Sunday, October 19, 2014

Gateway of Tally.ERP 9 understand main menu of Tally.ERP 9

In Tally.ERP 9 Voucher entry section is the place where you can feed your data in the software.
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Here is the typical main menu of Tally.ERP 9 software which is also called as Gateway of Tally.ERP 9
As in the below screen, you can see Transactions which contains Accounting vouchers and Inventory vouchers. (Note that the second option will be activated only if while creating you have opted Accounts with inventory). You can activate inventory option any time.
tally main menu 1
tallynine menu
Let’s summarise in brief
Masters are  related to master ledgers which transactions can’t be possible.When we create a new company, by default there will be only two ledgers system created so to post any vouchers, we must first create some master ledgers
Transactions related to posting of real Accounting vouchers, inventory vouchers, Orders vouchers and Payroll vouchers
Utilities refers to import of masters/vouchers from excel/xml etc
Banking menu offers  some very useful options of proper storing, printing managing data related to banking, cheque printing, deposit slip printing, searching a cheque number and so on.
Reports  as the name and menu suggest offers display and printing of various financial reports, Balance sheets, profit and loss account, inventory statements and so on.
The key thing to remember is that as soon as you post a voucher a balance sheet or a corresponding report will create on its own that means you don’t need to prepare a balance sheet in Tally.ERP 9. Tally software will prepare balance sheet for you!
The short code to activate Voucher entry is V. Here Voucher Entry means Financial vouchers.
Let’s see which type of Vouchers are there which we can enter and it’s effect on Accounts and Balance Sheet.
Display is same as reports but provides more  in-depth reports/books of accounts.
Now, let’s explore Payment Vouchers
01. Payment Vouchers (Short Code F5)
When the money is paid from the bank account of the company/firm/individual proprietorship, or from its cash box, the transaction is to be entered through the Payment Voucher.
When a third-party pays money on your behalf to someone else, Payment voucher will  not be used. In that case a journal voucher to be used.
Effect of the Payment Voucher.
– If you are paying to suppliers, your cash /bank balance will reduce by that amount and your liabilities will reduce.
Here is the voucher Entry section . Look to the right side bar.
Just have a look to the TOP LEFT side bar as mentioned payment in red color it displays the current voucher type you have selected and you can pass only payment entry here.
Now look to right side bar where you can find other voucher types like Receipts, Contra, Journal, Sales, purchases etc.
It also gives short code too for e.g. F2 is to select/change the date of the voucher entry.
The top navigation bar shows options like print, export email, upload etc which are useful after passing a voucher.
voucher entry screen1
Voucher entry
We will see more about this in coming articles.
Journal Vouchers (F7) can also be used to pass payment vouchers but that is not a good idea.  Using specific vouchers help us on proper filtering and searching related data for when of need. Further Tally.ERP 9’s recent updated offers  enhanced features in payment vouchers like instruments numbers, cheque series, nature of payment, bank name. These information are very helpful at a later stage  and will help in proper maintenance of accounting.

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