Saturday, March 29, 2014

Non current Assets Examples

If you study the balance sheet's asset side, you find two type of assets. One is current assets and other is non current. All assets which are not current, will be non-current assets. We take benefits of these assets more than one year. Following are its main examples.

1. Fixed Assets 

All fixed assets are non-current assets. For example, land, building, furniture, plant, equipment, vehicles etc.

2. Intangible Assets 

All intangible assets are also non-current assets. For example, goodwill, patent, copyright, trademark and other rights for more than one year.

3. Long Term Investment 

Long term investment will also be non-current asset because it will liquidate after one year. When we will sell it, we can its benefit. It may be profit or loss.

4. FD in Bank

If we deposited money at bank for more than one year in the form of FD, this will be our non-current asset.

5. Other Fixed Deposits 

If we deposited our money in long term projects like Kisan Vikas patra or other Govt. schemes. All will be non-current assets. 

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