- ABEDAArab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
- ACP GroupAfrican, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States
- ADBAsian Development Bank
- AfDBAfrican Development Bank
- AFESDArab Fund for Economic and Social Development
- AGAustralia Group
- Air PollutionConvention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
- Air Pollution-Nitrogen OxidesProtocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Their Transboundary Fluxes
- Air Pollution-Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutants
- Air Pollution-Sulphur 85Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or Their Transboundary Fluxes by at Least 30%
- Air Pollution-Sulphur 94Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions
- Air Pollution-Volatile Organic CompoundsProtocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or Their Transboundary Fluxes
- AMFArab Monetary Fund
- AMUArab Maghreb Union
- Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesConvention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
- Antarctic SealsConvention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals
- Antarctic-Environmental ProtocolProtocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
- ANZUSAustralia-New Zealand-United States Security Treaty
- AOSISAlliance of Small Island States
- APECAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- ArabsatArab Satellite Communications Organization
- ARFASEAN Regional Forum
- ASEANAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations
- AUAfrican Union
- AutodinAutomatic Digital Network
- BABaltic Assembly
- bbl/daybarrels per day
- BCIECentral American Bank for Economic Integration
- BDEACCentral African States Development Bank
- BeneluxBenelux Union
- BGNUnited States Board on Geographic Names
- BIMSTECBay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
- BiodiversityConvention on Biological Diversity
- BISBank for International Settlements
- BRICS(Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)
- BSECBlack Sea Economic Cooperation Zone
- CCommonwealth
- CDCommunity of Democracies
- c.i.f.cost, insurance, and freight
- CACMCentral American Common Market
- CAEUCouncil of Arab Economic Unity
- CANAndean Community
- CaricomCaribbean Community and Common Market
- CBcitizen's band mobile radio communications
- CBSSCouncil of the Baltic Sea States
- CCCCustoms Cooperation Council
- CDBCaribbean Development Bank
- CECouncil of Europe
- CEICentral European Initiative
- CELACCommunity of Latin America and Caribbean States
- CEMACouncil for Mutual Economic Assistance
- CEMACEconomic and Monetary Community of Central Africa
- CEPGLEconomic Community of the Great Lakes Countries
- CERNEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research
- CIACentral Intelligence Agency
- CICAConference of Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia
- CISCommonwealth of Independent States
- CITESsee Endangered Species
- Climate ChangeUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Climate Change-Kyoto ProtocolKyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- COCOMCoordinating Committee on Export Controls
- COMESACommon Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
- ComsatCommunications Satellite Corporation
- CPColombo Plan
- CPLPComunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa
- CSNSouth American Community of Nations became UNASUL - Union of South American Nations
- CSTOCollective Security Treaty Organization
- CTBTOPreparatory Commission for the Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
- CYcalendar year
- D-8Developing Eight
- DCdeveloped country
- DDTdichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane
- DesertificationUnited Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa
- DIAUnited States Defense Intelligence Agency
- DSNDefense Switched Network
- DSTdaylight savings time
- DWTdeadweight ton
- EACEast African Community
- EADBEast African Development Bank
- EAECEurasian Economic Community
- EAPCEuro-Atlantic Partnership Council
- EASEast Asia Summit
- EBRDEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ECEuropean Community or European Commission
- ECAEconomic Commission for Africa
- ECBEuropean Central Bank
- ECEEconomic Commission for Europe
- ECLACEconomic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- ECOEconomic Cooperation Organization
- ECOSOCEconomic and Social Council
- ECOWASEconomic Community of West African States
- ECSCEuropean Coal and Steel Community
- EEEastern Europe
- EECEuropean Economic Community
- EEZexclusive economic zone
- EFTAEuropean Free Trade Association
- EIBEuropean Investment Bank
- EITIExtractive Industry Trnsparency Iniative
- EMUEuropean Monetary Union
- Endangered SpeciesConvention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES)
- EntenteCouncil of the Entente
- Environmental ModificationConvention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
- ESAEuropean Space Agency
- ESCAPEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- ESCWAEconomic and Social Commission for Western Asia
- est.estimate
- EUEuropean Union
- EuratomEuropean Atomic Energy Community
- EutelsatEuropean Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- Ex-ImExport-Import Bank of the United States
- f.o.b.free on board
- FAOFood and Agriculture Organization
- FATFFinancial Action Task Force
- FAXfacsimile
- FLSFront Line States
- FOCflags of convenience
- FSUformer Soviet Union
- FYfiscal year
- FZFranc Zone
- G-3Group of 3
- G-5Group of 5
- G-6Group of 6
- G-7Group of 7
- G-8Group of 8
- G-9Group of 9
- G-10Group of 10
- G-15Group of 15
- G-11Group of 11
- G-20Group of 20
- G-24Group of 24
- G-77Group of 77
- GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; now WTO
- GCCGulf Cooperation Council
- GCNGlobal Caribbean Network
- GCTUGeneral Confederation of Trade Unions
- GDPgross domestic product
- GMTGreenwich Mean Time
- GNPgross national product
- GRTgross register ton
- GSMglobal system for mobile cellular communications
- GUAMOrganization for Democracy and Economic Development; acronym for member states - Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova
- GWPgross world product
- Hazardous WastesBasel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
- HFhigh-frequency
- HIV/AIDShuman immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- IADBInter-American Development Bank
- IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
- IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
- IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
- ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization
- ICCInternational Chamber of Commerce
- ICCtInternational Criminal Court
- ICJInternational Court of Justice (World Court)
- ICRCInternational Committee of the Red Cross
- ICRMInternational Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- ICSIDInternational Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes
- ICTRInternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- ICTYInternational Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
- IDAInternational Development Association
- IDBIslamic Development Bank
- IDPInternally Displaced Person
- IEAInternational Energy Agency
- IFADInternational Fund for Agricultural Development
- IFCInternational Finance Corporation
- IFRCSInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- IGADInter-Governmental Authority on Development
- IHOInternational Hydrographic Organization
- ILOInternational Labor Organization
- IMFInternational Monetary Fund
- IMOInternational Maritime Organization
- IMSOInternational Mobile Satellite Organization
- InmarsatInternational Maritime Satellite Organization
- InOCIndian Ocean Commission
- IntelsatInternational Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- InterpolInternational Criminal Police Organization
- IntersputnikInternational Organization of Space Communications
- IOCInternational Olympic Committee
- IOMInternational Organization for Migration
- IPUInter-Parliamentary Union
- ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
- ISPInternet Service Provider
- ITCInternational Trade Center
- ITSOInternational Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- ITUInternational Telecommunication Union
- ITUCInternational Trade Union Confederation, the successor to ICFTU (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions) and the WCL (World Confederation of Labor)
- kHzkilohertz
- kmkilometer
- kWkilowatt
- kWhkilowatt-hour
- LAESLatin American and Caribbean Economic System
- LAIALatin American Integration Association
- LASLeague of Arab States
- Law of the SeaUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOS)
- LDCless developed country
- LLDCleast developed country
- London Conventionsee Marine Dumping
- LOSsee Law of the Sea
- mmeter
- MarecsMaritime European Communications Satellite
- Marine DumpingConvention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matter
- Marine Life ConservationConvention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources of the High Seas
- MARPOLsee Ship Pollution
- MedarabtelMiddle East Telecommunications Project of the International Telecommunications Union
- MercosurSouthern Cone Common Market
- MHzmegahertz
- MICAHInternational Civilian Support Mission in Haiti
- MIGAMultilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
- MINURCATUnited Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
- MINURSOUnited Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
- MINUSTAHUnited Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
- MONUSCOUnited Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- NAnot available
- NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement
- NAMNonaligned Movement
- NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NCNordic Council
- NEANuclear Energy Agency
- NEGLnegligible
- NGANational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
- NGOnongovernmental organization
- NIBNordic Investment Bank
- NICnewly industrializing country
- NIEnewly industrializing economy
- NISnew independent states
- nmnautical mile
- NMTNordic Mobile Telephone
- NSGNuclear Suppliers Group
- Nuclear Test BanTreaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Under Water
- NZNew Zealand
- OAPECOrganization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
- OASOrganization of American States
- OAUOrganization of African Unity; see African Union
- ODAofficial development assistance
- OECDOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- OECSOrganization of Eastern Caribbean States
- OHCHROffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- OICOrganization of the Islamic Conference
- OIFInternational Organization of the French-speaking World
- OOFother official flows
- OPANALAgency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean
- OPCWOrganization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- OPECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- OSCEOrganization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Ozone Layer ProtectionMontreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer
- PCAPermanent Court of Arbitration
- PFPPartnership for Peace
- PIFPacific Islands Forum
- PPPpurchasing power parity
- Ramsarsee Wetlands
- RGRio Group
- SAARCSouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
- SACEPSouth Asia Co-operative Environment Program
- SACUSouthern African Customs Union
- SADCSouthern African Development Community
- SAFESouth African Far East Cable
- SCOShanghai Cooperation Organization
- SECISoutheast European Cooperative Initiative
- SELECConvention of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Centers (successor to SECI)
- SHFsuper-high-frequency
- Ship PollutionProtocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 (MARPOL)
- SICACentral American Integration System
- SpartecaSouth Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement
- SPCSecretariat of the Pacific Communities
- SPFSouth Pacific Forum
- sq kmsquare kilometer
- sq misquare mile
- TATTrans-Atlantic Telephone
- TEUTwenty-Foot Equivalent Unit, a unit of measure for containerized cargo capacity
- Tropical Timber 83International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1983
- Tropical Timber 94International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994
- UAEUnited Arab Emirates
- UDEACCentral African Customs and Economic Union
- UHFultra-high-frequency
- UKUnited Kingdom
- UNUnited Nations
- UN-AIDSJoint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS
- UNAMAUnited Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
- UNAMIDAfrican Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur
- UNASURUnion of South American Nations
- UNCLOSUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, also know as LOS
- UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNDCPUnited Nations Drug Control Program
- UNDEFUnited Nations Democracy Fund
- UNDOFUnited Nations Disengagement Observer Force
- UNDPUnited Nations Development Program
- UNEPUnited Nations Environment Program
- UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
- UNFICYPUnited Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus
- UNFPAUnited Nations Population Fund
- UN-HabitatUnited Nations Center for Human Settlements
- UNHCRUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNICEFUnited Nations Children's Fund
- UNICRIUnited Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
- UNIDIRUnited Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
- UNIDOUnited Nations Industrial Development Organization
- UNIFILUnited Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
- UNISFAUnited Nations Interim Force for Abyei
- UNITARUnited Nations Institute for Training and Research
- UNMIKUnited Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
- UNMILUnited Nations Mission in Liberia
- UNMISUnited Nations Mission in the Sudan
- UNMISSUnited Nations Mission in South Sudan
- UNMITUnited Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
- UNMOGIPUnited Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
- UNOCIUnited Nations Operation in Cote d'Ivoire
- UNODCUnited Nations Office of Drugs and Crime
- UNOPSUnited Nations Office of Project Services
- UNRISDUnited Nations Research Institute for Social Development
- UNRWAUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
- UNSCUnited Nations Security Council
- UNSSCUntied Nations System Staff College
- UNTSOUnited Nations Truce Supervision Organization
- UNUUnited Nations University
- UNWTOWorld Tourism Organization
- UPUUniversal Postal Union
- USUnited States
- USSRUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union); used for information dated before 25 December 1991
- UTCCoordinated Universal Time
- UVultra violet
- VHFvery-high-frequency
- VSATvery small aperture terminal
- WADBWest African Development Bank
- WAEMUWest African Economic and Monetary Union
- WCLWorld Confederation of Labor
- WCOWorld Customs Organization
- WetlandsConvention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially As Waterfowl Habitat
- WEUWestern European Union
- WFPWorld Food Program
- WFTUWorld Federation of Trade Unions
- WhalingInternational Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
- WHOWorld Health Organization
- WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization
- WMOWorld Meteorological Organization
- WPWarsaw Pact
- WTOWorld Trade Organization
- ZCZangger Committee
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