Monday, September 22, 2014



  1. Copy of appointment letter and acceptance thereof.
  2. Comparison with the last years Audit Report if available.
  3. VAT, Service Tax Registration Numbers- Assessment and return filing status to be furnished.
  4. Check the Digital signature of Client and Chartered Accountant and confirm that the digital signatures are not expired.
  5. Login into the income tax website using client’s login prior to uploading Tax audit forms so that no contact details update problem arises.
  6. Keep the passwords of digital signature ready.
  7. Confirm that chartered Accountant details are available like Pan No, Membership No, Address etc.
  8. Stock details of client’s business are required- obtain signed stock statement and keep it in file
  9. Are there any observations to be made? 
  10. Any inadmissible expenses are to be provided for.- prepare a list , get it signed and keep it in the file for reference 
  11. Check for Loans and repayment thereof comply with section 269SS and 269T.Obtain a Certificate from the Client.
  12. Confirm that Balance sheet and Profit and loss Account are signed both by the Auditor(with Stamp) and the Client and are scanned and converted into PDF.
  13. Tally data of client should be copied into CD’s.
  14. Confirm that data entered in is correct. Double check is required.
  15. Scrutinize the expenses debited to P& L Account, particularly the following expenses like telephone expenses, vehicle maintenance, travelling expenses, repairs and maintenance and bank charges.
  16. Advertisement expenditure (in case of souvenir, brochure, tract, pamplet) is inadmissible.

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