Monday, September 16, 2013


Good Deed               - one conveying a good title.

Marketable Deed   - one which passes good title to the land it purports to convey.

Inclusive Deed        -one containing within the designated boundaries land which are expected from the operation of the deed.

Latent Deed             -deed which is kept for twenty years or more in man’s escritoire or strong box.

Lawful Deed             -conveying a good or lawful deed.

Pretended Deed     -deed apparently or prima facie valid.

Voluntary Deed       –is one which is given without any valuable consideration.

Warranty Deed       -a deed containing a covenant of warranty.

Special Warranty Deed-which is in terms a general warranty deed, but warrants title only against those claiming by, through, or under the grantor, conveys the described land itself, and the limited warranty does not, of itself, carry notice of title defects.

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