Sunday, September 14, 2014

Service Tax Reverse Charge w.e.f. 01.10.2014

For the services: Goods Transport by Road,Sponsorship, Advocate, Directors,

Government Support Service, Hiring Cars, Manpower incl. security, Works contracts.

Goods Transport by RoadUp to Rs.750 per carriage, Rs.1500 per goods carriage exempted and 75% abatement available3.090%--
DirectorsSitting fee etc12.36%--
Govt support ServCISF, police etc12.36%--
Hiring cars :if cenvat not availed by service provider4.944%--
if cenvat not availed by service provider (SP-Company)--4.944%
if cenvat is availed by service provider6.180%6.180%-
if cenvat is availed by service provider(SP-Company)--12.36%
Manpower incl. Security:SR-75%, SP-25%9.270%3.090%-
If SP is a company--12.36%
Works contract- where material value can be seggregatedSR-50%, SP-50%6.180%6.180%-
If SP is a company12.36%
Works contract- Valuation Rule-70 %SR-50%, SP-50%4.326%4.326%
If SP is a company8.652%
SR- SERVICE RECEIPENTNon-Co: Other than Company

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