Sunday, August 24, 2014

How to Make Money from Wiki

Main source of making money with a wiki is advertising. If you see famous wiki site like and, you will see these websites are making money through google adsense.  When they are making money from wiki site, you can also make.

 Following are its simple steps.

  1. Register your Own Domain
There are lots of online company which is doing hosting business. You can register your domain from any of these companies. In India, you have to pay Rs. 600 to Rs. 800 per year fees of domain registration. Choose the name of domain very carefully. Keyword, wiki should be plus point in the domain word.
  1. Host Your Domain
After register of your own domain, you have to host your domain. It is just like showroom. It is also on rent. For long term business, you must hire VPS. It will have more space and more speed of your wikisite. Its cost will be Rs. 3000 per month to Rs. 5000 per month. 

  1. Install MediaWiki Software in Your Hosting Space of Your Website
Now, it is the time to install Mediawiki software. All sites like wikipedia, wikihow and other operate on mediawiki software. You can take the help of your programmer for installing mediawiki in your wiki website. 

  1. Promote Your Wiki Site
Now, you wiki site is ready. Now, you have to promote it. Make two or 4 administrator of this. Eye on spam writing. Delete them. One year ago, I have also started wiki site. But I had stopped it due to attack of spam posting on my wikisite. That time, I did not hire good programmer. In future, I have planning to open wiki site also. For this, I will hire programmer for long term security of my wiki site. So, you also secure your wiki site also. Otherwise, your hosting free space will be used by spam.  Use advertising to promote your wiki website. More user will come to your wiki site. More content, they will write and more contents will be published. 

  1. Show Advertising 
When your wiki site will be popular. You can sell your wiki site's space to advertisers. Sign up google adsense and other famous advertising companies. Install their advertising code in your wiki site. Now, through advertising, you can make money from your wiki site. 

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