Wednesday, February 19, 2014


( To be printed on the letter head of the Company)
M/s XYZ & Co
Chartered Accountant
Karol Bagh
New Delhi

Sub : Appointment  of Internal Auditor of    ***** Limited.

Dear Sir,
The management of **** Ltd. would like to avail of your services in the area of Internal  Audit and therefore, it is pleased to appoint your firm to conduct the Internal Audit of our company having its registered office at ***** Ltd, Salt Lake City, Kolkata -700091 for the period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014  as per terms &  conditions mentioned herein below :
Terms & Conditions
1.    Period : Internal Audit for the period 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 with a cut off date of as on 31st March 2014

2.    Time Schedule : The Internal Audit shall commence on or after 1st April 2014 & should be completed on or before 15th April 2014. The report is to be submitted positively by 25th April 2014.

3.    Internal Audit Report : The firm shall submit three copy of Internal Audit report to the management of ***** Ltd.

4.    Scope of Work : As per Annexure A

5.    Fee : The Internal Audit fee shall be Rs.50,000/- for this assignment. Service tax as applicable will be paid extra. The fee will be paid on completion of the assignment in timely manner & on submission of the bill.

6.    Out of pocket expenses : TA/DA (Travelling allowance & Daily allowance) shall be paid as under

TA : Actual Air fare/Train fare & Taxi fare shall be reimbursed on submission of bill
DA : Partner/Qualified assistant : Rs.500/-day of visit
        Article/Un qualified assistant :Rs.200/-day of visit

7.    Mode of payment : All payment shall be maid either through RTGS/Net transfer or A/c payee cheque.

8.    Internal Audit team : The internal audit team should not exceed as under :

Partner/ Qualified Assistant : One
Article/Un qualified assistant :2/3 no.
9.    Address & Telephone/fax number : You are requested to be kindly in touch with following officer of ***** Ltd. to provide your time schedule & list of records required :

Mr. *******
Sr. Manager (Fin)
******* Ltd.
Sec V, Salt Lake City
Kolkata-700 091
Phone :0333-******* , Fax :
Mob. No.:

10. The management reserve the rights to amend, modify and alter any or all of the terms & conditions of this appointment letter.

You are requested to return one copy of this letter of appointment duly acknowledge to the office of the undersigned as token of having accepted all the terms & conditions of this letter.

Thanking you,
Your’s faithfully,

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
****** Ltd.
Copy to :
Sr. Manager (Finance), ****** Ltd.

                                                                                                                                    Annexure -A

The scope of work of Internal auditor shall include:

(1) Examination and evaluation of adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control and risk management system at various operations and activities of the Corporation.

(2) Review of the accuracy and reliability of the Corporation accounting records and financial reports.

(3) Checking of both transactions and functioning of specific internal control procedures at various departments /offices.

(4) Evaluation of adherence to legal and regulatory requirement and approved policies and procedures.

(5) Evaluation of effectiveness of existing policies and procedures and give recommendations for improvement.

(6) Identifying opportunities for cost saving and give recommendations for improving cost efficiencies.

(7) Examine that resources are acquired economically, used efficiently and safeguarded adequately.

 (8) Suggest measure to add value, improve operational efficiency, risk management and internal control systems.

The following functional/ operational areas shall be covered by the internal auditor :

Broad Audit Coverage
Finance & Accounts
a Cash and bank management
b Fixed assets management
c Fund management
d Payable management
e Loans and advances
f Budgeting
g Expense ledger scrutiny
h Investment (FD, Bonds & Other Investment)
i. Cash & Chest insurance, Fidelity insurance,

Human Resources & Administration
a Manpower planning
b Recruitment, selection and induction
c Training
d Time office management
e Payroll management
f Entitlement management – loans, advances, medical, LTC,
uniform, accommodation etc.
g Engagement of outside agencies viz. security services
h Administrative services - guest house, schools, hospital
i Retirement benefits

a Appointment of advocates & fixation of fees
b Monitoring of Expenses

Work shop & Maintenance
a Vehicles / equipment hiring process
b Vehicle/ equipment utilization
c Disposal of vehicles/ equipment
d Performance of equipment/ vehicles

Contract & Work order Management
a Soundness of system and procedures
b Compliance with
(i) Management directives e.g. delegation of power and other circulars
(ii) Statutory laws and rules
c Adequacy and accuracy of estimates
d Awarding of contract at the best economical rates
e Awarding of the contract/ work order to competent parties
f Adequacy of contract terms and conditions for safeguarding Corporation’s interest
g Adherence of contract terms and conditions in respect of release of advance payment,
issuance of material etc.
h Adequacy of insurance coverage
i Accuracy and reliability of accounting
j Adequacy of system of recovery / adjustment of material, scrap items etc.

Pre-Tending Process
a Review of system of sanction and approval of proposal
b Review of system of preparation, vetting and sanction of estimates
c Review of pre-qualification process – fixation and evaluation of criteria
d Review of process of NIT circulation, vetting and issuance of tender documents
e Review of process of pre bid conference

Tendering Process
a Review of system of tender receipts, tender opening
b Review of system of tender evaluation
c Review of process of preparation of comparative statement, negotiation with contractor
d Review of process of awarding of contract

Processing / passing of running bills

a Review of sanction and approval process of bills
b Review of system of adjustment on account of material, advance amount etc.
c Compliance of statutory requirement – Deduction of TDS, Work contract tax
d Review of process of recovery / waiver off of L.D charges
e Review of process of settlement of deviations – increase in scope of work, increase in
quantity etc.
f Review of system of compliance of terms and conditions of the contract e.g. taking of
adequate insurance policies.
g Review of reconciliation process

Full and final payment to contractor

a Review of process of release of full and final payments – sanction and approval
b Review of process of claim settlement
c Review of process of release of security deposits

Statutory compliance by contractors – Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act,
Minimum wages Act, Provident Fund

a Review of records and register maintained by the contractor
b Review of license taken by the contractor – license for the specified jobs, actual labour
deployed is within the limits specified in license etc.
c Review of challans and returns
d Review of wage register and muster rolls

Main documents/Records for Review, Evaluation & Appraisal
a Contract/ work order files
b Minutes of meeting of tender opening and evaluation committee and other relevant meetings
c Tender Receipt register
d Corporation circulars, notification etc.
e Offer / bids submitted by parties / bidders
f EMD register
g Copy of the contract/work order
h Ledger accounts of contractors / parties
i Budget / Annual plan
j Insurance policies taken by contractor
k Material consumption register
l Running bills of contractor
m Abstract of Measurement books
n Statutory records – provident fund challans, return, register of wages etc.
Procurement Management
a Soundness of system and procedures
b Adequacy of offers/ quotation / bid system
c Adequacy of estimates
d Adequacy of purchase requisition in terms of quantity, rate/ price of item, need of an
item, etc.
e Compliance with:
i Provision of delegation of power matrix and other circulars issued by Corporate
ii Procurement manual
iii Purchase order terms and condition
f Procurement at economical rates
g Procurement from competent parties/ suppliers
h Procurement is commensurate with the requirement
i Timely procurement of material and reduction in overall lead time.

Vendor selection process (tendering)

a Review of process of selection of procurement mode viz. open tender, limited tender
or single tender etc.
b Review of process of floating of enquiries
c Review of process of receipt of offers/ bids
d Review of tender / bid/ offer evaluation process
e Review of system of comparative statement preparation, negotiation with the

Store Management
a Effectiveness of inventory management
b Adequacy of receipt and issue procedures
c Adequacy of physical inventory controls
d Accuracy and reliability of material accounting
e Economical disposal of scrap material
f Adequacy and reliability of records / documents
g Adequacy and effectiveness of system of controlling and monitoring of moving and
non moving inventory
h Effectiveness of system and procedures for items issued on returnable basis
i. Monitoring of Slow & Non Moving Item

Review of fixed Assets
a.       Review of Fixed Assets Register
b.      Maintenance of Department wise Fixed Assets Register
c.       Review of Physical Verification report of Assets & Stores
d.      Review of Assets Identification No. (AIN)
e.       Method of charging depreciation
f.        Title deed of land & original invoice of other Fixed Assets

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