Thursday, September 11, 2014


As per section 61 of companies act 2013
Limited companies altered MOA when authorized in AOA
When AOA not contain any provision related to increased in Authorized capital
(alteration in AOA section 14)
Then alteration in AOA by passing “Special Resolution” in EGM… Before holding EGM, Board Meeting is held and passed important Resolution
After alteration in AOA
Call Board meeting & passed following Resolution

 Approval of auditor for increased in authorized share capital

 Date fix for AGM

Approve agenda of EGM & explanatory statement

 Authorized Director for doing various activity

Hold EGM
Passed Ordinary Resolution for increased in authorized share capital as per section 61 of companies act 2013
Alteration in MOA
(share capital clause)
Alteration in MOA
(share capital clause)
E-form SH-7 is filled with ROC within 30 days of passing of Ordinary Resolution
Attachment of form SH-7

 Notice of EGM

 Copy of Ordinary Resolution

 Altered MOA

NOTE- Section 13 of Companies Act 2013 described to pass Special Resolution for alteration of MOA but it’s only for Name Change & register office change- in case of increase in Share Capital no provision is prescribed in Companies act 2013 so Ordinary Resolution is sufficient for increase in authorized Share Capital…

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