Wednesday, September 24, 2014





NAME OF THE TRUST :    _______________________TRUST

REGISTRATION NO.    :     _________________

We have audited the accounts of the above named Trust for the year ended                        31st March, 2008 and beg to report that:-

v  The accounts are maintained regularly and in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules;

v  Receipts and disbursements are properly and correctly shown in the accounts;

v  The Cash Balance and Voucher in the custody of the Trust or Trustee on the date of the audit are in the agreement with accounts;

v  Books, Deed, Accounts Voucher and other documents and records required by us were produced before us;

v  An inventory, certified by the trustee of the moveable of the Trust has / has not been maintained;       ----------------N.A.--------------------

v  The Trustee appeared before us and furnished the necessary information required by us;

v  No Property or Funds of the Trust were applied for any object or purpose other than the objects or Purposes of the Trust;

v  The amounts outstanding for more than one year is Rs. NIL  and the amount written off is Rs. NIL;

v  Tender were/were not invited for repairs or construction as the expenditure involved did / did not exceed Rs. 5,000/-. Looking to the nature of expenditure involved invitation of tenders was not required.

v  No alienations of immovable property has been made contrary to the provisions of section 36;

v  We have further to report that books of accounts are maintained on mercantile system of accounting.

For _______________________
                         Chartered Accountants
Date :


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