Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to Spend Less Money

In the living life, money is so important. We have to learn the effective use of money. Life will not feel sad due to shortage of money if you learn, "How to spend less money?" It will give you financial freedom all the time.

To spend less money is clearly in your hand because money is dead. You can do what can you with money. If you have some brain you will use it effectively otherwise, you will waste it. Let me explain this with a small but important story.

A businessman has become very old. He had done so hard work for setting up his business. He has 3 sons. He wants to give his business in the hand of his intelligent son. So, he decided to take the test of his 3 sons. He gave Rs. 1,00,000 money to each son for doing their business. He gave the time of one month and allow that they can go any other city. All sons got money and went for doing business.

First Son = He bought second hand car with Rs. 1,00,000 for driving. But he has no money to buy the fuel. So, he came second day in the home because he has no money for starting his driving business.

Second Son = Second son thought about enjoy the life with some money. So, few days he spent in hotel. He drank alcohol drinks. He enjoyed his life with his some girl-friends. Now, he was Rs. 10,000. For showing his father big money, he played gambling with Rs. 10,000. He lost all the money and reached home before one month because he had no money for eating the food.

Third Son = Third son had made budget of his business. Third son took the shop on the rent of Rs. 5000  in the market. He spent Rs. 10,000 on furniture. He bought book and stationary with Rs. 20,000. He started his books retail shop. After one week, customers started to buy books and stationary from his shop. In night, he slept in same shop. Early in the morning, he opened the shop after pray of God. Within the month, he earned good money. He made Rs. 2,00,000 with his invested his capital of Rs. 1,00,000.

Now, after month, he came to his father. He returned his Rs. 1,00,000. Father asked, did you not started any business. Son replied, I started and earned enough. So, I am today returning your money from profit. Father was happy after listening his business success story. He gave his whole business to his third  son.

Lesson from Above story = 

1 # All sons have Rs. 1,00,000 money for starting business. First son does not know spending effective way. He did not make the budget. So, he spent only. So, his expenses increased from his capacity. So, he failed in the business.

2. # Second son had also Rs. 1,00,000. But, he had the bad habits. Remember, if you have any bad habit, you never spend less. You will waste only money. So, leave your bad habit and follow good habits. Your money will be automatically spent less.

3. # Third son had also Rs. 1,00,000. He was so intelligent. He made his budget. He classified his expenses. He promoted his business by taking shop in the market. Add good  furniture and stock of books and stationary in it. He kept his every day record and checked which items had the demand. From re-investing everyday profit, he got success. He also bought his inventory from good suppliers at best rates. That is the reason, he doubled his money within one month.

All we can make the person like that father's third son. We only need to follow some good habits.

1st Good Habit 

Pay Your All Bills on the Time 

When you will pay your all bills on the time, you will not face penalty. So, with this good habit, you will spend less money. Never wait last day of paying bill. This is not good habit.

2nd Good Habit 

Maintain Your All Assets

When there is the need to repair of anything, repair at that time. Never wait. For example, if you see, you electric plug is short circuit. Repair it because it will be harmful for electric wires. If you will become careless, your expenses will increase 100 times or more. I remembered, few days ago, my inventor is speaking a slow voice. I cared it. My mechanic told that your inverter card became dead. I changed at same time by spending Rs. 1200, if I would become careless and does not repair, I had to pay more if my inverter  became dead.

3rd Good Habit 

Keep Every Asset on a Specific Place

Sometime, we keep any asset any place and forget. Result will be of buying same asset by paying money. This is wastage of money. You can reduce it by keeping all things at its proper place. Make the list about which item is kept at where?

4th Good Habit 

Never Take Loan

If you are taking loan, it is sure, you are not spending your money effective way because taking loan will increase your financial burden. You have to give interest on this loan. Why are you taking loan? You had spent more in the past than your actual earning resource. You are increasing your spending my taking loan. Keep your hand on your heart and say, I will never take loan because, I can increasing my money resources by spending less in useless and waste projects.

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