Monday, September 22, 2014



THIS Memorandum of Understanding is made at New Delhi on this 29th day of June, 2011 between:
……………………………..., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at ………………………………………………………………………, through its Authorised Signatory Mr. ……………………… (hereinafter may be referred as “the Company/Seller” which expression shall, wherever the context permits, be deemed to include its successors, legal representatives and assigns of the ONE PART)
Mr./Mrs./Ms.…………………………………………….S/o/W/o/Do…………………………………………… R/o……………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (hereinafter may be referred as “the investor/Buyer” which expression shall, wherever the context permits, be deemed to include his/her successors, legal representatives and assigns of the SECOND PART)


The Company is in the process of developing a commercial project under the name “……………..Mall” located at …………………….. Sonipat (hereinafter may be referred as “the Project”).

The Buyer is interested in advance registration of Shop/Commercial Unit No…………………….., having an area of ………………… Sq.ft. (Super builtup area) on the …........... Floor of the proposed project (hereinafter to be referred as “Unit”) for a total consideration of Rs. ……………………………. (Rupees ………………………………).

This Memorandum of Understanding (Hereinafter may be referred to as “MOU”) is made at New Delhi on this 29th day of June 2011 (Hereinafter referred to as the “Effective Date”)

The Buyer hereby confirms to the Company that he has made an upfront payment for the unit after clearly reading, understanding & agreeing to all the terms and conditions of the Company. The Buyer has clearly understood his rights, duties, responsibilities and obligations.

The Buyer hereby confirms to the Company that the Buyer is sufficiently acquainted with the laws, rules, notifications etc. in general and application of the said project in particular and has perused all the title documents and has satisfied himself of the terms and conditions of the development of the same as imposed by Govt. Authorities and fully understands the authority of the Company to construct, allot, sell, lease, transfer the rights, title and interest in the said project.

The Buyer acknowledges that he has verified & satisfied himself about the project. The Buyer acknowledge and confirms that the Company has provided all the information and clarifications as required by him and that he has made independent enquiries and used his best Judgment and discretion and satisfied himself in all respects and that he has made the decision independent of any representations or statements of any nature whatsoever made by the Company.

The Company relying on the commitments, confirmations and representations made by the Buyer to faithfully abide by all the terms, conditions and stipulations as stated above and is now willing to enter into this MOU on the terms and conditions contained in this MOU.

The Company and the buyer shall hereinafter be individually referred to as the “Party” and collectively referred to as the “Parties”.

The Buyer is a female then the terms “he”, “him”, “himself” etc. shall be read and constructed as “she”, “her’, “herself” etc. These expressions shall be modified and read suitable whenever the Buyer is a Body Corporate, or a Firm or any other artificial person or body.


1)    That the Buyer hereby agrees to make an upfront payment for the unit.

2)    That the price of the said Unit which is measuring …………. Feet is Rs……… per square feet amounting to a total Consideration of the said Unit as Rs. ……………………………. (Rupees ………………………………). 

3)    That the Buyer has opted for the “Down Payment Plan” and paid an amount of Rs……………………………… (Rupees…………………..……………) amounting to 95% of the total consideration of the unit to the Company in advance on the effective date as per the “Annexure A” attached herewith.  The Company hereby acknowledges the receipt of the amount paid by the Buyer. However, this MOU executed and signed by both the parties, shall be enforceable only after realization of all the cheques mentioned in the “Annexure A”.

4)    That the Buyer shall make the balance payment of the consideration and other charges such as EDC, IDC etc. as per the terms and conditions contained in the Builder Buyer Agreement.

5)    That the Company hereby undertakes to make fixed payment of Rs. …………./-(Rupees…………………) (hereinafter to be referred as “assured Return”) after the completion of every month to the Buyer w.e.f. the Effective Date i.e., ……………………till the maturity date (date of possession or two years whichever is later), which the Buyer duly accepted, irrespective of the possession of the unit being handed over to the buyer or not.

6)    That the Company will give monthly cheque to the buyer in the names of the sole owner/co-owners equally and is subject to deduction of TDS as per the rates prescribed in Income Tax Act, 1961 or any other law for the time being in force in the relevant period.

7)    That in case the said unit is leased out on or before the maturity date, and the lease rent is not less than the assured return, then the Company shall have no liability to pay the assured return. However, in the eventuality the lease rent is lower than the assured return the Company shall pay the differential amount to the buyer after deducting the lease rent from the assured return.

8)    That the Buyer agrees that the present payment of the assured return is the subject to the compliance of the terms and conditions as stated above. The buyer hereby duly authorizes the company to lease out the said unit on his behalf.

9)    The parties herein shall resolve all disputes in connection with this MOU amicably by mutual negotiation, failing which, the parties shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator to be nominated by the Company for Arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, with its statutory modifications, enactments or       re-enactments thereto. The Arbitration proceeding shall take place in New Delhi and the language to be used in the proceeding shall be English.

10) That this MOU shall be executed in two counterparts and each such counterpart shall be an independent instrument but both of them together constitute the one and same MOU. Each party shall be entitled to one such counterpart. Any change or amendment made to this MOU shall be made only in writing and signed by both parties.

11) Any notices required to be served by the parties under this MOU shall be served by hand delivery, registry or any other mode at the following address:

If to the Company:       Address: ……………………

 If to the Buyer:          Address:…………………

In the event of any change in the address the same may be duly notified in writing to the other party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this MOU on the day, month and year first written above in the token of acceptance thereto.

For the Company (…………………………………..)                    


For the Buyer



(Signature, Name, Father’s Name, Address)





Payment Receipt

Sr. No.
Payment Mode

Cheque No.
Cheque Date

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