Tuesday, February 18, 2014

6 Tricks to Collect Debt

Have you given debt to a person who is not return? It is so bad because if he will not give your debt, it will become bad debt which is the loss of your hard-earned money. But you think, if you have the skill and your behavior is effective, you can collect your debt. Believe in your tongue, it will help you withdraw the money from debtor's pocket. Only you have to learn the tricks to talk with your debtor.

I am here giving the sample talking between creditor and debtor. You are creditor and you must not talk like my sample if you want to get success for getting money back from your debtor. 

Creditor : O, debtor, so many times, I had told you, you are not paying my debt. 

Debtor : You are always in hurry. When I will feel comfort, I will repay your debt. 

Creditor : In your life, there will never comfort time because your do not want to give me my money back from heart. 

Debtor : I can not kill my family for repaying your debt. Do you understand this. I have only money to small feed to my family.

Creditor : I do not care whether you will kill your family or not. Feed them or not. But give us our debt. 

Debtor : If I will not return your debt, will your kill me?

Creditor : What will I do your dead body after killing you? I need money. You are so dishonest.

Debtor : You need not abuse me. Otherwise, it will not good for your health. 

Creditor : I am not abusing to you. You are doing dishonesty, so, I say, you are dishonest. 

Debtor : What did I do dishonesty. I did not eat your money. 

Creditor : Do not give the money on the time. When I demand, you start to give excuse. What is this. This dishonesty. When I demand, you say, you have only money to feeding your family. What is benefit to feed the bread which is forbidden. 

Debtor : What did I eat of your father?

Creditor : You did not eat of my father but you have eaten of my debt. So, without repaying, you will only eat my garbage. If you are a man, give me my debt money. Only then, you will eat your own food. 

Debtor : I am eating my hard earned money. But from the day when I had taken debt from your sin money, my luck has become so bad. Otherwise I was so happy before taking debt from you. 

Creditor : When you have demanded money from me, you came my door like a dog. You did not say it sin money. So, you are so cheater. Bastard!

Debtor : What did I do wrong? You had useless and excess money. You had given to me. When I will be useless and excess money, I will return to you. 

Creditor : When did you demand money, you did not say like this. Betrayer! Cheater! Dishonest! I will inform police. I will go to court. God will make you dog in your next birth and you will go to each door for a single bread. 

Debtor : Get out from my home. Don't horrify me my telling the name of police and court. All are my friends. They also get useless money of you in the form of bribe and do not return. Never be smart. 

From above discussion between, you will realize the way of collecting money is not correct. If creditor will not have the control on his mind and tongue, you will never get his given debt. So, follow following tricks for collecting money. 

  1. Never give unsecured debt to anyone. 
  2. Control on your behavior. Need to become heater and need not become the patient of high blood pressure after giving debt. Be cool like Ice. 
  3. Divide your whole debt in small part. Give 100 options to repay the debt in very small installments. Give the party to him if debtor pay only $ 1 out $ 10,000. It means, he is interested to repay in 10,000 installments. 
  4. Give discount upto 50% to 60% for repay his debt in peaceful way. 
  5. Don't threaten; legal action
  6. Never abuse
Remember # : Close your eyes and think, "It is easy to find faults in other, it is very difficult to remove your own faults. You are also responsible for this because it takes two to make a quarrel.

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