Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Technical Analysis for Investors

Technical analysis is necessary for getting safe return on investment. Without any technical analysis of your investment, your invested money is just gambling. Remember, you have limited money and you have to achieve success with this money. So, learn technical analysis if you want to become investor.

Here, we are preparing the guide for  investors. We can not say this is complete guide but it is in processing.

(A) Human Behavior Study 

In technical analysis for our investment in stock or bonds, we study the changing prices and charts.There are lots of factors which affect the rise or fall in the price. But one is the major factor is the want of human. Suppose, a person sells his stock, it means, he wants to sell. Now, his wants are affected with his family, relatives, friends, his habits, his society and his own willpower. Suppose, a person buys his stock, it means, he wants to buy. Now, his wants are again affected with same people and his habits and willpower. Now, one can say, a person will buy if prices will rise or he will sell when prices will fall without affecting the other human beings. For example, a person is working on duty. Before marriage, he is working with Rs. 5000 but after marriage, he starts to demand Rs. 10,000. Why? Effect of his wife. Effect of increasing the expenses. Yes, it means every human being's decisions are affected from other human being. So, in technical nature, we have to analyse the human behavior more deeply. 

(B) Historical Prices Analysis 

An investor should analysis all past prices of same stock. If you see past record of same stock, you can expect its future prices. It will not 100% correct but, trend helps you for better decision. This technical analysis does not apply on stock market but it applies everywhere. In IT sector, when google rank a web-page through his page rank. It has 200 signals. One of them is past history of the website. It is must for beginner investors to study past prices of same share or same company's shares.

(C) Understanding of All Tools for Technical Analysis 

i) Price Fields

First tool is price fields which you have to understand. In stock market, there is not a single price. There will have open price, high price, low price, close price, volume price, bid price and ask price. To know its correct meaning is necessary for analysis. For example. What will be the relationship between you and your father's sister. So, above prices are the definitions. So, you must understand it.

open price is the first trade price. Close price is the last trade price in same period. High price is the highest price which buyer want to pay. Low price is the lowest price which seller wants to accept. Bid may on any price but ask the price which buyer has to pay

ii) Charts

Whole theory of technical analysis is on chart. Chart is the image of the history of past prices of same stock. When we have studied the price field. We try to create relationship in these prices in whole trend by representing it on charts. So, understand different charts.

Line chart - Simple lines for showing trend of price.
Bar chart - Bars of showing high, close, open and low price of stock in different periods.

iii) Support and Resistance

In this word, there are two big powers. One is support and other is resistance. Support power is of buyer. Buyer always want to support to decrease prices. Because, they get stock at cheap rates. But other power is of seller. This power name is resistance. Seller always tries to best to stop of decreasing prices. So, there are lots of computer software who represent the relationship between support power and resistance power. By studying it, investor will go to pro-level and take best decision.

iv) Traders' Remorse

When buyer break the resistance power of sellers, it will create traders' remorse. It means, it is success of support over resistance power. So, seller has to make new resistance power. In the chart, they have to make the point. So, your investment decision will be more optimized.

v) Trends

In the stock market, different buyers and different sellers buy and sells for different purposes everyday. If we collect all these data, we can make its trend. Trend means direction of changing of prices. Whether prices are decreasing or increasing.

vi) Moving Average

When we have to find the trend of large time period, we have to learn moving average tool. For example, we have to study 10 years data of prices of any stock. So, we can make small group of prices n upto n period and n prices divide with n period, it will be average price of n period. So, my finding it, we can find the trend of prices.

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