Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Things must know before going for interview


1) Main important question that you should ask yourself – why am I leaving this organization? Do I really need a new Job? Think 100 times before you start searching for Jobs.
2) First what is your taste and lifestyle – You are not born here to do Core work. Unless you are happy, don’t go there.
3) If you are not willing for Shifts, Say that strongly – there are chances of giving regular shift which they keep for the people who insist for the regular shift.
4) If you are not interested to change your job, don’t attend interviews. Without knowing you will land somewhere.
5) If you have specific requirement such as Day shift/ location preference/ Specific profile – Never attend other interview for the sake of attending.
6) If you have some other offer in your hand, don’t tell that you have another offer – Just tell them because I have confidence that I will get in 2 months, I have resigned.

a) Make Eye contact with all the persons who interview you.
b) Every interviewer will set up some time limit in his mind. Assume 45 minutes. Kill his time. If you speak more – Chances of winning is 80%. If he is speaking more – you will be under risk. 
c) So, if he asks one question – answer that and continue that answer with some example to kill time.
d) Ready with the questions like
    i) What is your objective?
    ii)  Where you want to stay 5 yrs. down the line.
   iii) Why do you want to change job. (You cannot say money is the only reason, Add one more reason)
    iv)  Positives and most important is negatives.

  • Be BOLD in HR discussions,
  • When you are in HR discussions, you cleared technical.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask higher number.
  • Include all variable and shift allowance in current package.
  • If you want 50% or 100% hike ask that strongly and give justification. Nothing wrong in that.
  • While negotiating, if he asks you to tell in percentage - no need to round off – even if it is 43% or 33% don’t compromise on 3%. After joining getting 10k is also a big thing.
  • What is the hierarchy in the organization: When you finish the Pay discussions, very important thing is designation –If you don’t ask correct designation, it will take 1.5 yr. to get promotion –So be careful and try to get everything while you join 

  • Things to confirm before confirming the offer
  • How many numbers of employees in team?
  • Stretch timings ; 
  • Work timings and weekends off/not
  • Whether they provide laptop (even this becomes one point if you compare three offers at later stage)
  • Cab and Cafeteria facilities.
  • Work from home option available during emergency?
  • And what is company’s business in coming three years.
  • Is there any facility like internal Job posting after a period of time?

  1. ) Try not to search for further offers if you are happy with the offer. (The day you start searching, attending, confirming and again two months searching – you will be tired physically and mentally)
  2. ) If you decide to look for further offers – Do not interact much with HR people after confirming.
  3. ) If you have 2 months’ notice period, after 1.5 month –stop searching for new.
  4. ) If you get a new offer, immediately send a mail stating that you are not joining in first company – don’t be late and when they call –Just listen everything and say them sorry. After all it’s your life and you have every right to say that you are interested

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