Sunday, October 13, 2013

Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts

In integral system of accounting, we need not reconciliation of cost and financial accounts. But when we keep our cost and financial accounts separately, we need to reconciliation of cost and financial accounts like reconciliation of bank statements and cash book. With this, we can find the difference in profit or loss which are shown as per cost accounts and financial accounts.

Meaning of Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts

Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts is process to find all the reasons behind disagreement in profit which is calculated as per cost accounts and as per financial accounts. There are lots of items which are shown in the profit and loss account only  when we make it as per financial accounting rules. There are lots of items which are shown in costing profit and loss account only when we calculate profit as per cost accounting.

Suppose, we have taken the profit or loss as per financial accounts, we adjust it as per cost accounts. In the end of adjustments, we see same profit as per cost accounts. If we have taken profit as per cost account, we have to adjust items as per financial accounts. For this purpose, we make reconciliation Statement

1st Case. When we have to adjust items as per financial accounts

 (+) in Rs. (-) in Rs.
 (A) Profit as per cost accounts  XXXXX
1Profit on sale of assetXXXXX
2Dividend receivedXXXXX
3Imputed Rent ChargesXXXXX
4Overvaluation of opening stock in cost accountsXXXXX
5Undervaluation of closing stock in cost accountsXXXXX
6 Excess of material, Labour and overhead cost which is shown as per cost accounts or Overcharge of  Material, Labour and overhead cost as per cost accounts or Over-absorption any expense as per cost accountsXXXXX
7Interest Received on InvestmentXXXXX
8Bank Interest ReceivedXXXXX
9Under valuation of Closing Stock as per cost accountsXXXXX
1Loss on Sale of AssetXXXXX
2Dividend PaidXXXXX
3Financial Expenses 
a) discount (b) fine and penalties (c) bank interest (d) underwriter's commission (e) Donations (f) interest paid on capital
4Undercharge or under absorption of any expense or loss as per cost accountXXXXX
5over valuation of closing stock as per cost accountsXXXXX
Profit as per Financial Accounts (A) - (B)XXXXX
2nd Case. When we have to adjust items as per cost accounts

In this, we take the profit as per financial accounts in the beginning, we add all the times which we have shown in less in above 1st Case. We deduct all the items which we have shown above in Add in 1st Case. After this, balance will be the profit or loss as per cost accounts.

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