Sunday, September 14, 2014

Guidance Note on Tax Audit under Section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961

The term "gross receipts" is also not defined in the Act. It will include all receipts whether in cash or in kind arising from carrying on of the business which will normally be assessable as business income under the Act. Broadly speaking, the following items of income and/or receipts would be covered by the term "gross receipts in business":

(i) Cash assistance (by whatever name called) received or receivable by any person against exports under any scheme of the Government of India;

(ii) Any duty of customs or excise or service tax re-paid or repayable as drawback to any person against exports under the Customs and Central Excise Duties and Service tax Drawback Rules, 1995;

(iii) The aggregate of gross income by way of interest received by the money lender;

(iv) Commission, brokerage, service and other incidental charges received in the business of chit funds;

(v) Reimbursement of expenses incurred (e.g. packing, forwarding, freight, insurance, travelling etc.) and if the same is credited to a separate account in the books, only the net surplus on this account should be added to the turnover for the purposes of Section 44AB;

(vi) The net exchange rate difference on export sales during the year on the basis of the principle explained in (v) above will have to be added;
(vii) Hire charges of cold storage;
(viii) Liquidated damages;
(ix) Insurance claims - except for fixed assets;
(x) Sale proceeds of scrap, wastage etc. unless treated as part of sale or turnover, whether or not credited to miscellaneous income account;
(xi) Gross receipts including lease rent in the business of operating lease;
(xii) Finance income to reimburse and reward the lessor for his investment and services;
(xiii) Hire charges and instalments received in the course of hire purchase;
(xiv) Advance received and forfeited from customers.
(xv) the value of any benefit or perquisite, whether convertible into money or not, arising from business or the exercise of a profession

5.17 The following items would not form part of "gross receipts in business" for purposes of section 44AB.
(i) Sale proceeds of fixed assets including advance forfeited, if any;
(ii) Sale proceeds of assets held as investments;
(iii) Rental income unless the same is assessable as business income;
(iv) Dividends on shares except in the case of an assessee dealing in shares;
(v) Income by way of interest unless assessable as business income;
(vi) Reimbursement of customs duty and other charges collected by a clearing agent;
(vii) In the case of a recruiting agent, the advertisement charges received by him by way of reimbursement of expenses incurred by him;
(viii) In the case of a travelling agent, the amount received from the clients for payment to the airlines, railways etc. where such amounts are received by way of reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the client. If, however, the travel agent is conducting a package tour and charges a consolidated sum for transportation, boarding and lodging and other facilities, then the amount received from the members of group tour should form part of gross receipts;
(ix) In the case of an advertising agent, the amount of advertising charges recovered by him from his clients provided these are by way of reimbursement. But if the advertising agent books the advertisement space in bulk and recovers the charges from different clients, the amount received by him from the clients will not be the same as the charges paid by him and in such a case the amount recovered by him will form part of his gross receipts;
(x) Share of profit of a partner of a firm in the total income of the firm excluded from his total income under section 10(2A) of the Income-tax Act;
(xi) Write back of amounts payable to creditors and/or provisions for expenses or taxes no longer required.

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