provided  that a single declaration may cover all transactions of Sale, which take   
                   place in a quarter of financial  year between the same two dealers’

                “ Provided also that, where, in the case of any transaction Sale, the delivery of goods
                    is spread over to different quarters in a financial year or of different financial years,
                  it shall be necessary to furnish a separate declarations or certificate in respect of
                  goods   delivered in each quarter of financial year’
            As per this provision, the deliveries of goods made as interstate sales during one quarter of financial year shall be covered by one Form’ ‘C’. Sometimes it may happen that goods that are dispatched on the last days of a quarter are delivered in the next quarter and the receiver/ buyer of goods may take the date of receipt as criteria and issue one Form- ‘C’ for all goods received in that quarter, irrespective of date of dispatch of goods.

            The primary objective of ‘C’ Form is to ensure that goods are dispatched to other States and same on accounted for by the dealer of other States. As long as this primary object is met, ‘C’ form can be accepted as valid. Accordingly it is clarified that Form-C can be accepted as valid relating to goods delivered in quarter, based on the date of dispatch or date of receipt of goods in other State or date of invoice or combination of all the three.
Regarding ‘ F’ Form
                Under Rule 12 (5) of CST (R& T) Rules, the declaration referred to in Sub-Section 1 of Section 6-A in  Form ‘F’ The first Proviso under this sub Rule reads as follows:-
    “Provided that a single declaration may cover transfer of goods, by a
                   dealer, to any other place of his business or to his agent or principal, as
                   the case may be, effected during a period of one calendar month.”
 As per this Proviso, F form has to be issued in respect of the transfers effected during one calendar month.  In a situation where the goods are dispatched, say on last day of a month or a last day of the financial year, will be received in the other state in next month or even in next financial year. The question raised is under which month the F form has to be issued by recipient state for such goods? The Calendar month of dispatch of goods or Calendar month of receipt. As per Rule it should be Calendar month of dispatch. But States are issuing ‘F’ Forms based on receipt of goods.

Section 6A (1) of CST acts puts burden on dealer (Transferor) to  prove that the movement of goods was  not by reason of sale and for that purpose he may produce declaration (F Form) issued by other state. Section 6A (2) of CST Act says that if assessing authority is satisfied that no inter-state sale has been effected, he may, make order to that effect.

To resolve the practical difficulties being faced by trade, following clarification is issued to assessing authorities,

once assessing authority is satisfied that all goods dispatched has been accounted for in other state and transfer is not  inter-state sale, he may accept F Form for calendar month either based on dispatch dates of goods or based on receipt date of goods in other State or combination of both”

The receipt of the circular instructions shall be acknowledged by return post.

                                                                                               Sd/- Suresh Chanda
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes


All the Deputy Commissioners (CT)/ all the Assessing authorities in the State.

Copy to the  Chairman, Trade and Commerce Committee, The Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce, and Industry, Federation House, Red Hills, Hyderabad -500 004

Copy to the Stock file 1/2012


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