Saturday, February 15, 2014

CST in Tally.ERP 9 | A practical approach with case study

Earlier we have discussed about how to create VAT and cst purchase ledger  in Tally.ERP 9 p
An Engineering company has a limited number of clientele, but has a few complex processes.
We will focus on the CST features,present in Tally. We will be taking up all the annexures possible, though all may not be applicable for a particular firm.
Now, in this exhaustive case, we will take each annexure one by one. We start by Annexure A
There is only one thing that needs to be remembered, while preparing the ledgers just mark the correct VAT – classification under the sales ledger.
Details of Branch transfer or consignment transfer:-
the voucher entry is done as :-
This is a branch transfer to Haryana branch and needs to be reflected in Annexure A.
remember to choose the category as Branch/Divisions- the VAT details is selected as inter state dealer
Now let us see the 2nd annexure B of CST.
The entry for the sales is shown as :-

The third is CST Annexure C is being shown as :-
for the SEZ buyer – the entry is shown as :-
As was discussed earlier, just choose the correct VAT form under the sales of SEZ as :-
Now we see the Annexure D :-
here we have taken the CST ledger under duties and taxes ( at 2% sales)

The entry is shown as above for annexure D.
Now for Annexure E :- the CST reflection has to be
Annexure E shows that we have to give the details of the suppliers and their details of address , state etc.
We also have to provide the Bill/invoice details and the purpose which can be filled in the sub form. The Tax amount is automatically calculated.
We will show the the entry as 
The Subform is shown as is shown above, this will reflect in the annexure E.
Now for the Form F, – inter state stock transfer
The entry is shown as below:-
Now there is a complex annexure – annexure G’s purchase.  This involves us to give the details of the supplier ( it’s details) and the details of the sales amount
the voucher entry is done as :-
Just note an important feature that needs to be enabled for this E1 and E2 forms.

This is enabled as, go to the voucher ( F8) and then Press F12. and enable the feature to YES as:-
Once this is enabled, you can issue bills and activate form E1 -E2 as is relevant.
Finally – The BS sums it up all and is shown as :-
clearly shows the transfer from HO as a liability(as -ve) but( just remember that during theledger creation the ledger was marked as Transfers to Branch inward)
In this case , we have considered all annexures applicable to CST, however this may not be true for most companies.
Only some may be applicable to them.
*The article is only for an educational purpose and the author holds no responsibility what so ever

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