Monday, September 22, 2014


I, ________  daughter  of __________, aged about 20 years ,  residing at _______________________________________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely  state as follows: 
1.         That  I, along with my mother ________and my brothers Mr.B.M.Ajitkumar and Mr.B.M.Rakeshkumar, had been residing at                  No.__________________________., and  the Identity Card , issued to me by the Election Commission of India  and the Aadhaar Card ,  issued to me by the Govt.. of India ., stand in the above address.


2.         That  we have now shifted our residence  to the above address stated above , (_______________________________________) since May 2014.    

3.         That we have applied for the necessary endorsement in our Family Card bearing No.__________  issued by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu to effect the change of residential address and a copy the acknowledgment issued  by the Asst.Commissioner , Civil Supplies an Consumer Protection Dept., Avadi Zone is herewith submitted .     

3.         That I, being selected as a Trainee in M/s.______________, hereby undertake to produce the copy of the Family Card as and when we receive it after the endorsement as to the change of residential address, made out by the Authority.
Place: Chennai                         
Date :06/07/2014
Verified on 06/07/2014 at  Chennai that the contents of the above mentioned affidavit are true and correct and nothing material has been concealed.


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