Sunday, April 27, 2014

3 Things to Change Accounting Career Successfully

To change your accounting career is big decision. If you are working accountant in any company for 10 to 15 years and now, you have to take decision to change this company or becoming accounting teacher instead of accountant, it will bring stress in yourself because of family and other financial responsibilities.

At this time, we can help you if you think; we are so close to you. I remembered when I have left my teaching job due to non-coordination with boss. But after leaving job, I had become unemployed for 3 months which made my financial condition so poor. So, never try without long term planning of your financial security. 

Follow the 3 things, if you have taken decision for changing your accounting career.

1.       Trust in Yourself

Trust in yourself is very necessary for changing accounting career successfully. Are you identifying your more potential in yourself? Do you believe, you have right to get more salary but you are getting less? Do you think, you have great idea for growing if you change your current position? First trust in your ideas. Trust in your thoughts. Trust, you are not wrong. This is real power which will give the energy when you have no job after leaving your current accounting job. It will give support when you have no money after this decision. If you are just hurry to take decision but not believing in yourself, you will be on your big mistake. Power of believing yourself cannot be ignored.

2.       Be Patient

When you leave your current accounting position and searching new position, it will take time. So, be patient. When a snake bites a person, person will become patient. It will take time to cover his body from poison. During this time, patient has to think positive. If he thinks about fear and other negative things, it is the chance, he will die. Same position is of you. For adjusting in changing environment, you have to stay positive and patience. Patience is good habit, you have to do its practice day and night and it will become your life’s part.

3.       Uplift Your Willpower

If you want to change your accounting career successfully, you also need to uplift your willpower. There are two types of will power which you can apply for achieving your goal. First is mental and second is physical. Before leaving the current accounting job, you have see the career update news for 10 to 15 minutes. Note the skills required in the newspaper. You give time to learn these new skills after job duty. Every action for increasing practical willpower will help to you to give equal willpower for your better decision.

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