Saturday, May 3, 2014


(THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 & THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013 as applicable)




------------------------------ PRIVATE LIMITED

I.     The Name of the Company is------------------- PRIVATE LIMITED.
II.    The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in the ----------------.
III.  The objects for which the Company is established are:-
1.  To advise, provide consultancy services, develop and implement products for customers on all matters regarding implementation of computer software and hardware systems, management of data processing and information systems and data communication systems whether in India/abroad.
2. To design, develop, manufacture, assemble, buy, sell, distribute, import, export, alter, remodel, lease, install, repair, service, provide consulting and otherwise to deal in all classes and types of telecommunication, computing and related apparatus, instruments, machinery, fixtures, devices, and contrivances and parts thereof including, but not limited to telecommunications electronic test and measurement equipment analytical equipment, data processing equipment, electronic calculators, equipment services, electrical and electronic components of every description and mini computer and micro computer products, mainframe and super computers, computer networking products and services, computer software, firmware and programmers, electronic and mechanical computer and their peripherals of every kind, equipment and terminals and workstations (including intelligent terminals), speech and other signal processing equipment and services, test equipment and parts, assemblies and sub assemblies related to all of the above used in connection therewith, and to deal in all other machines, machinery, appliances apparatus devices, materials, substances, articles or things of a character similar or analogous to the foregoing or any of them or connected therewith.
3. To design, develop, improve, manufacture market, distribute, sell, license, lease, install, alter, import, export, or otherwise deal in or with all software, hardware and programs of any and all kinds and description, including, but not limited to those used in, for or in connection with electronic data processing equipment, products and services including computers and micro processor based systems, mini and microcomputers based products, switches mainframe and super computers and telecommunications peripheral equipment and terminals including intelligent terminals speech or signal processing equipment, test equipment, office and factory automation equipment.

4. To provide software, hardware or programmes consultancy, information processing and business advisory services related to the preparation and maintenance of the accounting, statistical, scientific or mathematical information and reports data processing, preparing, collection and data of every kind and description, systems or aiding commerce, industry, scientific and research problems and for all other related businesses whether in India/ abroad.

5. To undertake all activities relating to software development for any industry, business, application, product, device, computer, microprocessor, including design and implementation of hardware and software for all such services whether in India/abroad.

6. To carry on the business of development, marketing, import, export, maintenance and service of all kinds of manufactured goods and products for all kinds of business including manufacturers and dealers in modem and accessories, hardware and accessories of every description for use in providing Internet, Intranets, Private Telecommunication Networks, or by any other means, E-mail service, facsimile service, education and training services, web sites, electronic market places, integral service digital networks, video conferencing, including renting, maintaining, repairing and, for the purpose, to set up plants, purchase, import or otherwise acquire the same and to run, maintain all such plants, machinery and to undertake all activities, directly or indirectly related to electronic commerce right from conception to transition, training, implementation, and modification and services related to Electronic-Commerce business, including developing content-based programs to exploit the Internet, Intranets and Private Telecommunication Networks or any other means for serving the cause of companies, groups of companies, industries, service organizations and government and quasi-government undertakings whether in India/ abroad.

7. To initiate, undertake, carry on, engage in, promote, assist encourage, finance and conduct scientific and technical research, developments, experiments, investigations, inquiries, studies, projects, analysis, examinations, surveys and test of all kinds including, but not limited to those related to telecommunications, computers, electronic data processing equipment, software, hardware and programmers of all kinds and description and any equipment, parts, components, assemblies or sub assemblies thereof whether in India/ abroad.

8. To establish or promote or concur in establishing or promoting any Company or Companies for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property, rights and liabilities of the Company or for any other purpose which may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit the Company.
9. To carry on the business of manufacturers, designers, processors, assemblers, dealers, traders, distributors, importers, exporters, agents, consultants, systems designers, and contractors for erection and commissioning on turn-key basis or to deal in any other manner including storing, packing, transporting, converting, repairing, installing, training, servicing, maintenance of all types, varieties, and kinds of products, manufactured goods and equipment whether on behalf of clients or for business of the Company.

*9A. To manufacture, purchase, sell or otherwise transfer, lease, import, export, hire, license, use, dispose of, operate, fabricate, construct, distribute, assemble, design, charter, acquire, market, recondition, work upon or otherwise, generally deal in any electronic, electrical, mechanical and electromechanical product, machine, apparatus, appliance, custom products, merchandise, systems, software procedure, peripheral products, computers, tabulators, data processing machines and systems and components thereof, electronic calculators, electric and electromechanical accounting systems, terminal products and systems, machines for registering, data preparation, recording, perforation, tabulating, sorting printing, typewriting, products which possess an internal intelligence for recognition and correlating any type of data or information to be processed, recognition and memory systems, optical scanning machine, transmission lines, transmission equipment, terminals, copying, reproducing and distributing machines, check signing, protecting and disbursing equipment, machines for facsimile reproduction, facsimile transmission and word processing, facilities and accessories and devices of all kinds, and for all purposes, and any products and component parts thereof or materials or articles used in connection therewith, and any and all other machinery, appliances, apparatus, devices, materials, substances, business forms and supplies, articles or things of a character similar or analogous to the foregoing, or any of them or connected therewith.

*9B.To establish and conduct programmes for the training of any personnel including members of public in the fields enumerated in the aforementioned objects and or training any personnel in any educational fields including any technology, banking, insurance, management, bio-technology, behavioural sciences etc., and develop systems for use in connection therewith and for all industrial and business applications of computer, hardware, software, firmware, computer programme and systems.

10. To amalgamate, enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of interests, co-operation, joint venture or reciprocal concession, or for limiting competition with any individual, person or Company carrying on or engaged in, or about to carry on or engage in, any business or transaction, which the Company is authorized to carry on or engage in, or which can be carried on in conjunction therewith or which is capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit the Company.

11. To undertake or participate in the formation, management, Supervision or control of the business operations of any other Company, firm or person.

12. To purchase, take on lease, tenancy or in exchange hire or otherwise acquire any estate or interest and to take options over any property, whether movable or immovable and any rights or privileges which may be convenient for the purpose of its business or may enhance the value of any other property of the company.
13. To carry on, establish, organize, manage, promote, provide, operate, conduct and develop life insurance and general assurance business in all its branches & manifestations in India or elsewhere and for this purpose to operate various schemes including whole life insurance, endowment insurance, double benefit and multiple benefit insurance, medical insurance, fire, riot, earth-quake, natural calamity or crop insurance, loss of profit insurance, theft insurance, transit insurance, accidental insurance, limbs and organ insurance, annuity plans, gratuity plans, fixed income plans and such other schemes and plans as may be considered expedient and necessary from time to time.

14. To act as agents, representatives, surveyors, sub-insurance agents, franchisers, consultants, advisors, collaborators, in life and general insurance.

15. To engage in all activities which are incidental and allied or related to insurance business and for this purpose to apply, approach acquire, hold and procure such rights, titles entitlements, licences and permissions from Government, Semi-Government, local authorities, public bodies, undertaking and from such other authorities as may be necessary and expedient.

16. To acquire, take up, manage, invest, hold, sell and deal in investments and other property of any kind and advise in relation thereto on behalf of individuals, trusts, pension funds, charities, associations, registered societies, unit trusts, mutual funds, offshore funds, investments pool and other persons of bodies of persons whether incorporated or not and to promote, establish, manage and carry on any trust scheme, mutual fund operations, investment or pool (whether fixed or flexible or a combination thereof) or concerning any shares, stocks, debenture, debenture stock, bonus, unit, loans, obligations, securitised debt, money market investments securities of the Government, State, Company, Corporation, Municipal or local or other Body or Authority or obligations or local or other securities or investments of any kind or description whether in India or any foreign country.

17. To carry on the business of managing investments of pension funds or any superannuation schemes or any other funds of similar nature.
18. To carry on business in all its branches and elsewhere as an investment advisor and asset management company and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, advisory and investment supervisory services to any clients, and to generally carry on commercial trading and other operations.
IV.  The Liability of the members is Limited.
V.   The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs.500,000.00 (Rupees Five Lacs) divided into 50,000(Fifty thousand) equity shares of Rs.10.00 (Rupees Ten) each with such rights, privileges and conditions attaching thereto as are provided by the regulations of the Company for the time being, with power to increase and decrease the capital of the Company and to divide the shares in capital for the time being into several classes and to attach thereto respectively such preferential rights, privileges or conditions as may be determined by or in accordance with the Articles of the Company for the time being and to modify or abrogate any such rights, privileges or conditions in such manner as may be permitted by the Act or provided by the Articles of the Company for the time being.

We, the several persons whose names and addresses are hereunto subscribed, are desirous of being formed into a Company in pursuance to this Memorandum of Association and we respectively agree to take the number of shares in the capital of the company set opposite to our respective names.

Names , Address, Descriptions, Occupation and Signature of the subscribers
Number of Equity Shares taken by each subscriber
Names , Address, Description, Occupation and Signature of the Witness




Signature  :




Signature  :

Witness for all subscribers


Total Shares

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