Friday, December 27, 2013

Objectives of Accounting Equation

1. Base of Whole Accounting Record

Whole accounting record is done on the basis of accounting equation. When you journal entry or ledger accounts, all are done on the basis of accounting rules. These accounting rules are made on the basis of accounting equation. Accounting equation is total assets = capital + total outstanding liabilities. In any journal entry, we have to show this accounting equation. For example, Ram started business with Rs. 5000. In its journal entry

Cash account Dr 5000

Capital account Cr. 5000

asset side cash is showing as Rs. 5000 and other side capital is showing Rs.5000 if we accounting equation from this journal entry.

2. Base of Balance Sheet

If we have to understand balance sheet, we can start it by understanding accounting equation. Accounting equation simplify the balance sheet. Balance sheet is the list of assets and liabilities of organisation. Total of balance sheet will always equal because every asset is made from liability. So, total assets will balance with total liabilities. Accounting equation's principle is the base of this. From accounting equation examples, you can see that every transaction can make equal to the both side of accounting equation.

3. To Understand the Grow of Accounting Equation

We teach accounting equation because you can understand its grow or deepness.

See following grow list

Total Assets = Total Liabilities

Fixed Assets + Current Assets = Capital + Outside Liabilities

Fixed Assets + Current Assets = Capital + Income -  Expenses - Drawing  + Outside fixed liabilities + outside current liabilities

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