Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to Motivate Commerce Students

If you are commerce teacher or commerce lecturer in college , then you would find that some students disturb in your teaching . Either , they could not understand what has you taught or they do not want to co-operate to you . When you face the problem that one or some commerce students are not focusing on the accounting topic which you are teaching , then , it is your first duty to motivate commerce students .

Now understand how to motivate commerce students :-

No. 1 Understand the psychology of Commerce students

Psychology is the science to study and investigate the mind of other person . It is very scientific tool to motivate commerce students . Commerce students come from different economic and social background and every student behaves different with teacher . So , teacher should read each commerce student's psychology by personal attachment with commerce students . In B.Com. and also in MBA , some students are from non commerce background also . So , from time to time some basic knowledge of commerce should be given also in higher classes specially to non-commerce students . It will be motivation for them to do good in commerce .

No. 2 Mixing the different tools of teaching Commerce 

First of prepare your commerce topic yourself deeply and after this teach it to commerce students with mixing tool . It means , you should not always give only lecture but also some time , you should get response from commerce students also by asking question . You can also give them some home work . With this commerce students will activate and participate in your teaching classroom and this motivation will do wonder .

No. 3 Use the black board 

Using the black board is good technique to educate commerce students effective way . Good understanding about solving accounting or business mathematics is the best motivation to commerce students . 

Commerce teacher should solve minimum one question on black board . Practical action on black board always encourage students to solve accounting and finance question on notebook. You can also explain any topic by making different structure on black board . 

No. 4 Utilize new techniques of learning 

Teacher should always do some search on Google for finding new techniques for learning . Internet can explain large number of teaching and learning techniques which you can utilize in your classroom through project presentation . 

No. 5 Fix reward who is doing better 

Take the test of commerce students and give them some reward for doing good in commerce subject . This reward surely motivates students to achieve the target of teaching .

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