Saturday, May 31, 2014

How to Reduce Entertainment expenses

If you maintain your personal budget, you will feel wonder that your entertainment expenses are increasing day by day. Even, it may be 50% to 60% of total expenses of any month. It may also be uncontrollable sometime. Even after this, I will not to say not to do entertainment because entertainment increases your blood and you can live long if you entertain your life. But, as your personal financial adviser, I am just saying to reduce entertainment expenses because it may affect on your financial independence. I do not want to see you  financial dependence. These days, lots of alternatives of entertainment, by using cheap and best, you can enjoy the fun of life. Following some tips may be helpful to you.

1. Use Natural Swimming Pool instead of Artificially Swimming Pool 

 If you are learning swimming and join artificially swimming pool, then ok. But, if you just pay the fees daily and go for artificially swimming pool. It will increase your entertainment expenses. Find a natural swimming pool near your location and go there and enjoy swimming. Sometime ago, I found also a natural swimming pool near my location. It has made by river water and same water is used for irrigation. I do not pay the fees of this but I enjoy the swimming on natural swimming pool. But before this, see the level of water and other precautions whether you are allowed to use it or not. Because sometime, it may be risky.

2. Use YouTube instead of travelling very Far Location 

 If you have very limited budget for transport expenses of entertainment travelling,

3. Near Location is Better than Far Location of Entertainment 

Suppose, you have to entertain your life by visiting Zoo. There are two zoo one is 1200 Kms and other is 120 Kms. You should search first on Google which is near to you before entertainment in Zoo.  Now, choose near Zoo instead of far Zoo. Both Zoo will give you same entertainment but choosing near Zoo may reduce 10 times entertainment expenses.

4. Make Good Entertainment Plan

Before spending entertainment expenses, make good entertainment plan. Good plan will surely reduce entertainment expenses. It may include,

(A) When will you entertain - Fix month, week or day. Suppose, you want to hill station. In winter holidays, hotel living cost may be costly. You can enjoy winter to hill station but not in holidays.

(B) Where will you travel : You should first decide where will you travel. There are lots of hill station but you have to choose best according to your budget.

(C) How to Travel: With family special without any group or on any group of people who have booked any train or bus for travelling. If you have such network. It will be very secure and better for entertainment in far places. Sometime ago, my retired uncle has visited whole India. His cost was very cheep because he reserved his seat in the train which was booked for travelling whole India. For this, you have to contact with travelling agencies.

5. Find Old Man or Handicapped Person

In last, if you want to reduce entertainment expenses at any way. Then find any old senior citizen or handicapped person. If that person is ready to travel all the places in which you are interested, then become his helper. In India, one helper can travel free of cost with any old senior citizen or handicapped person. One more condition is that senior citizen person should retire from Indian Railway services. Ok, take the fun of entertainment. 

How to Reduce Medical Expenses

To reduce medical expenses is important if you have low source of income and you are interested to reduce medical expenses. Steps of reducing medical expenses are not top secret. Patient or everybody can reduce the cost of medical bills if he or she will use his or her logical sense of mind. This article will help you to teach its simple steps.

1. To Record All the Medical Expenses on the Basis of Bills

To record all the medical expenses on the basis of bills is essential if you want to reduce medical expenses. When you will record, you can see your total expenses. You can compare it will your medical budget. For example, you have fixed medical budget of Rs. 5,000 per month but your accounting record is showing, you have spent on medical Rs. 10,000 in June. Now, you have obtained the reason of inquiry. Why did our medical expense come double. What is its reason. During the research, you can find, you are responsible for this. You have eaten outside fast food. With this, you have faced the infection in liver. So, for removing infection, you have spent. So, you can take the better decision to stop all fast food outside. In previous winters, I spent more money on medical because I was not so careful about my health. But now, at this current summer time, I carried it at Rs. 0. So, accounting records of medical expenses will be so helpful for providing important information and also helpful for taking better decisions for reducing expenses. One more benefit to record on the basis of bills, if you are govt. servant, you can get reimbursement of medical expenses from Govt. by showing your actual medical bills.

2. Try to Search Medical Substitutes 

Today, there are lots of medical substitutes in the market. For example, you can treat your disease with allopathic or homeopathy or naturopathy or ayurvedic or unani medicine. So, out of these way of treatment, you choose best and cheap. As per my experience, naturopathy and ayurvedic medicine is so cheap and risk free. Few years ago, my fever did not stop with any allopathic medicine. Then I started to use naturopathy because I had practiced it in past. Without any cost, I come out of my chronic fever. If there is case of accident, allopathic is best in case of emergency. So, before treating yourself, try to search medical substitutes which should be cheap and best. It  will reduce your medical cost. 

3. Try to Compare the Cost of Different Hospitals

Every hospital provides different services and advice. So, prices will not same. But still, we can compare the cost before treating practically. Just search the internet, you can know different doctors' numbers. Just call them with their mobile no. Ask the first question, "What is the fees for this?" Now, write and compare it before going to treatment. Now, follow best and cheap doctor in the market.

4. Near Doctor is Best if Provide Best Service

When you have to treat any disease, try to search doctor in near area. You can also use google by write the disease or doctor for special disease and write also your near place. Main reason behind this, it will reduce your transport cost. It also less disturb to patient.

5. Study Medical Books and Online References 

All medical books are so cheap. As my thinking, any one can doctor if he or she is the book lover. Study all types of books by buying them from market.You can find great treasures of treatments. Use them and save the cost of medical bills. Learn everyday about the treatment online. Get references of great natural medicine. God has made all natural medicine, so, you can get them at free of cost. Never take medical debt. It will increase your stress and stress will make your patient in whole life.

6. Do Exercise and Yoga Asan Everyday

Do exercise and yoga asan everyday and save your life from all chronic diseases. More you save more your medical expenses will reduce.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Invoice Price Method Branch Accounting

In branch accounting, head office sends the goods to branch on the invoice price instead of cost price because with this, company can hide his profit margin from branch employees. In the invoice price, there are two prices will be included on is cost price and second is profit %. So, it is very necessary to use invoice price method for doing branch accounting. Here, we are teaching its procedure.

1st Step : Pass the Journal Entries in Head Office for Adjustment of Stock 

It is very necessary to adjust the stock of company when it supplies to branch at invoice price. We are not selling the product to our branch. Branch is the small part of company. So, for deducting the profit from stock, we will pass the reverse entry of stock reserve will pass which is relating to adjustment of opening stock, closing stock and goods send to branch. For example, we have $ 1000 opening stock in branch. In this $ 1000, $ 200 is our profit, so, it is necessary to deduct $ 200 from $ 1000 from opening stock. Same adjustment will apply on closing stock also.

1. For adjustment in the value of opening stock 

Stock Reserve Account Debit ( Invoice value - cost value)

Branch Account Credit

2. For adjustment in the value of goods sent to branch less return

Goods Sent to Branch Account Debit  ( Invoice value - cost value)

Branch Account Credit

3. For adjustment in the value of closing stock 

Branch Account Debit ( Invoice value - cost value)

Stock Reserve Account Credit 

2nd Step : Making of Branch Account

Following is branch account as per invoice method

How to Find Discounted Cash Flow

To find discounted cash flow is necessary for taking better investment decisions. Discounted cash flow can tells us what is value of future cash flows at present time. Through discount rate, we can find present value of total cash outflow and present value of total cash inflows. If present cash inflow value is more than present cash outflow value, we can take the decision to invest our cash in that asset.

Now, we come to the steps of finding discounted cash flow :

1st Step : To Calculate the Discount Rate 

For finding discounted cash flow, we need to calculate discount rate. Discount rate is calculated on the basis of interest on risk free investment and rate on average risk in investment. For example, if we invest our cash in Govt. FD, we get 4% interest. It means, today invests Rs. 100 value is more than after one year investing of Rs. 100 due to time value of money. But in discount rate, we will take risk free rate + rate for taking risk. It means, if FD's interest rate is 4%, then normal discount rate will be for other time of investment 5 % to 10%.

2nd Step : To Calculate the Discounted Cash Flow

By using the formula of discounted cash flow after calculating the discount rate, we can find discounted cash flow.

Formula of Calculating Discounted Cash Flow

= cash flow in future period/(1 + Discount rate)^Time Period

For example, you want to present value of your investment (Cash outflow) of RS. 100,000 which you have invested in 10 years. Discount rate is 5%

Present value of this cash flow will be

= 1,00,000 / (1 + 5/100)^10 = RS. 45248.86. It means, if we invest only Rs. 45248.86 present time, it is equal to invest Rs. 1,00,000 after 10 years.

How to Invest My Small Money

To invest small money is the part of your wise thinking. If you have not enough money to complete your all basic needs. Still, if you think to invest your small money instead of consuming all, I think, it is your great thinking. One side you will save your small money and other side, you will get its big reward. But you should more careful of your risk. If you invest your small money, it may  lose. So, be careful about this. In this content, we will teach the steps to invest your small money safely.

1. Make the Habit of Small Saving Before Investing

Yesterday, my friend went to Doctor for checking her wife's health. She is pregnant. So, Doctor is demanding Rs. 2000. He had not Rs. 2,000 in hand. He went to ATM where is just Rs. 3000 which is just Rs. 1000 more. Doctor may take Rs. 5000. So, it is very difficult to get debt for this purpose. It may be case of shame and insult. Why did this situation come? Reason is very clear. Such friend is consuming his  money when he gets the money. So, bank account reaches zero. Such friend can not classify their basic need and luxuries. If you are one of him, you can change yourself by making the habit of small saving. It is not issue whether you save $ 1 or $ 10,000. But it is important, you have the habit of saving of fixed amount every month. You are human being and you can make any habit. It may be good or bad. To consume whole money is bad habit. Stop to follow this and follow new habit of saving money.

2. Cover All Your Risk Before Losing of Your Investment Money 

If you will invest your small saved money, it may face lose because there is risk in it. So, before taking risk, you should save some fund for paying your basic needs for one year. Because one year is enough to come out from the stress of lose. If your all basic needs will fulfil, your stress will be less than a person who did not care to fulfill his basic need and invest. If that person will face the lose of his small money which got after hard work in many days, he will surely do not tolerate this. So, before investing your small money, save money for fulfilling basic needs for one year. You can also invest this money in FD of Govt. banks.

3. Learn to Better Invest Before Investing Small Money

Today, there are lots of investment frauds and scams. These frauds and scams are almost every industry whether it is insurance sector or bank sector or real estate. So, you should learn these scams. Lots of people who lost their money in these investment frauds aware other through their websites and internet forums. Study all these websites, blogs and forums. You have earned your small money by doing your business or service in 30 to 40 years, cheaters can take this money if there is small greed in your mind. So, control on your greed. Never capture yourself, if anybody is offering to give big reward on your small money, create the doubt of scam in it. Search it online. Learn, learn and learn before investing is best solution to invest better way. You will get also knowledge different best companies. You should also learn the accounting and study of financial statement, it will be helpful to know the financial position of any company before investing money in the same company. So, you can take better investment decision.

4. Know the Different Options of Investment 

There are lots of different options of investment. If you have only Rs. 100, you can not buy the property or shares. Because for invest in these options, you need huge investment. So, if you save Rs. 100 every month. Deposit it in Recurring deposit account of bank for One year to five years. If you have invested Rs. 100 every month in the RD account, you will get Rs. 1500 in year and in five years you will Rs. 10,000 with interest. Now, invest same money in Govt. FD. You will get 9% interest on it. In 5 years, your Rs. 10,000 will become Rs. 15,000. Now, you have enough money to buy the second computer to start your service business. If you have learned computer, you can give the coaching to other. You can give your services relating to computer. Today, I have 4 computers and one laptop but it is from my first investment of Rs. 30,000 in computer. In past, computer rates were more than today. But this small investment in the right time and using same one computer for providing coaching and then started online business. Today, same computer's investment have given me enough money to me for survive my whole life. So, remember my tips.

a) If you have very small money. Collect it enough in govt. banks for buying any machine for starting your own small scale business. Only business will increase your money in small time.

b) To invest your small money in share market without enough knowledge is just to play the gambling. Never become gambler.

c) Invest your small money to get higher education. It is best investment. One of my friend did B.Com, after this, he married and started his mobile business but he did not get success in it. So, he again tried to get govt. bank job. So, he cleared the test and interview. Now, he is bank officer. It is only possible because he invested money in education. All other business may fail but higher education's investment will give your great return in long period.

How to Motivate Commerce Students

If you are commerce teacher or commerce lecturer in college , then you would find that some students disturb in your teaching . Either , they could not understand what has you taught or they do not want to co-operate to you . When you face the problem that one or some commerce students are not focusing on the accounting topic which you are teaching , then , it is your first duty to motivate commerce students .

Now understand how to motivate commerce students :-

No. 1 Understand the psychology of Commerce students

Psychology is the science to study and investigate the mind of other person . It is very scientific tool to motivate commerce students . Commerce students come from different economic and social background and every student behaves different with teacher . So , teacher should read each commerce student's psychology by personal attachment with commerce students . In B.Com. and also in MBA , some students are from non commerce background also . So , from time to time some basic knowledge of commerce should be given also in higher classes specially to non-commerce students . It will be motivation for them to do good in commerce .

No. 2 Mixing the different tools of teaching Commerce 

First of prepare your commerce topic yourself deeply and after this teach it to commerce students with mixing tool . It means , you should not always give only lecture but also some time , you should get response from commerce students also by asking question . You can also give them some home work . With this commerce students will activate and participate in your teaching classroom and this motivation will do wonder .

No. 3 Use the black board 

Using the black board is good technique to educate commerce students effective way . Good understanding about solving accounting or business mathematics is the best motivation to commerce students . 

Commerce teacher should solve minimum one question on black board . Practical action on black board always encourage students to solve accounting and finance question on notebook. You can also explain any topic by making different structure on black board . 

No. 4 Utilize new techniques of learning 

Teacher should always do some search on Google for finding new techniques for learning . Internet can explain large number of teaching and learning techniques which you can utilize in your classroom through project presentation . 

No. 5 Fix reward who is doing better 

Take the test of commerce students and give them some reward for doing good in commerce subject . This reward surely motivates students to achieve the target of teaching .

How to Motivate Accounting Students

To motivate the accounting students is so easy if accounting teacher will take it as challenge and will also make a good plan for creating more enjoy and fun in learning accounting. With motivate to accounting students, their big accounting problems will become small because motivation will give them happiness of mind and soul. There whole immune system will strong for learning accounting.

Steps for motivating accounting students : 

1st : To Make Accounting Learning Environment

When you go to park what you feel, you feel more relax and more pure oxygen because park's environment has been made by planting lots of trees. Without flowers and trees and their care, park can not provide the best environment for exercise and yoga. Now, something will apply on accounting learning. If you are interested to motivate your accounting students, you first making accounting learning environment. Following principle will be useful for this.

1. Fix the time to come in the classroom. No excuse, no sorry for late students. Late students always disturb for making good learning environment.
2. Stop to call on mobile during the time of teaching.
3. Keep smiling on your face. When your student did not solve your given accounting problem after your teaching, never feel angry. Smile on the face and try to teach that student with different way.
4. Bring Silence in the classroom. We know, for motivation, there is big need of peace of students, otherwise, it will not affect the students to learn accounting their own.
5. In classroom, keep the chart of basic accounting formulae and terms. It will attract the students to remember them and give good impression on students in classroom.

2nd Step : Motivate Accounting Students by Telling their Potential After Learning 

Teacher should give the vision to their accounting students. By providing extra information of accounting career, he should motivate the students. Lots business magazines in which successful entrepreneurs history are given which had learned accounting in the beginning of their academic and professional education. I know my lots of friends who learned accounting with me in graduate level and now providing their professional accounting service at international level after doing CA. So, this is proud for me. Students also want to become anything which give them fame and name. So, both are in accounting learning. Student will become regular for learning accounting if you give the dose of encouraging them for developing their life with learning of accounting. Always give the example of great business personalities of the world. Buy the books of biographies of great personalities. Read them one by one and tell their stories for motivating the accounting students.

3rd Step : Create Fun with Your Words

Few days ago, I watched Johnny lever interview video in which he told that he started his career in Hindustan lever. His duty was to create fun for 10000 workers. This was the 27 years old history. He copied the voice of big stars at that time. By this fun, nobody was absent. All will come early before the duty time only for getting happiness of Johnny lever's fun words.

Same step can also use by any accounting teacher who is giving just boring accounting lecture. In real sense without fun and enjoy, everything is boring. If you do not know, how to teach accounting with fun, learn from this article.

3rd Step : To Give Personal Attachment 

When you see any student who is not good responding on your given accounting problem, it means, there is something wrong. You should give him personal attachment. Ask their personal problems. Solve them. This will be great motivation for him or her because student will think you as the part of his or her family.

4th Step : Motivate to Do Experiment and Research 

Whether it is to make the balance sheet or to maintain a new company's account, you should motivate the students to do experiment and research. Every student is future's great accountant who handle the company, so, give them power by motivating them to do experiment and research in accounting.

5th Step : To Do Group Discussion on Accounting Topic 

When there is any doubtful concept in accounting, you should arrange the group discussion on that topic. When your student will speak their opinion in group discussion, his or her confidence will increase. This is the motivation in real sense.

6th Step :  Give the Problem and Make Expert to Your Students 

My brother always fear when I drive the car because I will drive wrong. He is my brother. But he is not my teacher. Teacher will teach. He will give problem and give freedom to solve this challenge. Only then, his students will become expert. I also teach to drive to my brother. But after giving instruction, I give freedom to drive in blank space. Now, I am so careful to check his performance. Like this, you should also give accounting problems to your students. If any student will do best, give him reward. It will give motivation to them to grow in accounting.

How to Become an Inspirational Teacher

To become an inspirational teacher will be your great success in your teaching career. For becoming an inspirational teacher, you have to show your talent and skills to students. You have to change the lives of your students with your motivation and positive thinking. Only, then you will become inspirational or motivational teacher in the heart of your student.

1. Start from Yourself 

If you want to become an inspirational teacher, you have to start from yourself. First, you have to change yourself and only then you can inspire other. When you will inspire other, other will say to you a source of inspirational. In teaching line, you will surely be an inspirational teacher. Following things matter to inspire yourself.

a) Self-Analysis 

Every night before sleeping, start self-analysis, it is great system of self-help and self-inspiration. Ask, yourself, are you teaching good way to your students? Has any bad thing happened in the classroom? Are you responsible for speaking too bad words to students? Has any negative thinking come in your mind? One by one, remember whole day for self-analysis. Stop any bad thing before becoming your bad habit.

b) Try to Teach Yourself Before Teaching Student 

Every teacher should teach himself before teaching student. For example, you have to teach not to eat white sugar because it is harmful for health. Did you understand it? Did you apply it on you? Did you get its better result. If you learned, you can teach better to your student.

c) Add Value from Other Teachers

If you open your eyes as student for learning from other great teachers, we can add value in our teaching from other teachers. It will make your perfect. But, if you understand yourself as great teacher due to self-ego, you can never add value in your teaching. For becoming an inspirational teacher, you should start from yourself by learning and adding value from other teachers.

2. Never Use Anger and Physical Punishment As Teaching Weapons

Do you think, by using anger on students and giving them physical punishment, you have become a great teacher? No my dear, no, by doing this, you are fixing your seat as dictator. An inspirational teacher never use anger and physical punishment as teaching weapons. If you do same, follow first step. Control your mind and physical body. Today, your students will become also teacher, doctors, engineers, accountants and businessmen, all will spread violence in the society because you have bear a plant of anger and hate in their mind. Instead of bearing this plant, you can bear the plant of love and happiness by teaching with smile.

I am telling true story of my life. I was teacher in small village school. I had given home work for remembering something. No student remembered. I was so angry, I punished each student by hitting stick on their hands for 10 times. All students were crying and I was smiling. In the night, God came to me. There was a big stick in his hand. He showed my sins in this life and in my past births. I was saying sorry for this. I was saying, please do not punish to me. God was saying, when you do not pardon small students in the classroom, how can I pardon to you? In  teaching, there is no need to give order to remember anything. Best teaching will automatically increase the memory of students. Your students came to you because their parents taught them the way from home to school. They came automatically. So, you are failure as teacher and for revenge your failure, you were punishing. I understood everything from God. Anger and punishing is not good teaching policy. Next day, I had given the stick to students and ordered, any student who did not remember the answer of my given questions hit me the stick 10 times. All students felt sham by doing this. Within 10 minutes, same students remembered answers of all my given questions. I was seeing so different in these students because I left my bad habit of teaching with anger and punishment. I started to use my heart's love in my teaching and finally, I became an inspirational teacher in same village's school.

3. Teach with Positivity

  When you go to classroom, be positive. You may come from different environment. It may be possible, you come by fighting with your wife or parent. So, your mind will be full of negative thinking against them. Same flow may be on students. Your attitude should never be negative with students. Every any student did any mistake. Never see it in negative angle. Try to see, how can change same energy of student in good area where student can grow. For example, a student who is expert in creating different voice and disturb classroom, instead stopping his great skill, give him reward to show it in the classroom and carry him in big exhibition. With this, he can become great artist. You listened the voice of Tom Thumb on TED youtube channel who can play any music with his mouth. So, we solute to his great teacher who made his career by using his creativity positive way.

4. Improve Your Teaching Language 

If you improve your teaching language, you can easily affect each student of your classroom. Your student can easily understand, what you want to teach. Following tips will be helpful.

a) Start your teaching from Why? For example, you want to teach, how to pass journal entries? This teaching should start from why should we pass the  journal entry? By doing this, your student will more interested in your teaching.

b) Instead of tongue, you should also learn to teach by using other parts of body. In part, you can include your face expression, hand, eye contact and better use of each mescal of your body.

c) You need to improve your communication with students. You should give the love and respect to student. If your student do not like your communication, how can learn from you? So, you should change your communication and it must be liked by students.

5. Study and Learn Great Teaching Quotes

To study and learn great teaching quotes will be helpful to make you an inspirational teacher. Some of useful quotes are given below.

1. If you think you are too small to make a difference, you have not spent a night with a mosquito.

2. Great things are done by a series brought together.

3.To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong

4. A child can teach an adult three things.

one : To be happy for no reason. Second : To always be curious and third : To fight tirelessly for something.

5.Forgive them even if they are not sorry.

6. We learn, 10% of what we read. 20% of what we hear. 30% of what we see. 50% what we see and hear. 70% of what we discuss. 80% of what we experience. 95% of what we teach others.

7. 10 tips remember every day for teaching better. a) Teach one topic at a time. b) Know the problems c) Learn to listen d) Learn to ask questions e) Distinguish sense from nonsense f) Accept changes as inevitable g) Admit mistakes h) say it simple i) Be calm j) Smile

8. Old ways will not open new doors.

9. You can not teach children behave better by making them feel worse. When children feel better, they behave better.

10. Respect is earned. Honestly is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.

11. The expert in anything was once a beginner.

12. Play is the highest form of research.

13. Never underestimate the power of just noticing the greatest reward for student effor is a teacher who cares.

Allowances available under Income Tax Act,1961 from Salary Income

"Allowance is defined as a fixed quantity of money or other substance given regularly in addition to salary for meeting specific requirements of the employees. As a general rule, all allowances are to be included in the total income unless specifically exempted. Exemption in respect of following allowances is allowable to the exent mentioned against each:

House Rent Allowance:- Provided that expenditure on rent is actually incurred, exemption available shall be the least of the following :
(i) HRA received.
(ii) Rent paid less 10% of salary.
(iii) 40% of Salary (50% in case of Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi) Salary here means Basic + Dearness Allowance, if dearness allowance is provided by the terms of employment.
Leave Travel Allowance: The amount actually incurred on performance of travel on leave to any
place in India by the shortest route to that place is exempt. This is subject to a maximum of the air economy fare or AC 1st Class fare (if journey is performed by mode other than air) by such route, provided that the exemption shall be available only in respect of two journeys performed in a block of 4 calendar years.

Certain allowances given by the employer to the employee are exempt u/s 10(14). All these exempt allowance are detailed in Rule 2BB of Income-tax Rules and are briefly given below:
For the purpose of Section 10(14)(i), following allowances are exempt, subject to actual expenses incurred:
(i) Allowance granted to meet cost of travel on tour or on transfer.
(ii) Allowance granted on tour or journey in connection with transfer to meet the daily charges incurred by the employee.
(iii) Allowance granted to meet conveyance expenses incurred in performance of duty, provided no free conveyance is provided.
(iv) Allowance granted to meet expenses incurred on a helper engaged for performance of official duty.
(v) Academic, research or training allowance granted in educational or research institutions.
(vi) Allowance granted to meet expenditure on purchase/ maintenance of uniform for performance of official duty.

Under Section 10(14)(ii), the following allowances have been prescribed as exempt."

Sr. No.Type of AllowanceAmount Exempt
1Special Compensatory Allowance for hilly areas or high altitude allowance or climateallowance.Rs.800 common for various areas of North East, Hilly areas of UP, HP. & J&K and Rs. 7000 per month for Siachen area of J&K and Rs.300 common for all places at a height of 1000 mts or more other than the above places.
2Border area allowance or remote area allowance or a difficult area allowance or disturbed area allowance.Various amounts ranging from Rs.200 per month to Rs.1300 per month are exempt for various areas specified in Rule 2BB.
3Tribal area/Schedule area/Agency area allowance available in MP, Assam, UP., Karnataka, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Tamilnadu, TripuraRs.200 per month.
4Any allowance granted to an employee working in any transport system to meet his personal expenditure during duty performed in the course of running of such transport from one place to another place.70% of such allowance upto a maximum of Rs.6000 per month.
5Children education allowance.Rs.100 per month per child upto a maximum 2 children.
6Allowance granted to meet hostel expenditure on employee’s childRs.300 per month per child upto a maximum two children.
7Compensatory field area allowance available in various areas of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur Sikkim, Nagaland, H.P., U.P. & J&K.Rs.2600 per month.
8Compensatory modified field area allowance available in specified areas of Punjab, Rajsthan, Haryana, U.P., J&K, HP., West Bengal & North East.Rs.1000 per month
9Counter insurgency allowance to members of Armed Forces.Rs.3900 Per month
10Transport Allowance granted to an employee to meet his expenditure for the purpose of commuting between the place of residence & duty.Rs.800 per month.
11Transport allowance granted to physically disabled employee for the purpose of commuting between place of duty and residence.Rs.1600 per month.
12Underground allowancegranted to an employeeworking in under groundmines.Rs.800 per month.
13Special allowance in thenature of high altitudeallowance granted to members of the armed forces.Rs. 1060 p.m. (for altitude of 9000-15000 ft.) Rs.1600 p.m. (for altitude above 15000 ft.)
14Special allowance granted to members of armed forces in the nature of island duty allowance. ( in Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshwadeep Group of Islands)Rs. 3,250/- p.m.